Developing 11-grade learner's discourse competence based on ICT

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Actuality deals with lack of activities which help to raise pupils' oral

Actuality deals with lack of activities which help to raise pupils' oral
Aim is enhansing in secondary schools 11-grade pupls' oral speecha through new modern technologies.
The Object is prossess of developing discourse competence pupills' of 11-grade
The Subject-is developing 11-grade learners' discourse competence via ICT
Task searching scientific and academic literature about iCT, to explain discourse competence ; analyzing text book and creating methodological instructions how to use activities.

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*The use of ICT in developing the speaking

THE MOST USEFUL LITERATURE OVERVIEW. *The use of ICT in developing the
skill EFL classes.
Wafaa Benmeddah 2017.
*ICT in Teaching a Foreign Language in High School. Procedia social and Behavioral Sciences.
Albina Bilyalova.
*The role of ICT in English language teaching and learning International Journal of Scientific engineering research , Volume 7, Issue 7 July-2016.

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Chapter 1: Using ICT in educational system; specific features of the

THEORY RESULTS. Chapter 1: Using ICT in educational system; specific features of
discourse conpetence; methodological instructions.
Chapter 2: Analyses of the program and textbook Pupils' book B1;
Selecting effectiveness of the suggested oral activities;

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ACTIVITIES : role play ; debating; storytelling ; think pair share;

METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS. ACTIVITIES : role play ; debating; storytelling ; think pair
brain storming; chin quain; simon says;

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The study shows that modern ICT greatly expands educational opportunities. The

CONCLUSION. The study shows that modern ICT greatly expands educational opportunities. The
use of ICTs in education only has positive effects. This is in direct contrast to the numerous challenges. In conclusion, there should be fill more interesting activities based on ICT for discourse competence.

ecause, some teachers who works in rural schools don’t know how to use or work.

Имя файла: Developing-11-grade-learner's-discourse-competence-based-on-ICT.pptx
Количество просмотров: 51
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