Слайд 2The Present (Simple) Indefinite
служит для констатации факта совершения действия, часто происходящего

постоянно. Оно употребляется также для обозначения действия, присущего лицу или предмету, обозначенному подлежащим. Очень часто в составе предложения с этим-временем фигурируют наречия времени: today – сегодня, every day – каждый день, every morning – каждое утро, usually – обычно, always – всегда, often – часто, seldom – редко, sometimes – иногда и др.
Слайд 3Cочетания типа every day, every morning ставятся обычно в конце предложения.

usually, often, seldom, always, sometimes и т. д. ставятся перед смысловым глаголом. Однако эти же наречия ставятся после форм глагола to be в повествовательном предложении. А наречие sometimes может стоять и в самом начале предложения.
He often reads English books. – Он часто читает английские книги.
He does his morning exercises every day. – Он делает зарядку каждый день.
Sometimes we have tests. – Иногда мы пишем контрольные.
Слайд 4Окончание -s, -es.
Это признак 3-его лица единственного числа (он, она, оно).

Во всех остальных случаях для обозначения данного времени мы применяем первую форму глагола (так называемую словарную форму).
В вопросах любого типа требуются вспомогательные глаголы do (множественное число + 1, 2 лицо единственного числа), does (3 лицо единственного числа).
Смысловой глагол употребляется при наличии вспомогательных глаголов в первой форме.
Где ты живешь? – Where do you live? (специальный вопрос).
Он ничего не знает об этом. – Не knows nothing about it. = He doesn't know anything about it. (отрицание).
Он любит играть на гитаре или скрипке? – Does he like to play guitar or violin? (альтернативный вопрос).
В специальных вопросах после слов «кто, что, кто из» в функции подлежащего вспомогательный глагол не нужен!
Кто каждый день ходит на прогулку? – Who goes for a walk every day? (окончание -s, -es – сохраняется).
Слайд 5Упражнение 1.
Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме:
I am a student.

get up at 7 every morning.
I have got much free time.
My college is far from my house.
I go there on foot.
I learn English.
I have many English books.
My friend lives near the college.
We go to college together.
She likes to read books.
Слайд 6Упражнение 2.
Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными:
I've got two brothers.
He is an

He goes to school at 8.
We usually have 6 lessons every day.
My friend likes English.
We read English well.
There are many desks in this class-room.
She likes to learn English.
Tom goes to bed at 10.
I have got a good TV set.
Слайд 7Упражнение 3.
Поставьте глагол в 3-ем лице единственного числа. Начинайте каждое предложение со

слов: My friend ...
I usually read books in the evening. – My friend usually reads book m the evening.
Обратите внимание на правильное произнесение суффикса -s и -es.
1. I always get up at 7. 2. I wash my face and hands. 3. I don't like to take a shower in the morning. 4. I have breakfast in the kitchen. 5. For breakfast I have a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. I don't like coffee. 7. I go to school at 8. 8. I have 6 lessons every day. 9. I don't go home by bus. 10. I like to walk.
Слайд 8Упражнение 4.
Задайте своему другу вопросы. Начинайте вопросы со слов Do ...

Does ...
Образец: I live in this street. And you? – Do you live in this street too?
I speak English a little. And you?
I go to school by bus. And you?
I like hot weather. And your father?
I play tennis. And your sister?
You cook well. And your friend?
You watch T. V. every evening. And your parents?
You like black coffee. And your mother?
I often go to the cinema. And you?
I go to bed at 11. And Ann?
Your father has dinner at 2. And your mother?
Слайд 9Упражнение 5.
Поставьте вопросы, на которые нижеследующие предложения могли бы быть ответами.

No, I don't like this subject. Do you like this subject?
No, my father does not get up at 6.
No, I have no brother.
Yes, there are newspapers on the table.
No, I am not thirsty now.
Yes, he plays hockey very well.
Yes, he is at work.
Yes, there is a cup of coffee on the table.
No, there is no sofa in the room.
Yes, they have got three bedrooms in the house.
No, my mother doesn't go out in the evening.
Слайд 10Упражнение 6.
Вставьте глагол в правильной форме.
1. I … in Moscow. (live,

2. … you like English? (do, does)
3. My friends … German well. (speak, speaks)
4. He … not work at the factory. (do, does)
5. …. Pete often go to the theatre (do, does)?
Слайд 11Упражнение 7.
Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.
1. I (not to live) in

Moscow Street.
2. They (to go) to school every day?
3. The teacher (to teach) pupils at school.
4. Pete and Kate (to have) a dog.
5. Ann (to be) a teacher.
6. My brother (to work) in a shop?
Слайд 12Упражнение 8.
Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.
1. The pupils (to like) to

learn English.
2. Kate (to be) a good pupil.
3. They often (to read) a lot of books?
4. Olga (to speak) English at her lessons?
5. The boy (not to carry) books in bags.
6. We usually (to get up) at 7 o'clock.
Слайд 13Упражнение 9.
Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.
We usually (to retell) texts and

(to do) tests at the
2. Olga (to be) friendly and trendy.
3. I (not to like) to read horror stories about monsters when it (to be) rainy.
4. The pupils (to classify) a lot of words every day?
5. Mary (to advise) me to go to the cinema.
Слайд 14Упражнение 10.
Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.
1. Helen (to spend) her spare

time in Cambridge?
2. My German teacher (to teach) me to spell words
3. Olga and Tanya (not to think) this Disney film
(to be) interesting.
4. Lyna’s party (to be) very merry.
5. All children often (to visit) their grandparents in
Слайд 15Упражнение 11.
Поставьте предложения в Present Indefinite Tense.
1. The teacher (to ask)

us a lot of questions in class
every day.
2. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock?
3. She (not to speak) French well.
4. In the evening we (to watch) TV and (to talk).
5. I often (to go) for a walk after dinner.
6. My mother (to work) at a factory.
7. When your lessons (to begin) on Monday?
8. They (not to read) many books.