Слайд 2Content

Слайд 3Diwali
Diwali is a festival of light which is celebrated by hindus.

word diwali is made up of two words: deep(lamp) and avali(row) which a line or a row of lamps
Слайд 4Celebration
The festival usually lasts for five days and is celebrated during

Hindu lunisolor month Kartika.on the amavasya
The festival is widely associated with Lakshmi.
In lead up to Diwali celebrate will prepare by cleaning, renovating and decorating their homes.
Слайд 5Celebration
The celebration of five days contains:
1rst day: Dhanteras
2nd day: Kali

3rd day: Diwali
4th day: New year/ Govardhan pooja
5th day: Bhai dooj
Слайд 7History of diwali
This is the celebration of the day Lord Rama returned

to his kingdom Ayodhya with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana after defeating Ravana in Lanka and serving 14 years of exile.
Слайд 9Vacation
Officially five days of Holidays are to the workers in the

government sectors.
And a vacation of 21 days are Alloted to the students in name of this festival .