Political Process


Слайд 2

Iceland Referendum 2010

Iceland Referendum 2010

Слайд 3

В 2008 году в начале финансового кризиса Исландия (население 320 тысяч, без

В 2008 году в начале финансового кризиса Исландия (население 320 тысяч, без
армии), одна из самых богатых стран в мире. в буквальном смысле обанкротилась. Мнение в том, что граждане должны платить за ошибки финансовой монополии, что целая страна должна быть обложена данью, чтобы погасить частные долги, изменило отношения между гражданами и их политическими институтами, и в итоге привело к тому, что лидеры Исландии заняли сторону своих избирателей. Президент Олафур Рагнар Гримссон отказался ратифицировать закон, который сделал бы граждан Исландии ответственными за долги исландских банкиров, и согласился созвать референдум Но исландцы не остановились на достигнутом: они решили принять новую конституцию, которая освободила бы страну от власти международных финансов / Чтобы написать новую конституцию, народ Исландии избрал 25 граждан из числа 522 взрослых, не принадлежащих ни к какой политической партии, которых рекомендовали как минимум 30 граждан. Этот документ был делом рук не горстки политиков, а был написан в интернете. Учредительные заседания проводились он-лайн, и граждане могли писать свои комментарии и вносить предложения, своими глазами наблюдая, как их конституция постепенно обретает форму.

Слайд 4

Президент Исландии Олафур Рагнар Гримссон

Президент Исландии Олафур Рагнар Гримссон

Слайд 5

Methodological approaches to the analysis of political processes

Structural-functional analysis
Sociological approach
The theory of rational choice
Discourse approach, etc

Methodological approaches to the analysis of political processes Institutionalism Behavioralism Structural-functional analysis

Слайд 6


Political Process may be described as the a Political System Processing.

POLITICAL PROCESS Political Process may be described as the a Political System
Political process - is the overall activity of the states, social groups, community organizations and groups of individuals (actors of the PP) pursuing certain political goals. 

Слайд 7


The content of structural units of the political process, revealing its

POLITICAL PROCESS The content of structural units of the political process, revealing
inner structure and nature mainly are:
1. Representation of political interest by groups and political institutions of civil society 2. The development of Political System and political decision-making process. 3. The implementation of political decisions.

Слайд 8


Typology of political processes

They differ by the specific subject area, special ways of interaction of subjects, the functioning

. Typology of political processes They differ by the specific subject area,
of institutions, trends and patterns of development.

Слайд 9

Typology of political processes

Typology of political processes

Слайд 10

In terms of implementation functions by the elite and the electorate

In terms of implementation functions by the elite and the electorate

Слайд 11

Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Слайд 12


Britain first took over Hong Kong island in 1842, after defeating

POLITICAL PROCESS Britain first took over Hong Kong island in 1842, after
China in the First Opium War. After the Second Opium War.
In 1898, to enforce its control of the area, the UK leased additional land, known as the New Territories, promising to return them to China in 99 years (returned in 1997).
Hong Kong developed rapidly under UK rule, becoming one of the world's major financial and business centers and had vastly different political and economic system from mainland China, which since 1949 is under authoritarian one-party Communist rule.

Слайд 13


China agreed to govern Hong Kong under the principle of "one

POLITICAL PROCESS China agreed to govern Hong Kong under the principle of
country, two systems", where the city would enjoy "a high degree of autonomy, except in foreign and defence affairs" for the next 50 years.
Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region. This means it has:
its own legal system
multiple political parties
rights including freedom of assembly and free speech
The territory has its own mini-constitution to enshrine these special rights.

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Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Слайд 15


In 2014, Beijing said it would allow direct election of the

POLITICAL PROCESS In 2014, Beijing said it would allow direct election of
chief executive, but only from a list of pre-approved candidates. That was the breech of the GB and China agreements
That lead to mass protests from people who wanted full direct democracy. The protests shut down central parts of the city for weeks.
There are also a lot of people in Hong Kong who are concerned that China is increasingly meddling in Hong Kong politics in other ways, undermining more politically liberal traditions.

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Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Слайд 17

Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Слайд 18

Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Hong Kong handover from GB to China

Слайд 19


Control Questions:
1)How do you understand what a Political Process is?
2) What

POLITICAL PROCESS Control Questions: 1)How do you understand what a Political Process
types of Political Process do you Know?
3) Give the samples of different types of Political Process
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