Introduction to Statistics


Слайд 2

Wednesday – face-to-face seminars at FEM
Thursday 12:15 – online in MS Teams

seminars: Wednesday – face-to-face seminars at FEM Thursday 12:15 – online in
seminar Thu 12:15
Thursday 8:45 – online in MS Teams
link: lecture Thu 8:45

Seminars and Lectures

Слайд 3

attendance at seminars and lectures
class tests
three credit tests
To pass the credit,

CREDIT (PASS) attendance at seminars and lectures class tests three credit tests
the student has to receive at least 51 points out of 100 (the sum for all tests).
Students are given ONE ATTEMPT for each test and have to take the test in the seminar they are registered for in UIS!
Student1: TEST1 – 16p, TEST2 – 20p, TEST3 – 15p → 51 points → passed
Student2: TEST1 – 0p, TEST2 – 25p, TEST3 – 30p → 55 points → passed
Student3: TEST1 – 0p, TEST2 – 15p, TEST3 – 20p → 35 points → did not pass

Слайд 4

oral – project defence

EXAMINATION oral – project defence

Слайд 5

any basic level textbook on statistical methods in English
Sonia Taylor: Business Statistics

any basic level textbook on statistical methods in English Sonia Taylor: Business
for Non-mathematicians, Palgrave MacMillan, 2007 (available at the International Relations Office, FEM)
Field, A. Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. London: SAGE Publications, 2005
KhanAcademy courses
CAST must be downloaded and installed on your computer.


Слайд 6
IBM SPSS Statistics IBM SPSS Statistics

Слайд 7

Introduction to Statistics

Introduction to Statistics

Слайд 8

Many people understand statistics as
a collection of numerical facts expressed as a

Many people understand statistics as a collection of numerical facts expressed as
summarizing statement
For example
seven out of ten doctors recommend to eat ice cream when having a sore throat
Jaromír Jágr scored the goal for 54 times in the period 2005/2006

What is Statistics I

Слайд 9

The way we are going to understand statistics is more complex
Statistics is

The way we are going to understand statistics is more complex Statistics
a method for dealing with data
Statistics is a science of collecting, organizing, summarizing, and analyzing information (data) to draw conclusions or answer questions.

What is Statistics II

Слайд 10

Population – complete set of individuals, objects, or measurements having same common

Population – complete set of individuals, objects, or measurements having same common
observable characteristic
Sample – subset or part of population
Unit – single member of a population

Definition of Terms I

Слайд 11

I. Data Collection
II. Descriptive Statistics
consists of organizing and summarizing the information collected

I. Data Collection II. Descriptive Statistics consists of organizing and summarizing the
and numerical description
III. Statistical Inference
generalizing conclusions and its evaluation using probability terms
sample → population

Three parts of practical statistics

Слайд 12

a census
survey samples
designed experiments
existing data sources

1. Data Collection

a census survey samples designed experiments existing data sources 1. Data Collection

Слайд 13

simple random sample
stratified sample
systematic sample
cluster sample


simple random sample stratified sample systematic sample cluster sample Sampling

Слайд 14

Population and sample

population of the USA

Is it a random sample?

Population and sample population of the USA Is it a random sample?

Слайд 15

A population can be
very general (all human beings)
very narrow (all male ginger

A population can be very general (all human beings) OR very narrow
cats called Bob)
in praxis we collect data from samples and use these data to infer about the population as a whole
e.g. election survey, medical research survey, biological experiments, computer literacy survey

Note on population and sample

Слайд 16

Population – CULS students
Sample – students of statistical course
Is it a

Population – CULS students Sample – students of statistical course Is it
random sample?
Unit – a concrete student
Variables – age, height, number of siblings, hair colour, …

Example I

Слайд 17

methods used to describe and graph the data depend on the type

methods used to describe and graph the data depend on the type
of a variable

1. Descriptive Statistics

Слайд 18

Variable – any characteristic of a person, group, or environment (it means

Variable – any characteristic of a person, group, or environment (it means
a statistical unit) that can vary or denote a difference
(e.g. age, political ideology, pollution count)
Data – numbers collected as a result of observations, interviews, this is set of information for a sample of units
Statistic – number describing a characteristic of a sample (e.g. average age of a sample of CULS students, percentage of students successfully passing the exam)

Definition of Terms II

Слайд 19


Types of Variables






Quantitative Types of Variables Qualitative continuous discrete nominal ordinal

Слайд 20

vital capacity
number of siblings
hair colour
level of education

Example – types of variables

height vital capacity number of siblings hair colour level of education Example – types of variables

Слайд 21

How to handle with qualitative variables?
We are usually not working with original

How to handle with qualitative variables? We are usually not working with
values (words), but we use variable coding.
variable GENDER
values – female, male
coding – female → 1
– male → 2

Qualitative Variables

Слайд 22

with ordinal variables it is recommended to use a scale that reflects

with ordinal variables it is recommended to use a scale that reflects
the order of the values

Variables Coding

Слайд 23

primary education → 1
apprenticeship → 2
secondary → 3
higher post-secondary schools → 4

correct primary education → 1 apprenticeship → 2 secondary → 3 higher
→ 5

Level of education – variable coding

primary education → 2
apprenticeship → 5
secondary → 1
higher post-secondary schools → 4
university → 3

Слайд 24

Example: Guide Dogs

qualitative variable

Example: Guide Dogs qualitative variable

Слайд 25

Example: Guide Dogs

quantitative variable

Example: Guide Dogs quantitative variable

Слайд 26



Слайд 27

with coding for variable „degree“

1 – assistant
2 –assistant professor
3 – docent
4 -

VARIABLES with coding for variable „degree“ 1 – assistant 2 –assistant professor

Слайд 28

each row represents one UNIT

each row represents one UNIT

Слайд 30

average length of praxis is 19 years
3 out of 9 lecturers (30%)

average length of praxis is 19 years 3 out of 9 lecturers (30%) are „docents“ STATISTICS
are „docents“


Слайд 31

Inferential statistics uses methods that take the results obtained from a sample,

Inferential statistics uses methods that take the results obtained from a sample,
extend them to the population, and measures the reliability of the result.

1. Statistical Inference

Имя файла: Introduction-to-Statistics.pptx
Количество просмотров: 60
Количество скачиваний: 0