Слайд 2

Foreign Policy

One of the most important part of state activity.
It is dealing

Foreign Policy One of the most important part of state activity. It
with the key important – vital – issues of nation.

Слайд 3

Foreign Policy

Only the nation-state has foreign policy allthough subnational actors as political

Foreign Policy Only the nation-state has foreign policy allthough subnational actors as
parties can practice foreign policy as well.
Foreign policy is being practice in specific environment: anarchy , non-hierarchic, interdependent, poliarchic society.
It is also way of doing of the state, submitted to achieve its vital goals on international field.
One can call it the projection of state goals outside the state borders.

Слайд 4

Conditions of FP

Several conditions determine FP:
Territory and natural geopolitical situation,
Political system and

Conditions of FP Several conditions determine FP: Territory and natural geopolitical situation,
Military potential,
Religion and historical, cultural – ideological conditions,
Concepts and doctrines ,

Слайд 5

FP goals

Existential: to provide national security [survival].
Strategic: increasing international position, political and

FP goals Existential: to provide national security [survival]. Strategic: increasing international position,
economical role of the country,
creation of good and profitable international regulations [ or deregulations].

Слайд 6

FP goals

Long, middle and short term goals.
Providing good neigbourhood relations.
Providing good bilateral

FP goals Long, middle and short term goals. Providing good neigbourhood relations.
relations with choosen countries.
Others goals.

Слайд 7

Directions of FP

Global: related mainly to big powers.
Regional: integration, alliances, political and

Directions of FP Global: related mainly to big powers. Regional: integration, alliances,
economic cooperation.
Sub-regional and local: check and balance motivation, overcoming of old and bad historical reminescences, economic coop.

Слайд 8

Principles of FP

Respect of sovereignty, IL rules and human rights.
Peacuful settlement of

Principles of FP Respect of sovereignty, IL rules and human rights. Peacuful
Respect of general rules ricognized by all civilized nations.

Слайд 9

Instruments of FP

The states making foreign policy are using different measures like:

Instruments of FP The states making foreign policy are using different measures
and military measures,
Economical and financial measures,
Psychological and propagandist methods,
Promotion and information [disinformation],
Concepts, ideas and doctrins of FP,
Bilateral and multilateral diplomacy.
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