- 2. Outline Introduction Science of GMR Anisotropic magnetoresistance Giant magnetoresistance Discovery of GMR research by IBM Application
- 3. GMR – why is it useful? Discovery and application of the GMR phenomenon is responsible for
- 4. Science of GMR Giant magnetoresistance System: a thin layer of nonmagnetic material sandwiched between two layers
- 5. Science of GMR Mott Model The electrical conductivity in metals can be described in terms of
- 6. Science of GMR Giant magnetoresistance Parallel magnetization Up-spin electrons experience small resistance, down-spin electrons experience large
- 7. Science of GMR Giant magnetoresistance Antiparallel magnetization Both electron spins experience small resistance in one layer
- 8. Discovery of GMR Fert and Grünberg Discovered by independently by Professor Albert Fert of Université Paris-Sud
- 9. Discovery of GMR IBM Stuart Parkin of IBM attempted to reproduce the effect using the sputtering
- 10. GMR in practice Spin Valve [7]. [8]
- 11. Read/Write Head
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