Слайд 2Canada is the world's second-largest producer of hydroelectricit, which accounted for 58% of all

electric generation in 2007. Since 1960, large hydroelectric projects, especially in Quebec, British Columbia, Manitoba and Newfoundland and Labrador, have significantly increased the country's generation capacity. Canada is the world's sixth-largest producer of electricity generated by nuclear power, producing 97 billion kWh in 2013. In Ontario, Canadian-designed CANDU nuclear reactors supplied more than half the provincial electricity demand in 2007. In April 2014, Ontario became the first jurisdiction in North America to fully eliminate coal as a source of electricity generation
Слайд 3Canadian homes, offices and factories are large users of electricity, or hydro, as

it is often called in Canada. In 2007, Canadian per capita power consumption was among the highest in the world, with an average of 16,995 kWh per annum.
Слайд 4In 2010, Canada generated 566.8 terawatt-hours. Approximately 822 generating stations are scattered

from the Atlantic to the Pacific, for a nameplate capacity of 130,543 MW. The 100 largest generating stations in Canada have a combined capacity of 100,829 MW. In comparison, the total installed capacity of Canada was 111,000 MW in 2000.
Слайд 6In 2010, the leading type of power generation by utilities in Canada

is hydroelectricity, with a share of 63.7%. nuclear (15.0%), Coal (13.1%), natural gas (6.2%), wind (0.6%), fuel oil (0.5%), and wood (0.4%) follow. Other sources, such as petroleum coke make up the remaining 0.5%.
Слайд 7The Canadian transmission networks extend over 160,000 km (99,000 mi). The grids

generally follow north-south orientations since most population centers in Canada are concentrated in southern regions along the American border while the largest hydroelectric projects are located in scarcely inhabited areas to the north. This particular situation forced Canadian utilities to innovate. In November 1965, Hydro-Québec commissioned the first 735-kV AC power line linking the Manic-Outardes project to the Lévis substation. In 1972, Manitoba Hydro connected generating stations part of the Nelson River Hydroelectric Project to the Winnipeg area through a high-voltage direct current power line, the Nelson River Bipole.
Слайд 8A terminus of the Nelson River HVDC system, now included on the List of IEEE(Institute of

Electrical and Electronics Engineers) milestones.
Слайд 9The Canadian transmission networks are largely integrated to the continental power grid.

The transmission utilities of provinces sharing a border with the United States are taking part in regional reliability organizations such as the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC); the Maritime provinces, Quebec and Ontario are part of the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) with utilities in New England and in New York State, Manitoba participates in the Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO), while Alberta and British Columbia are linked to the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC).
Слайд 10BC Hydro's Revelstoke Dam in British Columbia

Слайд 11The Pine Falls Generating Station on the Winnipeg River in Manitoba

Слайд 12TransAlta's Kent Hills Wind Farm, near Moncton.

Слайд 13Nova Scotia Power's 500-MW Tufts Cove Generating Station, in Dartmouth, near Halifax.

Слайд 14The Bruce Nuclear Generating Station near Kincardine, is the world's largest nuclear

station with an installed capacity of 7,276 MW in Ontario
Слайд 15The Erie Shores Wind Farm, near Port Burwell in Ontario.

Слайд 16The North Cape wind farm in Prince Edward Island

Слайд 17The underground Robert-Bourassa generating station in Quebec is Canada's largest hydroelectric plant.

Слайд 18Boundary Dam Coal Fired Generating Station in Estevan