King dynasty 1644-1912

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A lineage of hereditary succession to an essentially same position, usually monarchy. Family

Dynasty: A lineage of hereditary succession to an essentially same position, usually
members follow one another to the position, according to rules of their dynasty.

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        New Dynasty

Run smooth government

Corrupt or bad policy

 People try to overthrow

Heaven weighs in


New Dynasty Run smooth government Corrupt or bad policy People try to
" Mandate of Heaven"

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The Manchus were people of the Manchuria region who invaded china and

The Manchus were people of the Manchuria region who invaded china and
over took the dynasty. The leader of the Manchus became chinas new emperor.

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Opium War-Between China and the British(1839) when Britain refused to trade Opium

Opium War-Between China and the British(1839) when Britain refused to trade Opium
with Chinese.  China lost and signed peace treaty.

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Taiping Rebellion

As a response to the opium war,this rebellion became the largest

Taiping Rebellion As a response to the opium war,this rebellion became the
ever led by Hong Xiuquan captured city of Nanjing and declared his capitol.This new capitol was none to be called, "Heavenly kingdom of great peace."

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Important Facts

Manchu emperors wernt very popular because they were non-Chinese and descended from

Important Facts #1 Manchu emperors wernt very popular because they were non-Chinese
horsemen from the north and opened up China to exploitation from the West. The emperors also made many improvements in the lives of ordinary and expanded China to its present size.
The Qing Dynasty was the second time in history when China as a whole was ruled by foreigners, which at this time were the Manchus.

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Important Figure: Kangxi 1661-1721  


    He reduced government expenses and lowered taxes. The society gained  wealth and

Important Figure: Kangxi 1661-1721 He reduced government expenses and lowered taxes. The
enjoyed peace and prosperity.  One of his greatest contributions to the arts was the establishment of additional imperial workshops in the Forbidden City itself.  Also initiated or sponsored a large number of literary compilations, linguistic and lexicographic studies and other intellectual projects

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Important Figure: Qianglong


     He skillfully dealt with the relationship between Manchu, Han

Important Figure: Qianglong 1736-1796 He skillfully dealt with the relationship between Manchu,
and other ethnic minorities to reinforce imperial power. His control was the most prosperous period of Qing Dynasty. He made a series of military campaigns that got rid of the Turk and Mongol threats to northeastern China , which was durng the 1950's, made his empire larger by creating the New Province, and reinforced Chinese authority in the south.
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