

Слайд 2

Game. Rivalry

The ship was in distress, and only four people managed

Game. Rivalry Introduction: The ship was in distress, and only four people
to escape on the boat. There is the boundless ocean around you. Dinner time has come, in the fresh air you are very hungry and decide which of the four to eat. If no one is eaten, everyone is considered starved to death.
You have 4 mins to collect all 3 signatures under somebody’s name. This student will receive 0 and other students will receive 1.

Слайд 3

HSE 2022-2023





Do you have any questions about the syllabus?

HSE 2022-2023 Syllabus photo photo photo Do you have any questions about the syllabus?

Слайд 4

HSE 2022-2023

Course topics/ units




HSE 2022-2023 Course topics/ units photo photo photo

Слайд 5

HSE 2022-2023

What does the final grade consist of?



0.3Homework + 0.2AgileProject+0.1LEPs+ + 0.1Quiz

HSE 2022-2023 What does the final grade consist of? photo photo 0.3Homework
+ 0.3Exam 

Слайд 6

Evaluation criteria




Normal quality - Max 8 points
- All “must” requirements are met

Evaluation criteria photo photo photo Normal quality - Max 8 points -
(timing, delivery format, references, use of reliable sources of information, etc.)
- The content and structure are good enough, no mistakes are made

Reasons to decrease your grade:
- “Must” requirements are not met (exceeding time limits, references are not in APA or no in-text references, use of Wikipedia or other unreliable sources of information, etc.)
- The content is not well-prepared, poor structure, arguments are not supported by the data, broken logic of arguments, etc.

Exciting quality - Max 10 points
- Normal quality + WOW effect

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 7

Communication Policies




These policies aim to increase effectiveness of commination between students and

Communication Policies P hoto photo photo These policies aim to increase effectiveness
All written and oral communication related to this class must be done in English.
All questions related to assignments or policies should be asked during seminars (i.e., not during breaks) so that other students could benefit from the instructor’s explanations.
All assignments are either presented in class or shared via a Call Google Form. No assignments should be sent directly to the instructor via email
Students must use corporate student email for the communication with the course instructors.

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 8

Teamwork policies




These policies are created to foster teamwork and provide students many

Teamwork policies P hoto photo photo These policies are created to foster
opportunities to lead a team and to be a team member:
Students are working in teams to complete all homework assignments, seminar activities, and the Agile Project.
Students stay in the same team for the course duration.
Teams change leaders each week to complete homework assignments and seminar activities.
Teams choose one member to lead on the Agile Project (i.e., while this person leads on the project for several weeks, others rotate weekly lead on homework assignments and seminar activities).
Each week each team member completes the online Weekly Peer Evaluation form.

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 9

Teamwork policies




Teams must document the leader rotation, and this information must be

Teamwork policies P hoto photo photo Teams must document the leader rotation,
available to the instructor upon request.
Teams delegate no more than two team members to present their work
Teams change presenters regularly to present homework assignments and seminar activities.
Presenters should not use cell phones, printed notes, or other tools to read the presentation script during presentations.
During seminars, team members are encouraged to sit together.
Teams must study the course syllabus to clarify any issues about the course content, structure, and requirements within the first week of classes.

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 10

Teamwork policies




Pay attention to
Team membership: no options of changing your team
Leader rotation:

Teamwork policies photo photo photo Pay attention to Team membership: no options
new week – new leader, but one leader for the 4-week Agile Project
Weekly Peer Evaluation Form: your final grade for the HWs can get 1-point lower or higher based on the average evaluations within your team

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 11

HSE 2022-2023





Do you have any questions
about the syllabus?

HSE 2022-2023 Syllabus photo photo photo Do you have any questions about the syllabus?

Слайд 12

HSE 2022-2023

Homework presentations




1. Time limit: 7 minutes
2. Prepare your questions for the

HSE 2022-2023 Homework presentations photo photo photo 1. Time limit: 7 minutes

Слайд 13



HSE 2022-2023

APA-style formatting

Check a memo with the guidelines of how to

photo photo HSE 2022-2023 APA-style formatting Check a memo with the guidelines
format APA-style both in-text references and references in the list of them.
Daft, R. L. (2009). Management. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Brubaker, D., Noble, C., Fincher, R., Park, S. K.-Y., & Press, S. (2014). Conflict resolution in the workplace: What will the future bring? Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 31(4), 357-386.
Check the APA-style formatting to your presentation

Слайд 14



HSE 2022-2023

Example of decision making by one top manager and one situation

photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Example of decision making by one top manager
that illustrates his/her decision-making style.
You should focus on the process of decision-making instead of the decisions themselves.
Issues to be covered, including:
What is the setting (e.g., company characteristics or external challenges)?
What was the problem?
What was the degree of certainty or uncertainty?
What steps in the decision-making process did the top manager take?
What difficulties did the top manager have in the decision-making process?
What was the decision?
What is the decision-making style of the top manager?

PPT presentation (7 minutes long)

Слайд 15

HSE 2022-2023

Assessment Criteria




HSE 2022-2023 Assessment Criteria photo photo photo

Слайд 16




HSE 2022-2023

Icebreaker exercise

In teams, remember all the definitions from chapters 1, 8.

photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Icebreaker exercise In teams, remember all the
2 options for using cards with definitions:
write a story with cards,
explain the meaning of the term without naming it so that other team members can guess it

Слайд 17



HSE 2022-2023

Homework Week 1
Topic 1: The nature and functions of management

According the

photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Homework Week 1 Topic 1: The nature and
textbook: Daft, R. L. (2010). Management (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning (Chapters 1, 8)
Discussion of chapters and your Personal Decision Style:
“Management Aptitude Questionnaire” (p. 25)
“What’s Your Personal Decision Style?” (p. 232)
“Can Management Afford to Look the Other Way?” (p. 26)

Слайд 18

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles

Divide decision-making styles into the categories:
- Analytical
- Behavioral
- Conceptual

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles Divide decision-making styles into the categories: - Analytical


HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 19

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles


HSE 2022-2023

Example 1:
Company stockholders have voted to expand

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles photo HSE 2022-2023 Example 1: Company stockholders have
their 401(k) option to all current employees and new employees after they complete a 90-day trial period. The CEO must now decide if the company will provide matching funds for employees who give to their 401(k) fund.
She thinks about how this might help to attract top talent for their team.
The CEO looks at the budget projections she has just prepared and thinks about how funds that are allocated for another project could be used to match employee contributions. She decides that employees who contribute to their funds will be matched 4% by the company.

Слайд 20

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles


HSE 2022-2023

Example 2:
The marketing team of a sports

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles photo HSE 2022-2023 Example 2: The marketing team
broadcasting company is tasked to identify how they can reach a wider audience with their current ad campaign.
The marketing manager asks each team leader to submit a report from their portion of the campaign including the numbers of each audience demographic. They read each report then meet with the team leads.
After the meeting, the marketing manager decides to purchase more add space on social media websites for the next 30 days.

Слайд 21

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles


HSE 2022-2023

Example 3:
As HR manager, Kate has been

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles photo HSE 2022-2023 Example 3: As HR manager,
asked to decide which week employees should get as a bonus paid vacation days before the end of the year. She sends out an email survey to see how employees feel about three possible dates. After she reads the survey responses, she asks her coworkers for input over a lunch break. Later in the afternoon, she walks through the office chatting with several more employees.
When she decides which week the majority of coworkers want, she talks to several employees who will not get the choice they hoped for, making sure they're feeling alright about the decision. At the end of the day, she notifies the management and the employees which week will be a bonus paid vacation time.

Слайд 22

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles


HSE 2022-2023

Example 4:
Joe's startup retail company is performing

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles photo HSE 2022-2023 Example 4: Joe's startup retail
well during their first year.
He thinks about how the company can open stores nationwide in the next five years. When a new shopping development begins construction in a nearby big city, he decides to open a new store branch at the site.
Although it's a risk to open this new store, Joe is confident his team will be successful, and this will help launch their brand nationally.

Слайд 23

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles




HSE 2022-2023

Chapter 8: Decision-making styles photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 24

Ethical dilemma




HSE 2022-2023

Reasons why industry players need to know about these conflicts:

Ethical dilemma photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Reasons why industry players need
It Helps Maintain Good Business Practice
It Is One of the keys to Creating Strong, Well-run Organizations
It Is Good for Both Sales and Reputation
Corporate ethics
It Helps Prevent Committing
It Guides Leaders in Resolving Present Ethical Conflicts

Ethics is something that any organization would say is important.

Слайд 25

Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in Business




HSE 2022-2023

Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in Business:

Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in Business photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Examples
Unsafe Working Environments
2. Discrimination
3. Falsification
4. Espionage
5. Nondisclosure
6. Breaches in Privacy
7. Improper Use of Social Media
8. Bad Accounting Practices
9. Corporate Research Violations

Ethical dilemmas exist in different
forms at different organizational levels.

Слайд 26

Chapter 1: Can Management Afford to Look the Other Way?




What Would You

Chapter 1: Can Management Afford to Look the Other Way? photo photo
1. Ignore the problem. Jacobs’ contributions to new product development are too valuable to risk losing him, and the problems over the past ten years have always worked themselves out anyway. No sense starting something that could make you look bad.
2. Launch a full-scale investigation of employee complaints about Jacobs, and make Jacobs aware that the documented history over the past ten years has put him on thin ice.
3. Meet with Jacobs and the employee to try to resolve the current issue, then start working with Sally Barton and other senior managers to develop stronger policies regarding sexual harassment and treatment of employees, including clear-cut procedures for handling complaints.

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 27

Chapter 1: Small case




Assume you are a project manager at a biotechnology

Chapter 1: Small case photo photo photo Assume you are a project
company, working with managers from research, production, and marketing on a major product modification. You notice that every memo you receive from the marketing manager has been copied to senior management. At every company function, she spends time talking to the big shots. You are also aware that sometimes when you and the other project members are slaving away over the project, she is playing golf with senior managers.
1. What is your evaluation of her behavior?
2. As project manager, what do you do?

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 28

Chapter 1: Effectiveness vs Efficiency




Is efficiency or effectiveness more important to organizational

Chapter 1: Effectiveness vs Efficiency photo photo photo Is efficiency or effectiveness
Can managers improve both simultaneously?

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 29

Chapter 1: Effectiveness vs Efficiency




HSE 2022-2023

Efficiency refers to the ability to produce

Chapter 1: Effectiveness vs Efficiency photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Efficiency refers
maximum output from the given input with the least waste of time, effort, money, energy and raw materials.
Effectiveness refers to the extent to which something has been done, to achieve the targeted outcome. It means the degree of closeness of the achieved objective with the predetermined goal to examine the potency of the whole entity

Слайд 30

Chapter 1: Effectiveness vs Efficiency




HSE 2022-2023

Chapter 1: Effectiveness vs Efficiency photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 31

Chapter 8: Programmed vs Non-programmed decision




Analyze three decisions you made over the

Chapter 8: Programmed vs Non-programmed decision photo photo photo Analyze three decisions
past six months.
Which of these were programmed and which were nonprogrammed?
Which model—the classical, administrative, or political—best describes the approach you took to make each decision?

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 32

Chapter 8: Certainty vs Uncertainty



Explain the difference between risk and ambiguity.
How might

Chapter 8: Certainty vs Uncertainty photo photo Explain the difference between risk
decision making differ for a risky versus an “ambiguous” situation?

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 33

Chapter 8: Certainty vs Uncertainty




Certainty: goals are defined, information about alternatives is

Chapter 8: Certainty vs Uncertainty photo photo photo Certainty: goals are defined,
fully available -> outcomes and probabilities are known
Risk: goals are defined, good information about alternatives is available -> outcomes and probabilities are known
Uncertainty: goals are defined, information about alternatives is incomplete -> outcomes and probabilities are unknown
Ambiguity: goals are unclear, no information about alternatives -> information about outcomes is unavailable


HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 34

Homework assignment




See the uploaded file with homework description in SmartLMS
Start working on

Homework assignment photo photo photo See the uploaded file with homework description
Agile Project

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 35

Homework Week 2
Topic 2: Development of Management Thought




HSE 2022-2023

Due - next seminar

Homework Week 2 Topic 2: Development of Management Thought photo photo photo

Readings: Read Chapter 2 in the textbook.
In your teams
Answer questions at the end of the chapter.
Discuss Ethical Dilemma “The Supervisor” (pp. 53-54) and prepare to explain your point of view.
Individually, complete “Are you a new-style or an old-style manager” on page 33 and answer questions: Where do you fit on the X–Y scale? Does your score reflect your perception of yourself as a current or future manager?

Слайд 36

Homework Week 2
Topic 2: Development of Management Thought




How to give and receive

Homework Week 2 Topic 2: Development of Management Thought photo photo photo
In your teams, explore the web and relevant literature to learn more about effective practices for providing and receiving feedback.
Create a document that contains useful phrases, words, or other tips that members of your team could use in this and other classes to provide and receive feedback.
Share this document with all team members and make it easily available for class discussions.

HSE 2022-2023


Слайд 37

Homework Week 2
Topic 2: Development of Management Thought




In your teams read the

Homework Week 2 Topic 2: Development of Management Thought photo photo photo
Identify one management approach/theory (Chapter 2) that you believe can explain the situation and examine the situation through the lens of this approach/theory
Use information from the case to support your explanation.
Offer a solution from the standpoint of the chosen concept/approach/theory.
Prepare a poster and be ready to present the results of your analysis and your solution. Your presentation should be limited to 5 minutes. Sources must be cited in APA.
Upload your poster to the class form

HSE 2022-2023


Слайд 38

Agile Project




Name: «Managing Organizational Change»
Goals: - to investigate how companies manage change

Agile Project photo photo photo Name: «Managing Organizational Change» Goals: - to
and innovation during the period of sanctions
- to acquire experience working in an agile team.
Targeted company: should meet the criteria of SMEs
Project grade:
Presentation of the preliminary results - 20%
Presentation of the final results - 50%
Report - 30%
The usage of Kaiten is compulsory! Check whether you have filled out the column with emails. You will get an invitation to use Kaiten.

HSE 2022-2023

Слайд 39

Agile Project




HSE 2022-2023

Focus: A specific change or innovation during the period of

Agile Project photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Focus: A specific change or
sanctions in the studied company.
Time Frame:
28 days from the project beginning to the project end.
The project is divided into two 14-days sprints.
After the end of each sprint, students have to present preliminary and final project results, respectively.
Students are expected to start working on the project from the week 2 of the course.

Слайд 40

Short Description




HSE 2022-2023

choose a company and explore changes made or innovations

Short Description photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 choose a company and explore
implemented during the period of sanctions.
research the changes/innovations using primary and secondary data to describe the process
focus on one change/innovation or on one aspect or drawback of a change/innovation implementation and explore and criticize it in-depth
provide recommendations for its improvement and further development
use Kaiten as their primary online platform for team collaboration

Слайд 41





HSE 2022-2023
Agile team outcomes are measured along two primary dimensions:
quality of

Evaluation photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Agile team outcomes are measured along
the outcome,
speed (or degree of completion).
The final grade rounding will follow the rounding approach described in the syllabus.

Слайд 42

Project Policies




HSE 2022-2023

• Students have to stay in their permanent teams and cannot

Project Policies photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 • Students have to stay
switch teams;
• There has to be a team leader in each team;
• The team leader has to stay with the team till the project is complete;
• A team leader is selected by his/her own volition or the team members’ vote;
• The usage of Kaiten to complete the project is mandatory. If the platform is not used at all or if it is used superficially during the project completion, the final grade for the project will be cut down by 20%;
• Only the team leader should contact the Product Owner or Client for questions;
• The primary communication channel with the Product Owner is Kaiten. The primary communication channel with the Client is corporate email.

Слайд 43

Roles and Responsibilities




HSE 2022-2023

A Client is a person who recruits the team’s

Roles and Responsibilities photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 A Client is a
services to carry out the project and providing results. The seminar instructors are the Clients.
A Product Owner is a person who represents the Client and translates the project’s goal and prospective results into actual tasks and activities. The course teaching assistants are the Product Owners.
Their responsibilities include:
• Monitoring the teams’ implementation of the tasks and activities during each 14-days sprint;
• Answering any questions regarding the project content and organization during each 14-days sprint if asked
A team is a group of people responsible for the project implementation.
A team leader is a student who voluntarily chooses to become a project facilitator, coach, and coordinator in addition to his/her responsibilities as a team member.

Слайд 44

A team




HSE 2022-2023

Each team member, including the team leader, performs at

A team photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Each team member, including the
least one (but not more than two) primary role. One role could also be performed by 2 students.
These roles are:
Company liaison networks with the company, creates interview protocols, conducts interviews, documents the results, communicates the results to the team.
Organizational change expert leads in interpreting and critiquing organizational change/innovation chosen for the project by searching, identifying, and analyzing academic literature, sharing these sources with the team.
Industry expert leads in interpreting and critiquing organizational change/innovation chosen for the project by searching and analyzing open-source data about the organization, industry, and competitors, sharing these sources with the team, suggesting main concepts, facts, cases.
Communications associate is responsible for clarity, timeliness, and quality of team’s communication related to the required project outcomes by compiling all documentation, ensuring the requirements are understood and met

Слайд 45

Responsibilities of each team member




HSE 2022-2023
• Using Kaiten during the project completion
• Contributing to

Responsibilities of each team member photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 • Using
the project success by sharing relevant information
• Performing the tasks assigned to the best of their ability
• Communicating with the team in a timely fashion
• Providing support to other team members
• Actively engaging in stand-ups – team meetings in person or online (via Zoom, MS Teams, VK, or any other platform) that occur 2-5 times each week.

Слайд 46

Responsibilities of team leader




HSE 2022-2023

Guiding the team on using agile methods

Responsibilities of team leader photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Guiding the team
and Kaiten to complete their tasks
Initiating and moderating
- sprint planning meetings;
- stand-ups (2-5 meetings during each week)
Facilitating teamwork and solving any inter-team conflicts, providing advice
Taking into consideration issues that may occur during the project implementation and making decisions to address these issues
Contacting the Product Owners (teaching assistants) or the Clients (the seminar instructors) in case of any issues or questions
Performing other responsibilities assigned by the team.

Слайд 47

Backlog and Outcomes




HSE 2022-2023

Sprint 1 (first 14 days of the project starting

Backlog and Outcomes photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Sprint 1 (first 14
from the week 2 seminars)

Слайд 48

Backlog and Outcomes




HSE 2022-2023

Sprint 1 (first 14 days of the project starting

Backlog and Outcomes photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 Sprint 1 (first 14
from the week 2 seminars)

Слайд 49





HSE 2022-2023

The presentation has to include:
1. Company’s description (e.g., industry, size, products/services, structure);
2. Data

Outcome photo photo photo HSE 2022-2023 The presentation has to include: 1.
collection process (e.g., description of insider(s), interview questions, academic and non-academic papers);
3. Scope of the company’s problems due to the period of sanctions;
4. Changes/innovations implemented to overcome these problems;
5. An overall conclusion about the role of the changes/innovations in the company during the sanctions.
6. Sources and references in the APA style.
Submission deadline: before the week 4 seminars by uploading the presentation to the class Google table
Presentation deadline: week 4 seminars ( seminars 7-8 within the week of September 26 – October 2, 2022)
Time limit: 7 minutes Format: PPT or similar format

Слайд 50

Before we finish……



Any questions?

HSE 2022-2023

Before we finish…… photo photo photo Any questions? HSE 2022-2023
Имя файла: MNGT_2022_2023_Class_2.pptx
Количество просмотров: 32
Количество скачиваний: 0