
Слайд 2


Environmental problems:
- warming of climate.
- ozone gaps
- water

Сontents Ecology. Environmental problems: - warming of climate. - ozone gaps -
- death and deforestation
- desertification

Слайд 3

Ecology – the word made of two Greek words: "oikos" – the

Ecology – the word made of two Greek words: "oikos" – the
house, the homeland and "logos" – value.
It is considered that ecology mainly science biological, but it not only the nature, but also the habitat, thanks to what the person lives in the nature.
The ecology considers problems of relationship of the person and Wednesday.

Слайд 4

Everything is interconnected with everything - the first ecological law says. Means,

Everything is interconnected with everything - the first ecological law says. Means,
and a step it is impossible to step, without having touched, and at times and without having broken something from the environment. Each step of the person on a usual lawn are tens of ruined microorganisms, the insects changing migration ways or maybe reducing the natural efficiency.
Before appearance of the person and his active relation to the nature in the live world the mutual harmonious dependence and coherence, one may say, that there was an ecological harmony dominated

Слайд 5

Violation of the environment depends both on quantity and concentration of the

Violation of the environment depends both on quantity and concentration of the
population, and on the output and consumption. In modern society all these factors worked in such a way that the circle of the person was strongly polluted.
People for the last century have allowed too big increase in production and distribution of waste, an offal and chemicals. Pollution strongly harms life on our planet, the mankind. We pollute air and water, we live in such noise and dust that other organisms die.

Слайд 6





These problems demand unequal cures and scientific developments, various on

ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS LOCAL REGIONAL GLOBAL These problems demand unequal cures and scientific
character, for the decision.

Слайд 7

Example of a local environmental problem - the plant dumping without cleaning

Example of a local environmental problem - the plant dumping without cleaning
to the river the industrial outfalls, unhealthy people. It is violation of the law.
Bodies of conservation or even the public have to fine such plant through court and under the threat of closing to force him to build treatment facilities.

Слайд 8

Kuzbass, the hollow which is almost closed in mountains filled with gases

Kuzbass, the hollow which is almost closed in mountains filled with gases
of coke furnaces and smokes of the metallurgical giant of which catching at construction - nobody thought can be an example of regional environmental problems.

Or high-level radioactivity of soils in the areas adjacent to Chernobyl.

For the solution of such problems scientific research is already necessary. In the first case - development of rational methods of absorption of smoke and gas aerosols, in the second - clarification of influence on health of the population of long influence of weak doses of radiation and development of methods of deactivation of soils.

Слайд 9

Global warming

Global warming

Слайд 10

"It is quite admissible that by 2100 the protective ozone cover will

"It is quite admissible that by 2100 the protective ozone cover will
disappear, ultraviolet rays will dry up Earth, animals and plants will die. The person will look for rescue under huge domes of artificial glass and to be fed with food of astronauts". According to experts, the changed situation will affect a plant and animal life.

Чакалов Герман

Слайд 11

Pollutes water of people from time immemorial. свыклись с загрязнением воды, но

Pollutes water of people from time immemorial. свыклись с загрязнением воды, но
все же есть что-то кощунственное и противоестественное в том, что человек сбрасывает все нечистоты и грязь в те источники, откуда он берет воду для питья. Как это ни парадоксально, но и вредные выбросы в атмосферу, в конце концов, оказываются в воде, а территории городских свалок твердых отходов и отбросов после каждого дождя и после снеготаяния вкладывают свою лепту в загрязнение поверхностных и подземных вод.


Слайд 12

Clear water becomes deficiency also, and the water deficiency can quicker affect,

Clear water becomes deficiency also, and the water deficiency can quicker affect,
than consequences of "greenhouse effect": 1,2 billion people live without clean drinking water, 2,3 billion – without treatment facilities for use of the polluted water.
Water can become also a subject of the interstine conflicts as 200 largest rivers of the world flow through the territory of two or more countries. For example, 10 countries,Neil – 9, and Amazon – 7 countries use water of Niger..

Слайд 13

Death and deforestation

Especially big ecological threat is posed by exhaustion of the

Death and deforestation Especially big ecological threat is posed by exhaustion of
woods – "planet lungs" and the main source of biological diversity of the planet. About 200 thousand square kilometers are annually cut down or burned, so, 100 thousand (!) species of plants and animals disappear.

Слайд 14


Under the influence of live organisms, water and air on blankets of

Desertification Under the influence of live organisms, water and air on blankets
a lithosphere the major ecosystem, thin and fragile, - the soil which is called "Earth skin" is gradually formed. This is the keeper of fertility and life.
The handful of the good soil contains millions of microorganisms maintaining fertility. That the layer of earth 1 centimeter thick was formed, century is required
Имя файла: Ekologia_Mikhaylov_E_A.pptx
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