of moveable object
4. Length of immobile object
5. Area of moveable object
6. Area of immobile object
7. Volume of moveable object
8. Volume of immobile object
9. Speed
10. Force
11. Tension, pressure
12. Shape
13. Stability of object composition
14. Strength
15. Action time of moveable object
16. Action time of immobile object
17. Temperature
18. Light
19. Energy consumption by the moveable object
20. Energy consumption by immobile object
21. Power
22. Energy losses
23. Substance losses
24. Information losses
25. Time losses
26. Amount of substance
27. Reliability
28. Measuring accuracy
29. Manufacturing accuracy
30. Harmful factors acting upon the object
31. Harmful factors of the object proper
32.Convenience of manufacturing
33. Convenience of operation
34. Convenience of repair
35. Adaptation, universality
36. Complexity of device
37. Complexity of control and measuring
38. Degree of automation
39. Efficiency
Necessary create the inspection between 39 parameters from Altsuller’s matrix and 30 popular disadvantages. Several parameters from list 39 is clear, several parameters not clear…
After creation of helper, connector between 39 and 30, we can create database for PC in diagonal elements for Altsuller’s matrix.