Слайд 2Battery Basics I
The battery provides electrical power to help start the car

battery is good for about 4-5 years
After that you are risking trouble
Green ball indicator
Rough indicator that the battery is OK
12.2-12.6 volts is the good range for most batteries
Below 12 volts is probably trouble
Слайд 3Battery Basics II
The battery has a positive and a negative terminal
The positive

terminal = red cable = “+” sign
The negative terminal = black cable = “-” sign
Battery cables should be connected firmly to the terminals
Terminals and battery clamps should be relatively clean
Batteries can be dangerous
Слайд 4Inspect the battery physically

Слайд 6Before You Begin
Be sure to have jumper cables!
Bring “jumper” car close to

the car with the dead battery
Cars should not be touching!
The jumper cables should be relatively clean
Turn off cars and all accessories on both cars
If you can, measure the battery voltage
Слайд 7Park working car in front of dead battery car

Слайд 8Turn off functional car battery.

Слайд 9Think Positively
First identify the positive post on each battery
The positive post usually

has a “+” sign on it (or red cable)
The safest battery is the dead battery
So start there
Put the red clamp on the + post of the dead battery
Then put red clamp at the other end on the + post of the good battery
Слайд 10Note terminals positions (Positive and Negative)

Слайд 11Connect both ends of jumper cables on the same signs of both

Слайд 12Halfway there!
+ is done
While you are at the good battery, attach the

black clamp to the negative (-) post
Attach black clamp at the other end to a solid metal part of the dead car’s engine away from the battery
Start the good car!
Слайд 13Solid metal part of the dead car’s engine

Слайд 14Start charged battery’s car engine.

Слайд 15Finishing up!
Rev up the “jumper” car a little bit (to get the

alternator running)
Let the car fast idle for about 30 seconds or so
If the battery is super dead it needs a little extra charge
Start the dead car!
Reverse the process to release the clamps (-D → -G → +G → +D)
Слайд 16Things to Watch For
Battery voltage is below 9.5 volts or no green

Might be better to charge it separately
High-voltage starting kits may cause the voltage to go above 17 volts which can damage electronics/computers in car
Find out why the battery died
Wiring, loose fan belt, diode in the alternator, bad grounds, bad battery cable connection…