Passive Voice страдательный залог


Слайд 3

Active voice

Passive voice

Leo Tolstoy wrote the novel “War and Peace”.


Active voice Passive voice Leo Tolstoy wrote the novel “War and Peace”.
novel “War and Peace”
was written by Leo Tolstoy.

Лев Толстой написал роман «Война и мир»

Роман «Война и мир»
был написан Львом Толстым.

Слайд 4

The flowers are watered by her every day. (Present Simple)

The flowers are watered by her every day. (Present Simple) The flowers
flowers were watered by her yesterday. (Past Simple)
The flowers will be watered by him tomorrow. (Future Simple)
The flowers are being washed now. (Present Progressive)
The flowers were being washed yesterday at 5. (Past Progres)
The flowers have been washed already. (Present Perfect)
The flowers had been washed before you came. (Past Perfect)
The flowers will have been washed tomorrow by 8. (Future Perfect)

BE + V 3

Passive Voice

Слайд 5

Active Voice

Active Voice

Слайд 6

Passive voice

Passive voice

Слайд 7

Present simple

Bed and Breakfast is given here to everybody

Am/is/are + V3

Present simple Bed and Breakfast is given here to everybody Am/is/are + V3

Слайд 8

Let’s practice

Торт пекут каждый день.
The cake is baked every day.
Книги берут очень

Let’s practice Торт пекут каждый день. The cake is baked every day.
The books are taken very often.
Бабушку навещают по выходным.
Granny is visited on weekends.
Животных кормят дважды в день.
Animals are fed twice a day.
Дом убирают каждый день.
The house is cleaned every day.

Слайд 9

Present Progressive
Big Ben is being reconstructed now.

Am/is/are + being +V3

Present Progressive Big Ben is being reconstructed now. Am/is/are + being +V3

Слайд 10

Let’s practice

Книгу сейчас переводят.
The book is being translated now.
Деда как раз встречают

Let’s practice Книгу сейчас переводят. The book is being translated now. Деда
на вокзале.
Grandfather is being met at the station.
Ёлку сейчас украшают.
Christmas tree is being decorated now.
Автомобили сейчас моют.
The cars are being washed now.
Костер сейчас разводят.
The campfire is being made.
Меня как раз поздравляет мой брат.
I am being congratulated by my brother.

Слайд 11

Present Perfect

The letter has been written.

Have / has + been + V3

Present Perfect The letter has been written. Have / has + been + V3

Слайд 12

Let’s practice

Книгу только что прочитали.
The book has just been read.
Окна уже вымыли.

Let’s practice Книгу только что прочитали. The book has just been read.
windows have already been washed.
Малыша только что накормили.
The baby has just been fed.
Палатки уже поставили.
The tents have already been put up.
Компьютер уже включили.
The computer has already been switched on.
Домашняя работа уже сделана.
The homework has already been done.

Слайд 13

Past Simple
London was rebuilt after the Great Fire.

Was / were + V3

Past Simple London was rebuilt after the Great Fire. Was / were + V3

Слайд 14

Let’s practice
Last year the museum was visited by 16 000 people.
Вчера книгу

Let’s practice Last year the museum was visited by 16 000 people.
The book was read yesterday.
Картину писали на прошлой неделе.
The picture was painted last week.
Собаку искали в приюте для бездомных животных.
The dog was looked for in the rescue house.

В прошлом году музей посетило 16 тысяч посетителей.

Слайд 15

Past Progressive
The text was being read yesterday at 5.

Was / were +

Past Progressive The text was being read yesterday at 5. Was /
being + V3

Слайд 16

Когда автор позвонил, его книга печаталась.
When the author phoned, his book was

Когда автор позвонил, его книга печаталась. When the author phoned, his book
being printed.
Проблема обсуждалась, когда он пришел.
The problem was being discussed when he came.
Дом строился, когда родился ребенок.
The house was being built when the child was born.

Слайд 17

Past Perfect

The test had been done yesterday by 5 o’clock.

had been +

Past Perfect The test had been done yesterday by 5 o’clock. had been + V3

Слайд 18

Let’s practice

Дом был построен к тому времени как они вернулись
The house had

Let’s practice Дом был построен к тому времени как они вернулись The
been built by the time they came back.
Машина была куплена к Рождеству.
The car had been bought by Christmas.
Письмо было дописано к вечеру.
The letter had been written by the evening.
Текст был переведен до того как пришел учитель.
The text had been translated before the teacher came.

Слайд 19

Future Simple

Homework will be done tomorrow.

will be + V3

Future Simple Homework will be done tomorrow. will be + V3

Слайд 20

Let’s practice

Комнату скоро уберут.
The room will be cleaned soon.
Рождество будут праздновать 25

Let’s practice Комнату скоро уберут. The room will be cleaned soon. Рождество
Christmas will be celebrated on the 25 of December.
Факс отправят завтра.
The fax will be sent tomorrow.
Фильм покажут по каналу ВВС.
The film will be shown on the BBC Chanel.
Хоккейный матч состоится завтра.
The Hokey match will be held tomorrow.

Слайд 21

Future Perfect

The present will have been bought by Christmas.

will have been +

Future Perfect The present will have been bought by Christmas. will have been + V3

Слайд 22

Let’s practice

Тест будет сделан к 2 часам.
The test will have been done

Let’s practice Тест будет сделан к 2 часам. The test will have
by 2 p.m.
Торт испекут к дню рождения.
The cake will have been baked by his birthday.
Письмо доставят через неделю.
The letter will have been delivered in a week.
Дерево посадят завтра к вечеру.
The tree will have been planted
tomorrow by the evening

Слайд 23

Использованные ресурсы война и мир Лев Толстой поливать цветы торт книги костер

Использованные ресурсы война и мир Лев Толстой поливать цветы
мыть машину книга палатка собака художник

Слайд 24 почтальон фон титульный слайд дом стройка печатать книгу спасибо хоккей кот почтальон фон титульный слайд дом стройка
и мышь
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