Слайд 2I’m Special; You’re Special!
Primary 7

Слайд 3Today is all about you!
1. You are special
2. Growing up
3. Your Choices

Your body
5. Are you a good friend?
Слайд 10What questions do people ask?
When did your life begin?

Слайд 12When does life begin?
Window on the womb video

Слайд 13When does the heart begin to beat?

Слайд 15“I’m Special; You’re Special”

Слайд 16The baby in the womb after egg and sperm meet has a

beating heart by:
a) Day 25 b) Day 40 c) Day 90
Слайд 17The baby in the womb after egg and sperm meet has a

beating heart by:
a) Day 25 b) Day 40 c) Day 90
Слайд 18The baby in the womb after conception has a brain, kidney, liver,

and lungs by:
6 weeks b) 8 weeks c) 12 weeks
Слайд 19The baby in the womb after conception has a brain, kidney, liver,

and lungs by:
6 weeks b) 8 weeks c) 12 weeks
Слайд 20A baby in the womb could do which of the following:

hiccups b) feel pain
c) pass urine d) yawn
e) suck its thumb f) breathe
Слайд 21A baby in the womb could do which of the following:

hiccups b) feel pain
c) pass urine d) yawn
e) suck its thumb f) breathe
Слайд 22I was (am) special:
at conception
at birth

Слайд 23I was (am) special:
at conception
at birth

Слайд 24The baby can first be seen moving in the womb at ________

weeks after conception.
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6
Слайд 25The baby can first be seen moving in the womb at ________

weeks after conception.
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6
Слайд 26What was the chance of you being born?

Слайд 27There was a __________
chance of you being born
1 in 200 million
1 in

Слайд 28Today is all about you!
1. You are special
2. Growing up
3. Your Choices

Your body
5. Are you a good friend?
Слайд 30Growing up
What physical and emotional changes are taking place/will take place

in your body?
Слайд 31do you think it is important to like yourself?

Слайд 32What matters most is how you see yourself!

Слайд 33Who affects
how you see yourself?

Слайд 34Activity:
Who helps you make your choices?

Слайд 37“I used to compare myself constantly to models in magazines and think

why can’t I look like that. That feeling never goes away, but I’ve learned to deal with it.” -Louise Nerding, Cosmopolitan 1999
Слайд 40Today is all about you!
1. You are special
2. Growing up
3. Your Choices

Your body
5. Are you a good friend?
Слайд 41You have so many choices to make as you grow up
Good choices

or bad choices
Healthy choices or unhealthy choices
Слайд 45Video on decision making? Or risk-taking and consequences

Слайд 46Enjoy being the person you are
Make your own choices
Make healthy choices

Слайд 47Today is all about you!
1. You are special
2. Growing up
3. Your Choices

Your body
5. Are you a good friend?
Слайд 50I am very special, and I am a valuable person. I am

Слайд 53I am very special, and I am a valuable person.
I am

Слайд 54Today is all about you!
1. You are special
2. Growing up
3. Your Choices

Your body
5. Are you a good friend?
Слайд 55Activity: Special Friends
What makes a good friendship?

Слайд 56What are the signs of a “bad” friendship?
Talking behind your back

Слайд 57What are the signs of a “bad” friendship?
Talking behind your back

Слайд 58What are the signs of a “bad” friendship?
Talking behind your back
“Using you”

for their gain
Слайд 59What are the signs of a “bad” friendship?
Talking behind your back
“Using you”

for their gain
Negative influence on you
Слайд 60What are the signs of a “bad” friendship?
Talking behind your back
“Using you”

for their gain
Negative influence on you
Слайд 61What makes a good friendship?
Good talking
Things in common
Being a good friend?

Слайд 62What makes a good boy/girl friendship?
Being committed
Good talking
Things in common
Being a

good friend
Слайд 63Roleplay

Слайд 65Today is all about you!
1. You are special
2. Growing up
3. Your Choices

Your body
5. Are you a good friend?
Слайд 66Activity on value of human being-sock with £20