Common Pediatrics Infectious Diseases


Слайд 2

Is a widespread rashIs a widespread rash, usually viralIs a widespread rash,

Is a widespread rashIs a widespread rash, usually viralIs a widespread rash,
usually viral, and usually occurring in children.
It represents either a reaction to a toxin It represents either a reaction to a toxin produced by the organism damage to the skin It represents either a reaction to a toxin produced by the organism damage to the skin by the organism an immune response. or due to a drug, most commonly antibiotics.


Слайд 3


Scarlet fever
Chicken pox.
Erythema infectiosum.
Roseola infantum.

Exanthema Measles. Rubella. Scarlet fever Chicken pox. Erythema infectiosum. Roseola infantum.

Слайд 4

Historically, exanthems in children have been numbered in the order they were

Historically, exanthems in children have been numbered in the order they were
First disease - RubeolaFirst disease - Rubeola, MeaslesFirst disease - Rubeola, Measles (caused by Morbillivirus)
Second disease -rubella, German measles caused rubella virus)
Third disease -,scarlet fever,scarlatina,caused by Group A strep- the only bacterial exanthem.
Fourth disease- varicella –chicken pox- hepes zoster
Fifth disease Erythema infectiosum caused by parvo virus B19
Sixth disease Roseola infantum. Caused by human herpes virus simplex 6

Слайд 6


Measles, also known as rubeola, is a disease, is a disease caused

Measles Measles, also known as rubeola, is a disease, is a disease
by a virus, is a disease caused by a virus, specifically a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus.
Measles is spread through respiration (contact with fluidsMeasles is spread through respiration (contact with fluids from an infectedMeasles is spread through respiration (contact with fluids from an infected person's nose and mouth, either directly or through aerosol transmission), and is highly contagious.
The incubation period The incubation period usually lasts for 10-12 days (during which there are no symptoms).
Infected people remain contagious from the appearance of the first symptoms until 3-5 days after the rash appears.

Слайд 7

fever for at least three days, 40° Celsius.
Three Cs—coughs—cough, coryzas—cough, coryza

Symptoms fever for at least three days, 40° Celsius. Three Cs—coughs—cough, coryzas—cough,
(runny nose) conjunctivitis (red eyes)
Koplik's spots seen inside the mouth are pathognomonic transient and may disappear within a day of arising.
Maculopapular, erythematous, erythematous rash that begins several days after the fever starts. It starts on the head before spreading to cover most of the body. The measles rash also classically "stains" by changing colour from red to dark brown before disappearing later. The rash can be itchy.

Слайд 8

A detailed history. vaccination history, contact history, and travel history.
Clinical diagnosis of

DIAGNOSIS A detailed history. vaccination history, contact history, and travel history. Clinical
measles requires a history of fever of at least three days together with at least one of the three Cs.
Observation of Koplik's spots is also diagnostic of measles.
Laboratory diagnosis of measles can be done with confirmation of positive measles IgM antibodies or isolation of measles virus RNA from respiratory specimens.
Positive contact with other patients known to have measles adds strong epidemiological evidence to the diagnosis.

Слайд 10



Measles Measles

Слайд 11


No specific therapy for measles .
Adequate hydration and antipyretics.
Avoid strong light :photophobia.

TREATMENT No specific therapy for measles . Adequate hydration and antipyretics. Avoid
ribavirin in severe cases.
High dose vit A supplementation for 6M to 2 years old need hospitilization ,HIV-infected infants,and infant in endemic areas in devoloping countries.

Слайд 12

Otitis media.the most common
Interstitial pneumonia.
giant cell pneumonia.
Activate latent T.B.
Myocarditis ,and mesentric

Complications Otitis media.the most common Interstitial pneumonia. giant cell pneumonia. Activate latent
Subacute scelorosing panencephlitis.

Слайд 13


Death due to bronchopneumonia or encephlitis,and subacute scelorosing panencephlitis.
Mortality rate is 15%with

Prognosis Death due to bronchopneumonia or encephlitis,and subacute scelorosing panencephlitis. Mortality rate
20% to 30% of survivor having serious neurological sequele.
Prevented by vaccine.

Слайд 14

Prevention & vaccination

MMR vaccine
first dose 12 to 15 months

Prevention & vaccination MMR vaccine first dose 12 to 15 months of
of age.
second dose at school entry
People who have measles should limit their contact with others.
within 3 days ------ vaccine
within 6 days ------ immunoglobin

Слайд 15

German measles
Three days measles

Rubella German measles Three days measles

Слайд 16

Rubella ( German Measles )

Rubella is also called as 3 day Measles or

Rubella ( German Measles ) Rubella is also called as 3 day
German Measles.
Family – Togaviridae
Genus - Rubivirus
In general belong to Togavirus group

Слайд 17

Rubella Virus
Rubella virus are
ss – RNA virus
Diameter 50 – 70

Rubella Virus Rubella virus are ss – RNA virus Diameter 50 –
Enveloped Spherical
Virus carry hemagglutinin
Virus multiply in the cytoplasam of infected cell.

Слайд 18

Clinical findings
Low grade fever
Morbilliform rash
Rash starts on Face Extremities
Rarely lasts more

Clinical findings Malaise Low grade fever Morbilliform rash Rash starts on Face
than 5 days
No features of the rash give clues to definitive diagnosis of Rubella.

Слайд 19

Systemic events of Rubella Infection

Systemic events of Rubella Infection

Слайд 20

Adults and children:
swollen glands or lymph nodes (may persist for up to

Adults and children: swollen glands or lymph nodes (may persist for up
a week)
fever (rarely rises above 38 degrees Celsius
rash (Appears on the face and then spreads to the trunk and limbs. It appears as pink dots under the skin. It appears on the first or third day of the illness but it disappears after a few days with no staining or peeling of the skin)
Forchheimer's signForchheimer's sign occurs in 20% of cases, and is characterized by small, red papulesForchheimer's sign occurs in 20% of cases, and is characterized by small, red papules on the area of the soft palate

Слайд 21

Other manifestations and complications
May produce transient Arthritis, in women in particular.
Serious complications

Other manifestations and complications May produce transient Arthritis, in women in particular.

Слайд 22

Classical Triad of Rubella

Classical Triad
Cardiac abnormalities
Other manifestations
Growth retardation

Classical Triad of Rubella Classical Triad Cataract Cardiac abnormalities Deafness Other manifestations
CNS defects lead to moderate to profound mental retardation

Слайд 23

Diagnosis of Congenital Rubella Syndrome
Demonstration of Rubella antibodies of IgM in a new

Diagnosis of Congenital Rubella Syndrome Demonstration of Rubella antibodies of IgM in
born is diagnostic value. As IgM group donot cross the placenta and they are produce in the infected fetus,

Слайд 24

Immunity - Rubella

Antibodies appear in serum as rash fades and antibody titers

Immunity - Rubella Antibodies appear in serum as rash fades and antibody
Rapid raise in 1 – 3 weeks
Rash in association with detection of IgM indicates recent infection.
IgG antibodies persist for life

Слайд 25

Immunity - Protects
One attack of Rubella infection, protects for life
Immune mothers transfer

Immunity - Protects One attack of Rubella infection, protects for life Immune
antibodies to off springs who are in turn are protected for 4 – 6 months.

Слайд 26

Treatment, Prevention, Control

No specific treatment is available
CRS can be prevented by effective

Treatment, Prevention, Control No specific treatment is available CRS can be prevented
immunization of the young children and teenage girls, remain the best option to prevent Congenital Rubella Syndrome.
The component of Rubella in MMR vaccine protects the vaccinated

Слайд 27

MMR Vaccine

The MMR vaccine is a mixture of three live attenuated viruses

MMR Vaccine The MMR vaccine is a mixture of three live attenuated
is a mixture of three live attenuated viruses, administered via injection for immunization is a mixture of three live attenuated viruses, administered via injection for immunization against measles is a mixture of three live attenuated viruses, administered via injection for immunization against measles, mumps is a mixture of three live attenuated viruses, administered via injection for immunization against measles, mumps and rubella is a mixture of three live attenuated viruses, administered via injection for immunization against measles, mumps and rubella. It is generally administered to children around the age of one year, with a second dose before starting school (i.e. age 4/5). The second dose is not a booster; it is a dose to produce immunity in the small number of persons (2-5%) who fail to develop measles immunity after the first dose In the United States, the vaccine was licensed in 1963 and the second dose was introduced in the mid 1990s. It is widely used in all National, Universal Immunization programmes

Слайд 28



Слайд 29


Chickenpox and zoster are caused by varicella -zoster virus .
(VZV) ,an enveloped

Etiology Chickenpox and zoster are caused by varicella -zoster virus . (VZV)
,double stranded DNA virus that is a member of the herpes virus family.
Human are the only natural host.

Слайд 30

Etiology cont…
After resolution of chickenpox,the virus persists in latent phase in the

Etiology cont… After resolution of chickenpox,the virus persists in latent phase in
dorsal root ganglia cell.
Its highly communicable with secondary attack rate of more than 90%.

Слайд 31

The Stages of Chickenpox

Incubation Period
Usually (14-17 days)

Prodrome (1 – 3 days)



The Stages of Chickenpox Incubation Period Usually (14-17 days) Prodrome (1 –


Recovery typically 7 days after
rash appears (ranges 5 - 35 days)

Слайд 32

Clinical Features

Mild prodrome (fever, malaise) for 1-2 days
Successive crops (2-4 days) of

Clinical Features Mild prodrome (fever, malaise) for 1-2 days Successive crops (2-4
pruritic vesicles
Generally appear first on head; most concentrated on trunk
Can spread over the entire body causing between 250 to 500 itchy blisters
Generally mild in healthy children

Слайд 35


Birth within 1 wk before or after the onset of

NEONATAL CHICKENPOX. Birth within 1 wk before or after the onset of
maternal varicella frequently results in the newborn developing varicella, which may be severe.
The initial infection is intrauterine, although the newborn often develops clinical chickenpox postpartum.
The risk to the newborn is dependent on the amount of maternal anti-VZV antibody that the fetus acquired transplacentally before birth.

Слайд 36

Damage to Sensory Nerves. Cicatricial skin lesions
Hypopigmentation.Damage to Optic Stalk and

Damage to Sensory Nerves. Cicatricial skin lesions Hypopigmentation.Damage to Optic Stalk and
Lens Vesicle.Microphthalmia.Cataracts.Chorioretinitis.optic atrophy.Damage to Brain/Encephalitis,Microcephaly.Hydrocephaly
Calcifications.Aplasia of brain
Damage to Cervical or Lumbosacral Cord
Hypoplasia of an extremity.Motor and sensory deficits
Absent deep tendon reflexes.Anisocoria.Horner syndrome,Anal/urinary sphincter dysfunction

Stigmata of Varicella-Zoster Virus Fetopathy:

Слайд 38

Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Reactivation of Varicella Zoster Virus
Associated with:
Intrauterine exposure
Varicella at <18

Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Reactivation of Varicella Zoster Virus Associated with: Aging Immunosuppression Intrauterine exposure Varicella at
month of age

Слайд 40

Groups at Increased Risk of Complications

Normal Adults
Immunocompromised persons
Newborns with maternal rash onset

Groups at Increased Risk of Complications Normal Adults Immunocompromised persons Newborns with
within 5 days before to 48 hours after delivery

Слайд 41

Can you get chickenpox more than once?

But it is uncommon to

Can you get chickenpox more than once? Yes But it is uncommon
do so.
For most people, one infection is thought to confer lifelong immunity.

Слайд 42

What Complications Result From Varicella?

The most common complications are:
Bacterial infections of

What Complications Result From Varicella? The most common complications are: Bacterial infections
the skin and soft tissues in children
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Necrotizing Fascitis
Bacterial pneumonia
Septic arthritis. 

Слайд 43

What home treatments are available for chickenpox?

Fingernails trimmed short
Calamine lotion and

What home treatments are available for chickenpox? Fingernails trimmed short Calamine lotion
Aveeno (oatmeal) baths may help relieve some of the itching
Aspirin or aspirin-containing products to relieve your child's fever are not recommended.
The use of aspirin has been associated with development of Reye syndrome (a severe disease affecting all organs - most seriously affecting the liver and brain, that may cause death).
The use of non aspirin medications such as acetaminophen is recommended.

Слайд 44

Varicella Vaccine Recommendations

Routine vaccination at 12 to 18 months of age
Recommended for

Varicella Vaccine Recommendations Routine vaccination at 12 to 18 months of age
all susceptible children by the 13th birthday
Persons >13 years of age without history of Varicella
Two doses separated by 4 – 8 weeks

Слайд 45

Zoster Following Vaccination

Most cases in children
Risk from wild virus 4 to 5

Zoster Following Vaccination Most cases in children Risk from wild virus 4
times higher than from vaccine virus
Mild illness without complications

Слайд 46

Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin (VZIG)

May modify or prevent disease if given <96

Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin (VZIG) May modify or prevent disease if given
hours after exposure
Immunocompromised persons
Newborn of mothers with onset 5 days before to 2 days after birth
Premature infants with postnatal exposure
Susceptible adults and pregnant women

Слайд 47

Erythema infectiosum fifth disease

Erythema infectiosum fifth disease

Слайд 48

Erythema infectiosum fifth disease:

Caused by human parvovirus B19.
In children between

Erythema infectiosum fifth disease: Caused by human parvovirus B19. In children between
three and 12 years of age, although it can present as a rheumatic syndrome in adults.
The prodrome : fever, anorexia, sore throat and abdominal pain.
Once the fever resolves, the classic bright-red facial rash (“slapped cheek”) appears.
Exanthem progresses to a diffuse, lacy, reticular rash that may wax and wane for six to eight weeks .

Слайд 49

Erythema infectiosum

Erythema infectiosum

Слайд 50

The incubation period is usually 7-10 days but can be 4-21 days.

The incubation period is usually 7-10 days but can be 4-21 days.

The mechanism producing the dermatologic and rheumatologic features is unknown but thought to represent antigen-antibody (Ag-Ab) complexes in the skin and joints.
Arthropathy is observed most commonly in adult women and occurs in fewer than 10% of children. It is a symmetric polyarthritis, usually involving finger joints. The onset of joint symptoms occurs 2-3 weeks after exposure

Слайд 51

Roseola infantum

Roseola infantum

Слайд 52


Roseola infantum is the sixth of the traditional exanthems of childhood.

Background Roseola infantum is the sixth of the traditional exanthems of childhood.

The condition is an acute benign disease of childhood characterized by a history of a prodromal febrile illness lasting approximately 3 days, followed by the appearance of a faint pink maculopapular rash.

Слайд 53

HHV-6 was identified as the etiologic agent in 1988.
This large, double-stranded (DNA)

Causes: HHV-6 was identified as the etiologic agent in 1988. This large,
virus is a member of the Herpesviridae family.
The incubation period
is approximately 9 days (range, 5-15 d).

Слайд 54

Roseola is usually a self-limited illness with no sequelae.
The major morbidity

Mortality/Morbidity: Roseola is usually a self-limited illness with no sequelae. The major
associated with roseola is seizures (6-15%) during the febrile phase of the illness.
Encephalitis, fulminant hepatitis, and disseminated infection with HHV-6 are extremely rare manifestations.

Слайд 55

Most cases present within the first 2 years of life, with peak

History: Most cases present within the first 2 years of life, with
occurrence in infants aged 9m-2y
Roseola is typically characterized by a history of high fever followed by characteristic rash.
Fever (often up to 40°C)
Rash (fades within a few hours to 2 d)
Maculopapular or erythematous
Typically beginning on the trunk and may spread to involve the neck and extremities
Blanches on pressure

Слайд 56

 Medication :
 To date, no controlled antiviral trials exist against HHV-6..
Prevention :

Medication : To date, no controlled antiviral trials exist against HHV-6.. Prevention
Because of the ubiquity of the virus, isolation of patients with HHV-6 infection is probably unnecessary

Слайд 58

Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever

Слайд 59

Scarlet fever

Is an exotoxinIs an exotoxin-mediated disease caused by Group A streptococcal

Scarlet fever Is an exotoxinIs an exotoxin-mediated disease caused by Group A
infectionIs an exotoxin-mediated disease caused by Group A streptococcal infection that occurs most often in association with a sore throat and rarely with impetigo or other streptococcal infections.
Scarlet fever is not rheumatic fever rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever is the autoimmune disease that occurs after infection with Group A strep that causes damage to the heart valves.
The disease was once greatly feared and killed many thousands of people. Today, however, it is fairly easy to treat with modern antibiotics.

Слайд 60

Clinical manifestation
Scarlet fever generally has a 1- to 4-days incubation period.
Emergence of

Clinical manifestation Scarlet fever generally has a 1- to 4-days incubation period.
the illness tends to be abrupt, usually manifested by sudden onset of fever associated with sore throat, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, myalgias, and malaise.
The characteristic rash appears 12-48 hours after onset of fever.
In the untreated patient, fever peaks by the second day (as high as 103-104°F) and gradually returns to normal in 5-7 days.
Fever abates within 12-24 hours after initiation of antibiotic therapy.

Слайд 61

Skin rash scarlatina

generally starts on the chest, axilla , and behind the

Skin rash scarlatina generally starts on the chest, axilla , and behind
worse in the skin folds
Pastia linesPastia lines (small linear petechiae) appear and persist after the rash is gone
Scarlet fever also produces a bright red tongue with a "strawberry" appearance.
The area around the mouth is usually pale (circumoral pallor)
After about a week, the skin often desquamates or peels, usually in the groin, axilla, and on tips of fingers and toes

Слайд 65


arise from suppurative complications such as;
*peritonsillar abscess,
*and meningitis,

Complications arise from suppurative complications such as; *peritonsillar abscess, *sinusitis, *bronchopneumonia, *and
or problems associated with immune system as rheumatic fever or

Слайд 66

Desquamation, one of the most distinctive features of scarlet fever, begins 7-10

Desquamation, one of the most distinctive features of scarlet fever, begins 7-10
days after resolution of the rash and may continue up to 6 weeks.

Слайд 68

Lab Studies:
1. Throat culture remains the “gold standard” for confirmation of

Lab Studies: 1. Throat culture remains the “gold standard” for confirmation of
group A streptococcal upper respiratory infection.
antistreptolysine o titere

Слайд 69


Pediatric Dose
<12 year: 25-50 mg/kg/d PO divided tid/qid; not to exceed 3

treatment penicillin Pediatric Dose 12 year: Administer as in adults Adult Dose
g/d >12 year: Administer as in adults
Adult Dose 250 mg PO tid/qid for 10 d
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity

Слайд 70


Staphylococcus aureus exotoxins responsible for classic

TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME AND SCALDED SKIN SYNDROME Staphylococcus aureus exotoxins responsible for
toxic shock syndrome and scalded skin syndrome.
Presention : hypotension, erythema, fever and multisystem dysfunction.
The rash : diffuse and can present as bullous impetigo, scarlatiniform lesions or diffuse erythema.
The mucous membranes :spared

Слайд 73

Coxsackie viruses and other enteroviruses

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease: the children develop fever and

Coxsackie viruses and other enteroviruses Hand-foot-and-mouth disease: the children develop fever and
rash. The rash includes blisters to the mouth and tongue, to the hands and the feet.
Herpangina causes a fever, sore throat, and painful blisters or ulcers to the back of the mouth.

Слайд 74

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

coxsackieviruses A and B
Vesicular lesions, may be petechial
Associated with aseptic

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease Enteroviruses coxsackieviruses A and B echoviruses Vesicular lesions, may be
meningitis, myocarditis

Слайд 76

Infectious Mononucleosis

Acute, self limited illness
Epstein-Barr virus
Oral transmission – incubation 30-50 days
Fever, fatigue,

Infectious Mononucleosis Acute, self limited illness Epstein-Barr virus Oral transmission – incubation
pharyngitis, LA, splenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis
Exanthem is seen in 10-15%
Erythematous, maculopapular, morbilliform, scarlatiniform, urticarial, hemorrhagic, or even nodular

Слайд 77


Superficial infection of the dermis
Two types:
Impetigo contagiosa
Bullous impetigo
Group A ß hemolytic

Impetigo Superficial infection of the dermis Two types: Impetigo contagiosa Bullous impetigo
Coagulase positive S. aureus
Treatment : Keflex, erythromycin, Bactroban

Слайд 79

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Most common rickettsial infection in US
Abrupt fever, headache, and

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Most common rickettsial infection in US Abrupt fever,
Rash from extremities towards trunk

Слайд 81

Periorbital- Orbital Cellulitis

S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, and HIB
CBC, blood culture, CT

Periorbital- Orbital Cellulitis S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, and HIB CBC, blood culture,

Слайд 83

Kawasaki Syndrome

Unknown etiology
Peak incidence 18-24 months
Clinical findings:
Fever for at least five days

Kawasaki Syndrome Unknown etiology Peak incidence 18-24 months Clinical findings: Fever for
Oral cavity changes
Cervical adenopathy

Слайд 85

Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum

Impressive title - harmless skin condition
Erythematous macule with a central

Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum Impressive title - harmless skin condition Erythematous macule with
tiny papule, seen anywhere - except the palms and soles.
The lesions are packed with eosinophils, and there may be accompanying eosinophilia in the blood count.
The cause is unknown, and no treatment is required as the rash disappears after 1-2 weeks.

Слайд 87


Prickly heat, sweat rash
Many red macules with central papules, vesicles or

Miliaria Prickly heat, sweat rash Many red macules with central papules, vesicles
pustules are present.
These may be on the trunk, diaper area, head or neck.

Слайд 89

Infantile Atopic Dermatitis

Cause is unknown
Red, itchy papules and plaques that ooze and

Infantile Atopic Dermatitis Cause is unknown Red, itchy papules and plaques that
Sites of Predilection
Face in the young
Extensor surfaces of the arms and legs 8-10 mo.
Antecubital and popliteal fossa , neck, face in older

Слайд 91

Eczema- Treatment

Avoidance or elimination of predisposing factors
Hydration and lubrication of dry skin

Eczema- Treatment Avoidance or elimination of predisposing factors Hydration and lubrication of
Topical steroids

Слайд 92

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Common, generally self-limiting
Its cause remains ill-understood
There is a genetic predisposition

Seborrheic Dermatitis Common, generally self-limiting Its cause remains ill-understood There is a
frequent between the ages of 1 to 6 mo.
Greasy, salmon-colored scaling eruption
Hair-bearing and intertriginous areas
The rash causes no discomfort or itching

Слайд 95

Seborrheic Dermatitis-Treatment

Anti-seborrheic shampoo
Topical steroids

Seborrheic Dermatitis-Treatment Anti-seborrheic shampoo Topical steroids

Слайд 96

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Most common congenital viral infection
~40,000 infants per year in the U.S.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Most common congenital viral infection ~40,000 infants per year in
self limiting illness
Transmission can occur with primary infection or reactivation of virus
40% risk of transmission in primary infxn
Studies suggest increased risk of transmission later in pregnancy
However, more severe sequalae associated with earlier acquisition

Слайд 97

Clinical Manifestations

90% are asymptomatic at birth!
Up to 15% develop symptoms later, notably

Clinical Manifestations 90% are asymptomatic at birth! Up to 15% develop symptoms
sensorineural hearing loss
Symptomatic infection
SGA, HSM, petechiae, jaundice, chorioretinitis, periventricular calcifications, neurological deficits
>80% develop long term complications
Hearing loss, vision impairment, developmental delay

Слайд 98

Ventriculomegaly and calcifications of congenital CMV

Ventriculomegaly and calcifications of congenital CMV

Слайд 99


Maternal IgG shows only past infection
Infection common – this is useless
Viral isolation

Diagnosis Maternal IgG shows only past infection Infection common – this is
from urine or saliva in 1st 3weeks of life
Afterwards may represent post-natal infection
Viral load and DNA copies can be assessed by PCR
Less useful for diagnosis, but helps in following viral activity in patient
Serologies not helpful given high antibody in population
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