Слайд 3You will know about china’s
Basic information
GDP in Education
Literacy rate
Compulsory education
Grades of education

system analysis
Administrative structure
Teacher education
Admission test
Слайд 4introduction
name: People's Republic of China ,
Region: East Asia.
It is the world's most

populous country.
Population: 1.37 billion
capital city: Beijing.
Area: 9,600,000 sq km.
Language: Chinese
Слайд 5
main religion and beliefs include atheist, Confucianism, Buddhism, Islam(over 22 million)
Its currency

is known as Yuan.
It is consisted on 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities and 2 special administrative regions.
It came into existence on October 1, 1949.
Слайд 6Student enrolled
There were over 103 million students enrolled in primary schools in

while the total enrollment for students in junior secondary schools (including vocational schools) totaled over 55 million.
The number of students enrolled in general academic senior secondary schools were 16 million in 2002, and by 2008, that total increased to just over 24 million.
Слайд 7Gross Domestic Product
Nationwide education expenditure amounted to 3.93 percent of China's 2011

The 2011 GDP in China was 47.3 trillion yaun (7.52 trillion U.S. dollars).
And it will be 4% in 2015
as planned.
Слайд 8Pakistan vs China
Where China’s GDP is 3.93%.
Pakistan’s GDP is just 2%

of the total expenditures.
China’s budget was 324.86 billion.
and Pakistan’s budget was 2.463 Trillion PKR (26.7 Billion USD).
Слайд 9Literacy rate
China’s literacy rate is 94.2%.
Male literacy rate is 96.7%

literacy rate is 91.5%.
Criteria is that individual of age 15 can read and write.
Youth literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15-24 that can read, write and understand a simple statement on their everyday life.
Слайд 10Compulsory education
The Law on Nine-Year Compulsory Education. it took effect on July

1, 1986, established requirements and deadlines for attaining universal education tailored to local conditions and guaranteed school-age children the right to receive at least nine years of education (six-year primary education and three years secondary education).
Слайд 11Compulsory education
Education is free and compulsory for 9 years in China, split

between Primary and Junior middle school at the age of 6-15. many children start their schooling at a nursery school (called Kindergarten in China) as early as 2 years old.
2-6: Kindergarten
6-12: Primary school (compulsory)
12-15: Junior middle school (compulsory)
15-18: Senior high school (middle school) or Vocational school
18-22: University or college
Слайд 12Comparison:
9 year compulsory education
no compulsory education

Слайд 13Age distribution
age 3-5 Pre-school or play group, kindergarten etc
6-10 Primary education

till 1 grade to five
11-14 Elementary education till 6 grade to 8th grade
15-16 Secondary education grade 9th & 10th
17-18 Higher secondary or intermediate grade 11th & 12
8-22 Higher education
Слайд 14Grades of Education
Education in China is divided into four

secondary vocational-technical education
regular higher education
adult education.
Слайд 15Basic education:
Primary schooling usually lasts six years.
Junior secondary

with each usually lasting three years.
Слайд 16Secondary Vocational-Technical Education:
Secondary vocational training provide short-term vocational programs of finance and

economics, physical education, and arts.
Technical training provide medium-level skilled workers, farmers, as well as managerial and technical personnel.
Both have 3 or 4 years programs
Слайд 17
Regular Higher Education:
Higher education is provided by institutions of various types including

general universities, technical universities, specialized institutions and teacher-training colleges.
Regular higher Education provide graduate courses like the bachelor's degree, and postgraduate programs like the master's degree, and the doctorate degree.
Слайд 18Adult Education:
Adult education provide non-formal programs including literacy education and vocational and

technical training. Like staff , correspondence, workers for primary school and secondary school and universities.
The agencies responsible for China's adult education include various ministries or commissions under the State Council, educational departments of provinces, business or industrial departments at different levels, such as machinery electronics, light industry, coal-mining, metallurgy, railways, communication, agriculture and forestry..
Слайд 19 Examination System Analysis
Semester system is used in the examination

Basic education:
The academic year is divided into two semesters, each consisting of 19 weeks, with a total of 38 weeks of instruction for the year.
Слайд 20
The academic year is divided into two semesters for junior middle school

and senior middle school consists of 39 or 40 weeks of instruction, with one week in reserve.
Vocational and Technical education:
Semester system is used and each year has two semester. It includes 39or 40 weeks.
Adult education:
Semester system is used and each year have 2 semester. It includes 39 or 40 weeks.
Слайд 21Higher education:
Semester system is used in colleges and universities.
Three semester system dividing

the academic year.
Fall term (September to December)
Winter term (January to April)
summer term (May to August)
Слайд 22 Administrative structure
Ministry of education
Education commission bureau of higher

education of provinces
Education commission at city level
Education commission at county level
Education commission at township level
Слайд 23Ministry of education:
Universities are under the ministry of education
Education commission of bureau

of higher education of provinces:
higher education
Primary and secondary education
Vocational education
Adult education
Слайд 24Education commission at city level:
Key primary and secondary schools
Secondary vocational schools
Adult schools

commission at county level:
Primary and secondary schools
Rural vocational schools
Education commission at township level:
Primary and secondary schools
Rural vocational schools
Слайд 25 Teacher education
There are two main categories of teachers in China.

community-paid teachers
The system of teacher education comprises two distinct subsystems:
Слайд 26 Teacher Education
There are two main categories of teachers in China.

first category is state-paid teachers who are regarded as state employees and earn a regular monthly salary comparable to other civil servants or workers in state-owned enterprises.
The second category is the community-paid teachers who are paid by the local community. Their monthly income depends on the economic conditions of the local community.
Слайд 27Pre-service:
Pre-service education is housed in monotechnic colleges or specialized teacher education institutions.

This is a four-year bachelor's degree.
The in-service teacher education is organized at city, country and township colleges or schools. This is a two- to three-year diploma program.
Слайд 28After 9 year compulsory education there was a huge lack of trained

teachers. It was needed that institutions should be made for producing teachers. Till 1990 1000 teacher training institutes were made and by the passage of time those gradually increased.
Слайд 29induction
induction programs are irregularly conducted in china as when novice teacher

go for job, a group is made of novice teacher and experienced teacher. Then there practical teaching begins. Time period also vary at different places. Some times it is one or two year and several short periods, such as a half year, or several periods of ten days, or some workdays in the semester.
At Initial stages procedure of admission is simple as completion of

previous class is necessary.
but at higher level some special tests are taken.
Important one is GOA KOA or high test. It is organized in July for getting admission in university. It is equal to SAT.
Слайд 31Gao Kao
The gao kao (pronounced gow kow) roughly translated means “the

high test”. The gaokao is China‘s, ultra-competitive university entrance exam. Its the nine-hour test is offered just once a year and is the sole determinant for admission to virtually all Chinese colleges and universities.
Taken at the end of high school, the gaokao is given over a three day period across the country. It emphasizes math and science but also measure knowledge of written Chinese, English and Marxist thought.
about 9.15 million students who took the gaokao in 2012. Only 60% make it into university on the basis of their gao kao score
Слайд 34China’s curriculum
it carries various educational philosophies like of Dewey, Montessori,

skinner, Thorndike, Bruner and especially Vigotsky and piaget etc.
If we think about it we suppose that china have a effective curriculum in his education. And the progress report supports it also.
it has gain a special name in technology.
but a complaint from students has also appeared that china’s tough education and examination system enhanced cramming.
Слайд 35The china
China’s education is as refined as the country it self. Its

at 11th number on world ranking.
It has not only helped its own students to study but it invites foreign students too.
around the 300,000 foreigner students study at China.
And approx 340,000 Chinese study abroad too.
China the world’s sixth-largest study abroad destination.
America has signed an agreement to send its 100000 students to study in China.