
Слайд 2

Units of Measurement Table 3.1

1 µm micrometer = 10-6 m = 10-3

Units of Measurement Table 3.1 1 µm micrometer = 10-6 m =
1 nm nanometer = 10-9 m = 10-6 mm
1000 nm = 1 µm
0.001 µm = 1 nm

Слайд 3

A simple microscope has only one lens.

Microscopy: The Instruments

Figure 1.2b

A simple microscope has only one lens. Microscopy: The Instruments Figure 1.2b

Слайд 4

In a compound microscope the image from the objective lens is magnified

In a compound microscope the image from the objective lens is magnified
again by the ocular lens.
Total magnification = objective lens × ocular lens

Microscopy: The Instruments

Figure 3.1b

Слайд 5

Resolution is the ability of the lenses to distinguish two points.
A microscope

Resolution is the ability of the lenses to distinguish two points. A
with a resolving power of 0.4 nm can distinguish between two points ≥ 0.4 nm.
Shorter wavelengths of light provide greater resolution
Resolving power=Wavelength of light used/2x numerical aperture(a property of the lens).

Microscopy: The Instruments

Слайд 6

Refractive index is the light-bending ability of a medium.
The light may bend

Refractive index is the light-bending ability of a medium. The light may
in air so much that it misses the small high-magnification lens.
Immersion oil is used to keep light from bending.

Microscopy: The Instruments

Figure 3.3

Слайд 7

Dark objects are visible against a bright background.
Light reflected off the specimen

Dark objects are visible against a bright background. Light reflected off the
does not enter the objective lens.

Brightfield Illumination

Figure 3.4a, b

Слайд 8

Light objects are visible against a dark background.
Light reflected off the specimen

Light objects are visible against a dark background. Light reflected off the
enters the objective lens.

Darkfield Illumination

Figure 3.4a, b

Слайд 9

Accentuates diffraction of the light that passes through a specimen. Direct and

Accentuates diffraction of the light that passes through a specimen. Direct and
reflected light rays are combined at the eye. Increasing contrast

Phase-Contrast Microscopy

Figure 3.4c

Слайд 10

Accentuates diffraction of the light that passes through a specimen; uses two

Accentuates diffraction of the light that passes through a specimen; uses two
beams of light. Adding color

Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy

Figure 3.5

Слайд 11

Uses UV light.
Fluorescent substances absorb UV light and emit visible light.

Uses UV light. Fluorescent substances absorb UV light and emit visible light.
may be stained with fluorescent dyes (fluorochromes).

Fluorescence Microscopy

Figure 3.6b

Слайд 12

Uses fluorochromes and a laser light.
The laser illuminates each plane in a

Uses fluorochromes and a laser light. The laser illuminates each plane in
specimen to produce a 3-D image.

Confocal Microscopy

Figure 3.7

Слайд 13

Uses electrons instead of light.
The shorter wavelength of electrons gives greater resolution.

Uses electrons instead of light. The shorter wavelength of electrons gives greater resolution. Why? Electron Microscopy

Electron Microscopy

Слайд 14

Ultrathin sections of specimens.
Light passes through specimen, then an electromagnetic lens, to

Ultrathin sections of specimens. Light passes through specimen, then an electromagnetic lens,
a screen or film.
Specimens may be stained with heavy metal salts.

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

Figure 3.8a

Слайд 15

10,000-100,000×; resolution 2.5 nm

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

Figure 3.9

10,000-100,000×; resolution 2.5 nm Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Figure 3.9

Слайд 16

An electron gun produces a beam of electrons that scans the surface

An electron gun produces a beam of electrons that scans the surface
of a whole specimen.
Secondary electrons emitted from the specimen produce the image.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Figure 3.9b

Слайд 17

1000-10,000×; resolution 20 nm

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Figure 3.8b

1000-10,000×; resolution 20 nm Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Figure 3.8b

Слайд 18

Scanning tunneling microscopy uses a metal probe to scan a specimen.
Resolution 1/100

Scanning tunneling microscopy uses a metal probe to scan a specimen. Resolution
of an atom.

Scanning-Probe Microscopy

Figure 3.9a

Слайд 19

Atomic force microscopy uses a metal and diamond probe inserted into the

Atomic force microscopy uses a metal and diamond probe inserted into the
Produces 3-D images.

Scanning-Probe Microscopy

Figure 3.9b

Слайд 20

Preparation of Specimens for Light Microscopy

A thin film of a solution of

Preparation of Specimens for Light Microscopy A thin film of a solution
microbes on a slide is a smear.
A smear is usually fixed to attach the microbes to the slide and to kill the microbes.

Слайд 21

Live or unstained cells have little contrast with the surrounding medium. However,

Live or unstained cells have little contrast with the surrounding medium. However,
researchers do make discoveries about cell behavior looking at live specimens.

Preparing Smears for Staining

Слайд 22

Stains consist of a positive and negative ion.
In a basic dye, the

Stains consist of a positive and negative ion. In a basic dye,
chromophore is a cation (+).
In an acidic dye, the chromophore is an anion (-).
Bacteria are slightly negative at neutral pH
Staining the background instead of the cell is called negative staining.

Preparing Smears for Staining

Слайд 23

Use of a single basic dye is called a simple stain.
A mordant

Use of a single basic dye is called a simple stain. A
may be used to hold the stain or coat the specimen to enlarge it.
A mordant: substance, typically an inorganic oxide, that combines with a dye or stain and thereby fixes it in a material.

Simple Stains

Слайд 24

The Gram stain classifies bacteria into gram-positive and gram-negative.
Gram-positive bacteria tend to

The Gram stain classifies bacteria into gram-positive and gram-negative. Gram-positive bacteria tend
be killed by penicillin and detergents.
Gram-negative bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics.

Differential Stains: Gram Stain

Слайд 25

Differential Stains: Gram Stain

Differential Stains: Gram Stain

Слайд 26

Differential Stains: Gram Stain

Figure 3.11b

Differential Stains: Gram Stain Figure 3.11b

Слайд 27

Cells that retain a basic stain in the presence of acid-alcohol are

Cells that retain a basic stain in the presence of acid-alcohol are
called acid-fast.
Non–acid-fast cells lose the basic stain when rinsed with acid-alcohol, and are usually counterstained (with a different color basic stain) to see them.

Differential Stains: Acid-Fast Stain

Figure 3.12

Слайд 28

Negative staining is useful for capsules.
Heat is required to drive a stain

Negative staining is useful for capsules. Heat is required to drive a
into endospores.
Flagella staining requires a mordant to make the flagella wide enough to see.

Special Stains

Figure 3.13a-c

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