Слайд 2Lesson-03
February 23, 2015 Monday
Complete & Simple Subject explained;
Complete & Simple Subject video;

& Simple Subject exercise.
Слайд 3Complete & Simple Subjects
Every sentence must have a subject and predicate.
The subject

of a sentence is sometimes made up of several words which describe it in greater detail than a single word would. This is called a complete subject.
If you strip down the complete subject to its simplest noun, then you have the simple subject.
If extra descriptive information is not given for the subject, then the complete and simple subjects are the same.
The following worksheet gives students practice in identifying both the complete and simple subjects of a sentence.
Слайд 4Complete & Simple
The simple subject is the main word or word group

that tells whom or what the sentence is about.
The complete subject consists of all the words that tell whom or what a sentence is about.
SIMPLE SUBJECT Example The study of small insects is a hobby of mine.
COMPLETE SUBJECT Example The study of small insects is a hobby of mine.
Слайд 5http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/grammar/subject/quiz244.html

Слайд 6Complete and Simple Subjects.mp4

Слайд 7Answer Key
will be
here after