

Слайд 2

Джордж Го́рдон Ба́йрон (1788-1824) -  английский поэт-романтик, покоривший воображение всей Европы своим «мрачным

Джордж Го́рдон Ба́йрон (1788-1824) - английский поэт-романтик, покоривший воображение всей Европы своим
эгоизмом». Он принадлежал к самой высокой аристократии. Его предки играли большую роль в истории Англии. Сам он был наследный пэр Англии. Он был член палаты лордов.

Заболев лихорадкой, Байрон скончался в возрасте 36 лет. Последним и неоконченным произведением стала поэма “Дон-Жуан”.

Слайд 3

Сюжет “Дон-Жуана”

Муж Альфонсо и морское путешествие.
Кораблекрушение и дочь пирата
Суворов и гарем султана

Сюжет “Дон-Жуана” Муж Альфонсо и морское путешествие. Кораблекрушение и дочь пирата Суворов
Великая и Англия
Имение лорда Амондевилла

Слайд 4

Особенности образа главного героя

У других Дон Жуан — это гроза женщин, а

Особенности образа главного героя У других Дон Жуан — это гроза женщин,
у Байрона — это жертва женщин.
Это жалкий мальчик из благородной испанской семьи, которого родители пустили постранствовать по свету в сопровождении его гувернера.

Слайд 5

At six a charming child, and at eleven
With all the promise

* At six a charming child, and at eleven With all the
of as fine a face
As e'er to man's maturer growth was given:
He studied steadily, and grew apace,
And seem'd, at least, in the right road to heaven,
For half his days were pass'd at church, the other
Between his tutors, confessor, and mother.
Although in infancy a little wild,
They tamed him down amongst them: to destroy
His natural spirit not in vain they toil’d,
At least it seem'd so; and his mother's joy
Was to declare how sage, and still, and steady,
Her young philosopher was grown already.

Слайд 6

At last, as they more faintly wrestling lay,
Juan contrived to give an

* At last, as they more faintly wrestling lay, Juan contrived to
awkward blow,
And then his only garment quite gave way;
He fled, like Joseph, leaving it; but there,
I doubt, all likeness ends between the pair.
Но, к сожаленью, рыцарь мой остался,
Из цепких рук его освободясь,
Как молодой Иосиф из Писания,
В решительный момент без одеяния! (Перевод: Гнедич Т.Г.)

Слайд 7

Juan demurr'd at this first notice to
Quit; and though death had

Juan demurr'd at this first notice to Quit; and though death had
threaten'd an ejection,
His youth and constitution bore him through,
And sent the doctors in a new direction.
The climate was too cold, they said, for him,
Meridian-born, to bloom in. This opinion
Made the chaste Catherine look a little grim,
Who did not like at first to lose her minion:
But when she saw his dazzling eye wax dim,
And drooping like an eagle's with clip pinion,
She then resolved to send him on a mission,
But in a style becoming his condition.

Слайд 8

«Двойное чтение» поэмы

«Дон Жуан» — это путевая книга: Пиренеи, Балканы, Царское Село,

«Двойное чтение» поэмы «Дон Жуан» — это путевая книга: Пиренеи, Балканы, Царское
«Дон Жуан» — это путь в пространстве. Из Золотого века, через варварство, полуцивилизацию, из нее в цивилизацию — это путешествие во времени.

Слайд 9

Золотой век

He had a bed of furs, and a pelisse,
For Haiti stripped

Золотой век He had a bed of furs, and a pelisse, For
her sables off to make
His couch; and, that he might be more at ease,
And warm, in case by chance he should awake,
They also have a petticoat apiece,
She and her maid—and promised by daybreak
To pay him a fresh visit, with a dish
For breakfast, of eggs, coffee, bread, and fish.
But there were eggs, fruit, coffee, bread, fish, honey,
With Scio wine,—and all for love, not money.

Слайд 10


But to the narrative:—The vessel bound
With slaves to sell off in the

Варварство * But to the narrative:—The vessel bound With slaves to sell
After the usual process, might be found
At anchor under the seraglio wall;
Her cargo, from the plague being safe and sound,
Were landed in the market, one and all,
And there with Georgians, Russians, and Circassians,
Bought up for different purposes and passions.
But for the destiny of this young troop,
How some were bought by pachas, some by Jews,
How some to burdens were obliged to stoop,
And others rose to the command of crews
As renegades; while in hapless group,
Hoping no very old vizier might choose,
The females stood, as one by one they pick'd 'em,
To make a mistress, or fourth wife, or victim

Слайд 11


An order from her majesty consigned
Our young lieutenant to the genial care

Полуцивилизация An order from her majesty consigned Our young lieutenant to the
those in office: all the world look'd kind
(As it will look sometimes with the first stare,
Which youth would not act ill to keep in mind),
As also did Miss Protasoff then there,
Named from her mystic office 'l'Eprouveuse,'
A term inexplicable to the Muse.
With her then, as in humble duty bound,
Juan retired,—and so will I, until
My Pegasus shall tire of touching ground.
We have just lit on a 'heaven-kissing hill,'
So lofty that I feel my brain turn round,
And all my fancies whirling like a mill;
Which is a signal to my nerves and brain,
To take a quiet ride in some green Lane.
We left our hero, Juan, in the bloom
Of favouritism, but not yet in the blush;
And far be it from my Muses to presume
(For I have more than one Muse at a push)
To follow him beyond the drawing-room:
It is enough that Fortune found him flush
Of youth, and vigour, beauty, and those things
Which for an instant clip enjoyment's wings.

Слайд 12


The sun went down, the smoke rose up, as from
A half-unquench'd volcano,

Цивилизация The sun went down, the smoke rose up, as from A
o'er a space
Which well beseem'd the 'Devil's drawing-room,'
As some have qualified that wondrous place:
But Juan felt, though not approaching home,
As one who, though he were not of the race,
Revered the soil, of those true sons the mother,
Who butcher's half the earth, and bullied t' other.
Он уважал высокие свободы
Страны, поработившей все народы. (Перевод: Гнедич Т.Г.)

Слайд 13

'And here,' he cried, 'is Freedom's chosen station;
Here peals the people's voice,

'And here,' he cried, 'is Freedom's chosen station; Here peals the people's
nor can entomb it
Racks, prisons, inquisitions; resurrection
Awaits it, each new meeting or election.
'Here are chaste wives, pure lives; here people pay
But what they please; and if that things be dear,
'T is only that they love to throw away
Their cash, to show how much they have a-year.
Here laws are all inviolate; none lay
Traps for the traveller; every highway 's clear:
Here-' he was interrupted by a knife,
With,—'Damn your eyes! your money or your life!’
«Привет тебе, твердыня Реформации,
О родина свободы, — он вскричал,
Где пытки фанатических гонений
Не возмущают мирных поколений!
Здесь честны жены, граждане равны,
Налоги платит каждый по желанью;
Здесь покупают вещь любое цены
Для подтвержденья благосостоянья;
Здесь путники всегда защищены
От нападений…» Но его вниманье
Блеснувший нож и громкий крик привлек:
«Ни с места, падаль! Жизнь иль кошелек!»

Слайд 14

Жанровый спор: поэма или роман?

Жанровый спор: поэма или роман?
Имя файла: e2b29b7d74a6d24c191860669d1da120.pptx
Количество просмотров: 41
Количество скачиваний: 0