Communicative Subtitling – Six Levels of Functionality


Слайд 2

Two Traditions in Subtitling
Verbatim – goal and ideal word for word, but,

Two Traditions in Subtitling Verbatim – goal and ideal word for word, but, alas... Communicative

Слайд 3

The Verbatim Tradition – The Origins
Intralingual subtitling; deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) audience

The Verbatim Tradition – The Origins Intralingual subtitling; deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH)

Political motivation: ”No sensorship!”
Receptional factor: Synchrony between subtitles and lip movement
Focus on microlevel equivalence even in interlingual subtitling (goal and ideal)
Reported problems in the reception (e.g. reading speed)

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The Communicative Tradition – The Origins
Subtitling practices in the traditional subtitling countries

The Communicative Tradition – The Origins Subtitling practices in the traditional subtitling
(particularly the Nordic countries)
Guiding principle: The reception of subtitled AV content vs. spoken AV content (whether by hearing or DHH audience)
Focus on holistic correspondence & viewing experience vs. Microlevel equivalence on verbal level

Слайд 5

A Not So Untypical Case of Communicative Subtitling
Snap out of it! -

A Not So Untypical Case of Communicative Subtitling Snap out of it!
Kakista ulos! (Spit it out!)
(Magnolia, DVD)
=> No semantic equivalence on the verbal level

Слайд 6

10 Minutes of a German Comedy Subtitled into Finnish
13/96 TT lines –

10 Minutes of a German Comedy Subtitled into Finnish 13/96 TT lines
No semantic correspondence
11 ST lines – No translation in TT
75/96 TT lines – Partial adaptation
8/96 TT lines – Semantic correspondence

Слайд 7

Subtitling as Translation & Communication – Theoretical Foundations, Part 1

Teleological concept of

Subtitling as Translation & Communication – Theoretical Foundations, Part 1 Teleological concept
subtitling as a form of translation (Vuoristo; Toury; functionalists, such as Nord, Vermeer)
Communication precedes language
Linguistic communication
Time & Place
Six Levels of Functionality (Vuoristo 1982)
Applies to all translation

Слайд 8

What is Special About Subtitling? – Theoretical Foundations, Part 2
The nature of

What is Special About Subtitling? – Theoretical Foundations, Part 2 The nature
audiovisual texts
Media of emotions => viewing experience
The verbal element AV-context-specific vs. context-dependent
in terms of meaning, function & style
AV context part of source text & target text (cf. Zabalbeascoa 2008)
Highly target communication oriented
<= paramount communicative function: viewing experience
<= conditions for the reception of subtitled AV content
Subtitling solutions highly specific to not only the target language and the target culture but also the target text & medium
Microlevel, verbal equivalence not the goal nor the ideal

Слайд 9

Communicative vs. Verbatim
- The Task

Image-Verbal-Sound Image Line Sound
Subtitle Subtitle

Communicative vs. Verbatim - The Task Image-Verbal-Sound Image Line Sound ST ST
TT = Subtitled Film TT = Subtitles

Слайд 10

Another Definition

The task is to create a subtitled script
for specific audiovisual

Another Definition The task is to create a subtitled script for specific
elements from the entire source text
specific target language, target culture,
& target medium

Слайд 11

Two Different AV Texts
Spoken Film (ST) Subtitled Film (TT)
Shared functionality

Two Different AV Texts Spoken Film (ST) Subtitled Film (TT) Shared functionality
- AV message

Слайд 12

Six Levels of Functionality
AV Message
(AV) Textuality
Verbal language

- hierarchical
- interdependent

Six Levels of Functionality Socio-culture Action Communication AV Message (AV) Textuality Verbal

Слайд 13

Example – Role of the Verbal Element in the Subtitled Film
GE: Da

Example – Role of the Verbal Element in the Subtitled Film GE:
unten auf dem Kalbfell ist noch ein Plätzchen frei.
(EN: There is still some room on the calf skin.)
FI: Tuolla vasikannahkataljalla on vielä vähän tilaa.
Finnish subtitle:
Istumaan. (Do sit down.)
(Der bewegte Mann; Yle)

Слайд 14

Levels of Functionality - Example of Hierarchy
Yeah, and now it shows up at

Levels of Functionality - Example of Hierarchy Yeah, and now it shows
the same time as an anthrax outbreak.
Doesn't sound very likely.
Nyt tauteja esiintyy yhtä aikaa.
Kumma juttu. (Verbatim: Funny thing. That’s funny/weird.)
(Canadian TV Series, Regenesis; Yle)
=> The style of the subtitle was determined by the levels of
1) communication (programme/text genre: fiction/dialogue)
2) AV message (the style of the character)

Слайд 15

Levels of Functionality – Example of Interdependence

Action & Actors – e.g. Image

Levels of Functionality – Example of Interdependence Socio-culture Action & Actors –
of the TV Company
Communication – e.g. Viewing experience
AV message – e.g. unclear (formulation of) message
Textuality – e.g. poor cohesion or coherence
Language – ungrammatical or unidiomatic language

Слайд 16

Benefits of Thinking on Functionality Levels

Students learn to
understand the complexity of

Benefits of Thinking on Functionality Levels Students learn to understand the complexity
subtitling (and all translation; incl. conventions viz à viz context-specific ”interventions”)
conceptualize the subtitling process and their subtitling solutions
think holistically, i.e., communicatively
focus on the functionality of the TT (subtitled film/TV programme) for the target audience, beoynd the meanings in the ST (original spoken film/TV programme)
Combine theory and practice
Discuss and argue for their solutions; give founded feedback (professionality)
Demand reasonable terms and conditions for their work (professionality)
Do research with a holistic tool

Слайд 17

Further Implications for Teaching, Part 1

Film & TV studies from the point

Further Implications for Teaching, Part 1 Film & TV studies from the
of view of AV translation
The nature of AV texts
media of emotions (Hietala 2007) => viewing experience
Interplay of the various modalities (Zabalbeascoa 2008, Chaume 2004, Gambier 2013)
Script writing (e.g. Martínez-Sierra 2012)
The medium: Film, TV, DVD, video games, etc.
Production process, production of manuscripts, etc. (e.g. Cattrysse & Gambier 2008)
Genres, including text genres (functions, norms & conventions)
Analysis of dialogue (e.g. Remael 2004, based on Linell, P.)
Subtitles as a text genre (functions, norms & conventions)

Слайд 18

Further Implications for Teaching, Part 2
Hands-on exercises
Analysis of professionally subtitled AV content

Further Implications for Teaching, Part 2 Hands-on exercises Analysis of professionally subtitled
focus on one level or aspect at a time
Intralingual subtitling
Subtitling of ”Greek” AV content into L1 Language
Subtitling from L2 Language into L1 Language

Слайд 19

Selected Bibliography

Cattrysse, P. & Gambier, Y. (2008). Screenwriting and translating screenplays. In

Selected Bibliography Cattrysse, P. & Gambier, Y. (2008). Screenwriting and translating screenplays.
Díaz-Cintas, J. (Ed.), The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation. 39-55. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Chaume, F. (2004). Film Studies and Translation Studies: Two Disciplines at Stake in Audiovisual Translation. Meta, XLIX(1), 12–24.
Gambier, Y. (2013). The Position of Audiovisual Translation Studies. In Millan-Varela, C. & Bartrina F. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Translation studies. 45–59. London and New York: Routledge.
Martínez-Sierra, J.J. (2012). On the Relevance of Script Writing Basics in Audiovisual Translation Practice and Training. Cadernos de Tradução nº 29, 145-163, Florianópolis - 2012/1
Remael, A. (2008). Screenwriting, scripted and unscripted language. What do subtitlers need to know? In Díaz-Cintas, J. (Ed.), The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation. 57–67. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Zabalbeascoa, P. (2008). The nature of the audiovisual text and its parameters. In Díaz Cintas, J. (ed.), The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation. 21–37.

Слайд 20

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