- 2. Growth Growth refers to an increase in physical size of the whole body or any of
- 3. Child Growth (Image: WHO)
- 4. Changes in bodily proportions with age.
- 5. Development Development refers to a progressive increase in skill and capacity of function. It is a
- 6. By understanding what to expect during each stage of development, parents can easily capture the teachable
- 7. Maturation Increase in child’s competence and adaptability. It is describing the qualitative change in a structure.
- 8. Principles of Growth & Development Continuous process Predictable Sequence Don’t progress at the same rate (↑
- 9. Principles of Growth & Development G & D proceed in regular related directions : - Cephalo-caudal(head
- 10. Growth Pattern
- 11. Growth Patterns The child’s pattern of growth is in a head-to-toe direction, or cephalocaudal, and in
- 12. Factors affecting growth and development: Hereditary Environmental factors Pre-natal environment 1-Factors related to mothers during pregnancy:
- 13. 2-Factors related to fetus Mal-position in uterus Faulty placental implantation Post-Natal Environment I - External environment:
- 14. Internal environment Child’s intelligence Hormonal influences Emotions
- 15. Types of growth and development Types of growth: - Physical growth (Ht, Wt, head & chest
- 16. Stages of Growth and Development Prenatal - Embryonic (conception- 8 w) - Fetal stage (8-40 or
- 17. 1- Newborn stage Newborn stage is the first 4 weeks or first month of life. It
- 18. Normal Newborn Infant Physical growth - Weight = 2.700 – 4 kg - Wt loss 5%
- 19. Weight: They loose 5 % to 10 % of weight by 3-4 days after birth as
- 20. Height Boys average Ht = 50 cm Girls average Ht = 49 cm Normal range for
- 21. Anterior fontanel Diamond in shape The junction of the sagittal, corneal and frontal sutures forms it
- 23. Posterior fontanel Triangular Located between occipital & 2 parietal bones Closes by the end of the
- 24. Chest circumference It is 30.5 to 33cm (usually 2–3cm less than head circumference).
- 25. Physiological growth Vital signs - Temperature (36.3 to37.2°C ). - Pulse ( 120 to 160 b/min
- 27. Simulation for vital signs
- 28. APGAR scoring chart
- 30. Newborn Senses
- 31. Senses - Touch - Vision - Hearing - Taste - Smell
- 32. Touch It is the most highly developed sense. It is mostly at lips, tongue, ears, and
- 33. Vision Pupils react to light Bright lights appear to be unpleasant to newborn infant. Follow objects
- 34. Hearing The newborn infant usually makes some response to sound from birth. Ordinary sounds are heard
- 35. Taste Well developed as bitter and sour fluids are resisted while sweet fluids are accepted. Smell
- 36. Normal Newborn Infant
- 37. Gross Motor Development Motor development: The newborn's movement are random, diffuse and uncoordinated. Reflexes carry out
- 38. Fine motor development Holds hand in fist When crying, he draws arms and legs to body
- 39. Reflexes Swallowing Gagging Sucking Grasp Tonic-neck
- 40. One month-Reflexes
- 41. Emotional development The newborn infant expresses his emotion just through cry for hunger, pain or discomfort
- 42. Infancy
- 43. Sitting Up Age 2 months Age 8 months
- 44. Ambulation 13 month old Nine to 12-months
- 45. Fine Motor Development in infancy 6-month-old 12-month-old
- 46. Definition of normal infant:- It is the period which starts at the end of the first
- 47. Physical growth of normal infant Weight : the infant gains : - Birth to 4 months
- 48. Calculating infant’s weight Infants from 3 to 12 months Weight = Age in months + 9
- 49. Height Length increases about 3 cm /month during the 1st 3 months of age, then it
- 50. Head circumference It increases about 2 cm /month during the 1st 3 months, Then, ½ cm/month
- 51. Chest circumference By the end of the 1st year, it will be equal to head circumference.
- 54. Dentition: Eruption of teeth starts by 5–6 months of age. It is called "Milky teeth" or
- 55. Average age for teeth eruption: Lower central incisors Upper central incisors Upper lateral incisors Lower lateral
- 56. Motor Development At 2 months Hold head erects in mid-position. Turn from side back. At 3
- 57. Head Control Newborn Age 6 months
- 58. At 4 months, the infant can: Sit with adequate support. Roll over from front to back.
- 59. At 5 months, the infant can: Balance head well when sitting. Site with slight support. Pull
- 60. At 6 months, the infant can: Sit alone briefly. Turn completely over ( abdomen to abdomen
- 61. At 7 months, the infant can: Sit alone. Hold cup. Imitate simple acts of others.
- 62. At 8 months, the infant can: Site alone steadily. Drink from cup with assistance. Eat finger
- 63. At 9 months, the infant can: Rise to sitting position alone. Crawl (i.e., pull body while
- 64. At 10 months, the infant can: Creep well (use hands and legs). Walk but with help.
- 65. At 12 months , the infant can: Stand-alone for variable length of time. Site down from
- 66. Ambulation(motor growth) 9 month old: crawl 10 month old: creep 1 year: stand independently from a
- 67. Emotional development: His emotions are instable, where it is rapidly changes from crying to laughter. His
- 68. Social development He learns that crying brings attention. The infant smiles in response to smile of
- 69. As an infant's vision develops, he or she may seem preoccupied with watching surrounding objects and
- 70. Speech Milestones 1-2 months: coos 2-6 months: laughs and squeals 8-9 months babbles: mama/dada as sounds
- 71. Hearing BAER hearing test done at birth Ability to hear correlates with ability enunciate words properly
- 72. Red Flags in infant development Unable to sit alone by age 9 months Unable to transfer
- 73. Vision in toddler age
- 74. Toddlers
- 75. Normal toddler: Toddler stage is between 1 to 3 years of age. During this period, growth
- 76. Physical growth Weight: The toddler's average weight gain is 1.8 to 2.7 kg/year. Formula to calculate
- 77. Height: During 1–2 years, the child's height increases by 1cm/month. The toddler's height increases about 10
- 78. Formula to calculate normal height Age in years X 5 + 80 = cm. e.g., the
- 79. Head and chest circumference: The head increases 10 cm only from the age of 1 year
- 80. Teething: By 2 years of age, the toddler has 16 temporary teeth. By the age of
- 81. Physiological growth: Pulse: 80–130 beats/min (average 110/min). Respiration: 20–30C/min. Bowel and bladder control: Daytime control of
- 82. Fine Motor - toddler 1 year old: transfer objects from hand to hand 2 year old:
- 83. Gross - Motor of toddler At 15 months, the toddler can: Walk alone. Creep upstairs. Assume
- 84. Continuous At 24 months: Go up and down stairs alone with two feet on each step.
- 85. At 30 months: the toddler can: Jump with both feet. Jump from chair or step. Walk
- 86. Social development: The toddler is very social being but still egocentric. He imitates parents. Notice sex
- 87. Pre-School
- 88. Preschool stage Definition:- It is the stage where child is 3 to 6 years of age.
- 89. Physical growth:- Weight: The preschooler gains approximately 1.8kg/year. Height: He doubles birth length by 4–5 years
- 90. Physiological growth Pulse: 80–120 beat/min. (average 100/min). Respiration: 20–30C/min. Blood Pressure: 100/67+24/25.
- 91. Fine Motor – Older Toddler 3 year old: copy a circle and a cross – build
- 92. Fine motor and cognitive abilities pre-school Buttoning clothing Holding a pencil Building with small blocks Using
- 93. Emotional Development of Preschooler Fears the dark Tends to be impatient and selfish Expresses agression through
- 94. Social development According to Erikson theory: The preschooler is in the stage where he develops a
- 95. Red flags: preschool Inability to perform self-care tasks, hand washing simple dressing, daytime toileting Lack of
- 96. Pool Safety
- 97. School-Age
- 98. Normal school-age child: School-age period is between the age of 6 to 12 years. The child's
- 99. Physical growth Weight: School–age child gains about 3.8kg/year. Boys tend to gain slightly more weight through
- 100. Height: The child gains about 5cm/year. Body proportion during this period: Both boys and girls are
- 101. Physiological growth: Pulse: 90+15 beats/min (75 to 105). Respiration: 21+3C/min (18–24). Blood Pressure: 100/60+16/10.
- 102. School Years: fine motor Writing skills improve Fine motor with more focus Building: models – logos
- 103. Motor development At 6–8 years, the school–age child: Rides a bicycle. Runs Jumps, climbs and hops.
- 104. At 8–10 years, the school–age child: Throws balls skillfully. Uses to participate in organized sports. Uses
- 105. School Age: gross motor 8 to 10 years: team sports Age ten: match sport to the
- 106. School Age
- 107. Red flags: school age School failure Lack of friends Social isolation Aggressive behavior: fights, fire setting,
- 108. 13 to 18 Year Old
- 109. Adolescent age Physical growth Physiological growth Secondary sex characteristics Cognitive development Emotional development Social development
- 110. Definition of adolescent: Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adulthood. Its is based on
- 111. Physical growth: Weight: Growth spurt begins earlier in girls (10–14 years, while it is 12–16 in
- 112. Physiological growth: Pulse: Reaches adult value 60–80 beats/min. Respiration: 16–20C/minute. NB: The sebaceous glands of face,
- 113. Appearance of secondary sex characteristics 1- Secondary sex characteristics in girls: Increase in transverse diameter of
- 114. Body image
- 115. 2- Secondary sex characteristics in boys: Increase in size of genitalia. Swelling of the breast. Growth
- 116. Adolescent behavioral problems Anorexia Attention deficit Anger issues Suicide
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