Introduction to Management

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What is management ?

Management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating, and

What is management ? Management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating,
controlling in order to formulate and attain organizational objectives.

It was Miss Follett who originally defined management as "getting work done through others

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Functions of Management


Manager is the person who implements these functions.


Functions of Management Planning Organizing Motivating Controlling Manager is the person who
the managerial function is necessary if an organization is to succeed

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Manager ≠ Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur is the person who takes the risk of

Manager ≠ Entrepreneur Entrepreneur is the person who takes the risk of
starting a new organization or introducing a new idea, product, or service to society

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Manager ≠ Entrepreneur

Often, however, such characteristics as taking personal risks, responding

Manager ≠ Entrepreneur Often, however, such characteristics as taking personal risks, responding
to financial opportunities, and willingness to put in long, hard hours at work that make a person a great entrepreneur do not necessarily enable that same person to manage the organization effectively as it grows larger. Some entrepreneurs simply may not have the ability or the inclination to perform the managerial functions of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling effectively.

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Manager ≠ Entrepreneur

Consequently, it is not unusual for an outstanding entrepreneur to

Manager ≠ Entrepreneur Consequently, it is not unusual for an outstanding entrepreneur
be a rather ineffective manager. The organization the entrepreneur created may fail as a result. Government studies indicate, in fact, that most new businesses fail, and the main reason for failure is

poor management, not bad ideas.

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Course objectives After our course I want you to be able:

To analyze the

Course objectives After our course I want you to be able: To
environment of your firm
Internal environment
External environment
To create a strategy of your firm
How to set the mission
How to set correct objectives
How to implement your strategy

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To make a structure of you firm using division of labor
How to

To make a structure of you firm using division of labor How
delegate responsibility
To motivate you workers (how to make your workers do that you want them to do)
What needs do your workers have
What compensation you should use

Course objectives After our course I want you to be able:

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To control your firm
Preliminary control
Concurrent control
Postaction control
To make decisions

Course objectives After our course

To control your firm Preliminary control Concurrent control Postaction control To make
I want you to be able:
Имя файла: Introduction-to-Management.pptx
Количество просмотров: 123
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