- 2. Parts and regions of the neck Boundaries Superior- a line joining inferior border of mandible, angle
- 3. Landmarks of the neck Hyoid bone 舌骨 Thyroid cartilage 甲状软骨 Cricoid cartilage 环状软骨 Catotid tubercle 颈动脉结节
- 4. Landmarks of the neck Hyoid bone 舌骨 Thyroid cartilage 甲状软骨 Cricoid cartilage 环状软骨 Catotid tubercle 颈动脉结节
- 5. Landmarks of the neck Sternocleidomastoid Suprasternal fossa Greater supraclaviclar fossa
- 6. Regions of neck Neck 颈 Anterior region of neck 颈前区 Sternocleidomastoid region 胸锁乳突肌区 Lateral region of
- 7. Triangles of anterior region of neck Suprahyoid region 舌骨上区 Submental triangle 颏下三角 Submandibular triangle下颌下三角 Infrahyoid region
- 8. Triangles of lateral region of neck Occipital triangle 枕三角 supraclavicular triangle 锁骨上三角 (greater supraclavicular fossa) 锁骨上大窝
- 9. Skin of the neck The natural line of cleavage of the skin are constant and run
- 10. Superficial fascia Contents Platysma 颈阔肌 Superficial veins Anterior jugular v. 颈前静脉 External jugular v. 颈外静脉 Cutaneous
- 11. ★Cervical fascia 颈筋膜 Superficial layer of cervical fascia 颈筋膜浅层 (investing fascia 封套筋膜) Encloses trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, posterior
- 12. ★ Cervical fascia 颈筋膜 Pretracheal layer 气管前层 Lies deep to the infrahyoid muscle Encloses viscera of
- 13. ★ Cervical fascia 颈筋膜 Prevertebral layer 椎前层 Lies anterior to bodies of cervical vertebrae and prevertebral
- 14. ★ Cervical fascia 颈筋膜 Carotid sheath 颈动脉鞘 Formed by components of all three layers of deep
- 15. Fascia spaces筋膜间隙 Suprasternal space 胸骨上间隙 3-4cm above manubrium of sterni the investing fascia splits into two
- 16. fascia spaces筋膜间隙 Pretracheal space 气管前间隙 Lies between pretracheal layer and cervical part of trachea Contains arteria
- 17. Fascia spaces筋膜间隙 Retropharyngeal space 咽后间隙 Lies between prevertebral layer and buccopharyngeal fascia Prevertebral space 椎前间隙 Lies
- 18. Anterior region of neck 颈前区
- 19. Suprahyoid region Submental triangle 颏下三角 Lies below the chin Boundaries Laterally by anterior bellies of digastric
- 20. Suprahyoid region Submandibular triangle 下颌下三角 Boundaries Anterior and posterior bellies of digastric Lower border of the
- 21. Infrahyoid region ★ Carotid triangle 颈动脉三角 Boundaries Anterior border of sternocleidomastoid Superior belly of omohyoid Posterior
- 22. Infrahyoid region ★ Carotid triangle 颈动脉三角 Contents Common carotid a. and its branches Internal jugular v.
- 23. Infrahyoid region Ralations of posterior belly of digastic Superficial great auricular n. retromandibular v. cervical branch
- 24. Infrahyoid region ★ Muscular triangle 肌三角 Bounded by midline of the neck, superior belly of the
- 25. Infrahyoid region Muscular triangle 肌三角 Contents Superior belly of omohyoid Sternohyoid Sternothyroid Thyrohyoid Thyroid gland Parathyroid
- 26. ★ Thyroid gland 甲状腺 Shape and position H-shape Left and right lobes: lie on either side
- 27. ★ Thyroid gland 甲状腺 Coverings of the thyroid gland False capsule: a sheath of pretracheal fascia
- 28. ★ Thyroid gland 甲状腺 Relations of the thyroid gland Anteriorly: Skin superficial fascia investing fascia Infrahyoid
- 29. ★ Arteries of the thyroid gland Superior thyroid a. 甲状腺上动脉 Branch of external carotid a. Runs
- 30. ★ Arteries of the thyroid gland Inferior thyroid artery 甲状腺下动脉 Branch of thyrocervical trunk of subclavian
- 31. ★ Arteries of the thyroid gland Arteria thyroidea ima 甲状腺最下动脉 May arise (4%) from the brachiocephalic
- 32. ★ Nerves of the larynx Superior laryngeal n. 喉上神经 Internal branch 内支:which pierces thyrohyoid membrane to
- 33. ★ Nerves of the larynx Recurrent laryngeal nerves 喉返神经 Ascend in tracheo-esophageal groove Pass deep to
- 34. Venous drainage of the thyroid gland Superior thyroid veins drain into internal jugular vein Middle thyroid
- 35. ★ Parathyroid gland 甲状旁腺 Yellowish-brown, ovoid bodies Position Two superior parathyroid glands: lie at junction of
- 36. Cervical part of trachea 气管颈部 Begins at lower end of larynx-level of C6 vertebra Consists of
- 37. Relations of cervical part of trachea 气管颈部 ★ Anteriorly Skin Superficial fascia Investing fascia Suprasternal space
- 38. Relations of cervical part of trachea 气管颈部 Superolaterally lobes of the thyroid gland ( down as
- 39. Cervical part of esophagus 食管颈部 Extending from pharynx at level of C6 vertebra Descends through the
- 40. Sternocleidomastoid region 胸锁乳突肌区 Covered by sternocleidomastoid Contents Ansa cervicalis Carotid sheath Cervical plexus Cervical part of
- 41. Root of neck 颈根部 At thoracic inlet Formed by Anteriorly-manubrium sterni Posteriorly-body of first thoracic vertebra
- 42. Root of neck 颈根部 Contents Cupula of pleura-extends up into the neck, over the apex of
- 43. Triangle of the vertebral a. 椎动脉三角 Boundaries Medially-longus colli Laterally-scalenus anterior Inferiorly-first part of subclavian a.
- 44. Lateral region of neck 颈外侧区 Bounded by posterior border of sternocleidomastoid, anterior border of trapezius and
- 45. Occipital triangle 枕三角 Bounded by posterior border of sternocleidomastoid, anterior border of trapezius and superior border
- 46. Supraclavicular triangle 锁骨上三角 Bounded by posterior border of sternocleidomastoid, inferior belly of omohyoid and middle third
- 47. Skin incisions Make the skin incisions shown in figure Reflect the skin posteriorly to well behind
- 48. Dissection of Superficial Structures Note the underlying platysma muscle, a muscle of facial expression, which has
- 49. Dissection of Superficial Structures Using your scissors incise and spread the tough fascial covering of the
- 50. Cutaneous nerves and superficial veins
- 51. Muscular Triangle This triangle includes the “strap” muscles that lie anterior to the trachea. The superficial
- 52. Carotid Triangle This triangle is bound by the superior belly of the omohyoid, posterior belly of
- 53. Carotid Triangle Palpate and locate the tip of the greater horn of the hyoid bone. Just
- 54. Submendibular gland
- 55. Carotid Triangle Find the vagus nerve by carefully opening the carotid sheath. It lies within the
- 56. Carotid Triangle Identify the common carotid artery, internal carotid artery and the closely applied internal jugular
- 58. Carotid Triangle Clean the carotid bifurcation and note the dilated proximal portion of the internal carotid
- 59. Thyroid Gland Expose the thyroid gland and verify that it consists of right and left lobes
- 60. Base of the Neck Look for the thoracic duct, Which enters the angle between the left
- 61. Sympathetic trunk
- 63. ★You must identify follow structures! Muscles Sternocleidomastoid Sternohyoid Sternothyroid Thyrohyoid Omohyoid Scalenus anterior Scalenus medius Scalenus
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