
Слайд 3

Introduction to Queues

A queue is a waiting line – seen in

Introduction to Queues A queue is a waiting line – seen in
daily life
A line of people waiting for a bank teller
A line of cars at a toll both
What other kinds of queues can you think of
The queue has a front and a rear.

Слайд 4

Front Rear

1 2 3 4

Front Rear

2 3

Front Rear 1 2 3 4 Front Rear 2 3 4 Front

Front Rear

1 2 3

Add 4 to the Queue

Remove the element
from the Queue

Original Queue

In Queue
Items can be removed only at the front
Items can be added only at the other end, the back

Слайд 5

The Queue As an ADT

A queue is a sequence of data elements

The Queue As an ADT A queue is a sequence of data
Enqueue (add element to back)
Dequeue (remove element from front)

Enqueue & Dequeue operations

Слайд 6

Types Of Queues
Linear Queue
Circular Queue
Double Ended Queue (Deque)
Priority Queue

Types Of Queues Linear Queue Circular Queue Double Ended Queue (Deque) Priority Queue

Слайд 7

Double Ended Queue

Double ended queues, called deques for short, are a generalized

Double Ended Queue Double ended queues, called deques for short, are a
form of the queue. It is exactly like a queue except that elements can be added to or removed from the head or the tail.
However, no element can be added and deleted from the middle.
In the computer’s memory, a deque is implemented using either a circular list or a circular doubly linked list.
In a deque, two pointers are maintained, LEFT and RIGHT, which point to either end of the deque. The elements in a deque extend from the LEFT end to the RIGHT end and since it is circular, Dequeue[N–1] is followed by Dequeue[0].

Слайд 8

There are two variants of a double-ended queue. They include :

There are two variants of a double-ended queue. They include : Input
restricted deque In this, insertions can be done only at one of the ends, while deletions can be done from both ends.
Output restricted deque In this deletions can be done only at one of the ends, while insertions can be done on both ends.

deque is useful for priority queuing.
A deque can model a station where cars can enter and leave on the left or right side of a line, but only the cars at the ends can move in and out.
common application of the deque is storing a software application's list of undo operations.

Слайд 9

Array Implementation -Dequeue

When an item is taken from the queue, it always

Array Implementation -Dequeue When an item is taken from the queue, it
comes from the front.
This a dequeue operation.

Слайд 10

Array Implementation -Enqueue

When an item is inserted into the queue, it always

Array Implementation -Enqueue When an item is inserted into the queue, it
goes at the end (rear).
This a enqueue operation.

Слайд 11



Слайд 13

Circular Queue

Circular Queue

Слайд 14


Drawback of Linear Queue

Once the queue is full, even though few

09/10/08 Drawback of Linear Queue Once the queue is full, even though
elements from the front are deleted and
some occupied space is relieved, it is not possible to add anymore new elements,
as the rear has already reached the Queue’s rear most position.

Circular Queue

This queue is not linear but circular.:

Circular Queue having
Rear = 5 and Front = 0

In circular queue, once the Queue is full the
"First" index of the Queue becomes the
"Rear" most index, if and only if the "Front" element has moved forward. otherwise it will be a "Queue overflow" state.

Слайд 15


Algorithms for Insert Operations in Circular Queue

For Insert Operation
Insert-Circular-Q(CQueue, Rear, Front, N,

09/10/08 Algorithms for Insert Operations in Circular Queue For Insert Operation Insert-Circular-Q(CQueue,
Here, CQueue is a circular queue.
Rear represents the location in which the data element is to be inserted and
Front represents the location from which the data element is to be removed.
N is the maximum size of CQueue and
Item is the new item to be added.
Initailly Rear = -1 and Front = -1.
1. If Front = -1 and Rear = -1 then Set Front = Rear = 0 and go to step 5.
2. Else If Front =0 and Rear = N-1 or Front = Rear + 1
then Print: “Circular Queue Overflow” and Return.
3. Else If Rear = N -1 then Set Rear := 0 and go to step 5.
4. Else Rear = Rear + 1
5. CQueue [Rear] := Item
6. Return

Слайд 16


For Delete Operation
Delete-Circular-Q(CQueue, Front, Rear, Item)
CQueue is the place where data are

09/10/08 For Delete Operation Delete-Circular-Q(CQueue, Front, Rear, Item) CQueue is the place
Rear represents the location in which the data element is to be inserted and
Front represents the location from which the data element is to be removed. Front element is assigned to Item.
Initially, Front = -1.
*..Delete without Insertion
If Front = -1 then Print: “Circular Queue Underflow” and Return.
Set Item := CQueue [Front]
3. If Front = N – 1 then Set Front = 0 and Return.
4. If Front = Rear then Set Front = Rear = -1 and Return.
5. Set Front := Front + 1
6. Return.

Слайд 17


Example- ENQUEUE
Circular queue with N = 5.


Initailly Rear = -1 and Front

09/10/08 Example- ENQUEUE Circular queue with N = 5. Rear Initailly Rear
= -1.
1. If Front = -1 and Rear = -1 then Set Front :=0 and go to step 4.
2. If Front =0 and Rear = N-1 or Front = Rear + 1
then Print: “Circular Queue Overflow” and Return.
3. If Rear = N -1 then Set Rear := 0 and go to step 4.
Set Rear:=Rear + 1 and CQueue [Rear] := Item.
5. Return

(If Index starts with 0)

Слайд 18


Example- ENQUEUE
Circular queue with N = 5.


(Assume Index starts with 1)

09/10/08 Example- ENQUEUE Circular queue with N = 5. Rear (Assume Index starts with 1)

Слайд 19


Circular queue with N = 5.

09/10/08 ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE Circular queue with N = 5.

Слайд 20


7. Insert 100.

8. Insert 40.

9. Insert 140.

10. Delete front,

11. Delete

09/10/08 7. Insert 100. 8. Insert 40. 9. Insert 140. 10. Delete

12. Delete front.

Initially, Front = -1.
If Front = -1 then Print: “Circular Queue Underflow” and Return.
Set Item := CQueue [Front]
3. If Front = N – 1 then Set Front = 0 and Return.
4. If Front = Rear then Set Front = Rear = -1 and Return.
5. Set Front := Front + 1
6. Return.

Initailly Rear = -1 and Front = -1.
1. If Front = -1 and Rear = -1 then Set Front :=0 and go to step 4.
2. If Front =0 and Rear = N-1 or Front = Rear + 1
then Print: “Circular Queue Overflow” and Return.
3. If Rear = N -1 then Set Rear := 0 and go to step 4.
Set Rear:=Rear + 1 and CQueue [Rear] := Item.
5. Return

1. Initially empty Queue

2. Insert 10,

3. Insert 50,

4. Insert 20,

5. Insert 70,

6. Delete front,.

Circular queue with N = 5.

( Index starts with 0)

Слайд 21


Circular queue with N = 5.


(Index starts with 0)


09/10/08 Example- ENQUEUE / DEQUEUE Circular queue with N = 5. Rear
Initially, Rear = -1, Front =-1

2. Insert 10, Rear = 0, Front = 0.

3. Insert 50, Rear = 1, Front = 0.

4. Insert 20, Rear = 2, Front = 0.

5. Insert 70, Rear = 3, Front = 0.

6. Delete front, Rear = 3, Front =1.

7. Insert 100, Rear = 4, Front = 1.

8. Insert 40, Rear = 0, Front = 1.

9. Insert 140, Rear = 0, Front = 1.
As Front = Rear + 1, so Queue overflow.

10. Delete front, Rear = 0, Front = 2.

11. Delete front, Rear = 0, Front = 3.

12. Delete front, Rear = 0, Front = 4.

Слайд 22

Double Ended Queue

Double ended queues, called deques for short, are a generalized

Double Ended Queue Double ended queues, called deques for short, are a
form of the queue. It is exactly like a queue except that elements can be added to or removed from the head or the tail.
However, no element can be added and deleted from the middle.
In the computer’s memory, a deque is implemented using either a circular array or a circular doubly linked list.
In a deque, two pointers are maintained, LEFT and RIGHT, which point to either end of the deque. The elements in a deque extend from the LEFT end to the RIGHT end and since it is circular, Dequeue[N–1] is followed by Dequeue[0].

Слайд 23

There are two variants of a double-ended queue. They include :

There are two variants of a double-ended queue. They include : Input
restricted deque In this, insertions can be done only at one of the ends, while deletions can be done from both ends.
Output restricted deque In this deletions can be done only at one of the ends, while insertions can be done on both ends.
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