Слайд 2SPE is…
Established in 1957
Not-for-profit organization
The largest professional society
> 124,000 members

Слайд 3SPE is…
Technical Knowledge
New friends

Слайд 4PetroCUP is…
A series of intellectual games
An opportunity to develop your knowledge and

skill in the petroleum industry
Strong competitive atmosphere
Слайд 5PetroCUP History
Previously known as Quiz Nights
2 series of games in 2013-2014 and

New Format
Now divided into 2 seasons
5 games in each
Слайд 6PetroCUP Rules
One team – 4 members
Mandatory to be a member of SPE

points deduction per member for missing the game
Points will be accumulated during the first 4 games and the best 8 teams will be chosen for Grand Final
Be prepared for each game
Come on time
Be friendly to the hosters and other team members
Слайд 7Round 1
10 questions
Write your answer on the paper
1 minute to answer the

12 teams will pass to the 2nd round
NB: The points gained in the 1st round are fixed and cannot be lost
Слайд 8Round 2: Make a bet
5 questions
First, make a bet of min 5

points, max – ‘all in’
Write your answer on the paper
1 minute to answer the question
4 teams with the highest number of scores will proceed to the 3rd round
Слайд 9Round 2: Make a bet
The bets collected during the 2nd round will

be zeroed for all the teams
Those 4 teams will get bonus points of 20, 15, 10 and 5 added to the scores gained in the 1st round
Слайд 10Round 3: Svoya Igra
All 4 teams start with the zero score
12 questions

4 categories
Question worth 1-4 points
In case of incorrect answer other teams can take a turn
The winner is determined ONLY taking into account the points accumulated in the 3rd round