International economic relations Intarnational movement of capital FDI Portfolio


Слайд 2

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Our previous lecture : Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 3

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 4

The forms of international economic relations

International trade in goods and services;
The international

The forms of international economic relations International trade in goods and services;
movement of capital;
Labour migration;
International exchange of knowledge;
The international currency and settlement relations.

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

The forms of international economic relations (open ?)

Слайд 5

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c


Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c Capital

Слайд 6

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 7

wealth, esp. money used to produce more wealth through investment or a

wealth, esp. money used to produce more wealth through investment or a
new business

money that used for investment or for starting a business

value that brings in surplus value

Capital is an important factor of production. It consists of those goods which are produced by the economic system and are used as inputs in the production of further goods and services.



Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 8

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 9

If about international movement of capital as form of international economic relations…


If about international movement of capital as form of international economic relations… Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c
A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 10

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Forms of international capital movement

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c Forms of international capital movement

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Forms of international capital movement

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Forms of international capital movement Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 12

Forms of international capital movement

official capital

enterprise capital

loan capital

private capital

Foreign direct investment



Forms of international capital movement official capital enterprise capital loan capital private
and long-term

short term


Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 13

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c


Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c FDI

Слайд 15

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment in the form of a controlling ownership

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment
in a business in one country by an entity based in another country. It is thus distinguished from a foreign portfolio investment by a notion of direct control.

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Broadly, foreign direct investment includes
mergers and acquisitions,

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c Broadly, foreign direct investment includes mergers and acquisitions,
new facilities,
reinvesting profits earned from overseas operations,
intra company loans

In a narrow sense, foreign direct investment refers just to building new facility, and a lasting management interest (10 percent or more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor.

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c


Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c FDI TYPES

Слайд 18

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Horizontal: a business expands its domestic operations to a foreign

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c Horizontal: a business expands its domestic operations to
country. In this case, the business conducts the same activities but in a foreign country. For example, McDonald’s opening restaurants in Japan would be considered horizontal FDI.

Vertical: a business expands into a foreign country by moving to a different level of the supply chain. In other words, a firm conducts different activities abroad but these activities are still related to the main business. Using the same example, McDonald’s could purchase a large-scale farm in Canada to produce meat for their restaurants.

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Platform: a business expands into a foreign country but the

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c Platform: a business expands into a foreign country
output from the foreign operations is exported to a third country. This is also referred to as export-platform FDI. Platform FDI commonly happens in low-cost locations inside free-trade areas. For example, if Ford purchased manufacturing plants in Ireland with the primary purpose of exporting cars to other countries in the EU


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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

FDI+ and -

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c FDI+ and -

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

For country

Disadvantages of Foreign Direct Investment
Displacement of local businesses
Profit repatriation

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c For country Disadvantages of Foreign Direct Investment Displacement

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

For company

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c For company

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

FDI in strategies

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c FDI in strategies

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

FDI in numbers

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c FDI in numbers

Слайд 31

Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad:
$33.6 trillion (31 December 2017 est.)

Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad: $33.6 trillion (31 December 2017
trillion (31 December 2016 est.)
$26.2 trillion (31 December 2014 est.)

The international movement of capital


Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Forms of international movement of capital are typically installed in countries investment and banking legislation

Why attract Foreign Direct Investment

FDI / number
Definition of FDI in comparison with portfolio investment
Why attract Foreign Direct Investment? (video)
Types of FDI (video: what is FDI))

Types of FDI (video: what is FDI))

Слайд 32

Foreign direct investment, net outflows (BoP, current US$)

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Foreign direct investment, net outflows (BoP, current US$) Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

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Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

top 15 countries and jurisdictions receiving FDI inflows:

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c top 15 countries and jurisdictions receiving FDI inflows:

Слайд 35

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Portfolio investment

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c Portfolio investment

Слайд 36

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 37

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 38

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

What are American Depositary Receipts (ADR)?

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c What are American Depositary Receipts (ADR)?
Имя файла: International-economic-relations-Intarnational-movement-of-capital-FDI-Portfolio.pptx
Количество просмотров: 56
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