Sensual fashion 20s The Great Gatsby movie

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Sensual fashion of the 20s

Silhouettes Style 20s tend to direct, rigorous and

Sensual fashion of the 20s Silhouettes Style 20s tend to direct, rigorous
emphasizing the fragile female figure, offsetting a simple form complex cut and fanciful decorations. These outfits are perfect for the atmosphere of a luxury restaurant, where he plays the piano, burn gently flickering candles and exude a pleasant smell of incense sticks and the men slowly circling dance of their chosen ones chic stylish and colorful outfits. Visually in such images are all just perfect, and the costumes are many details, luxury accessories, decoration luxurious jewels and glittering stones.

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Sensual fashion 20s

In the modern fashion such outfits moved undergone several

Sensual fashion 20s In the modern fashion such outfits moved undergone several
changes. In modern life, this outfit is rather a lacy cardigan, wearing a simple dress with beaded neck and beautiful sandals

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Sensual fashion 20s

A role in costume, imitating the style of the 20s,

Sensual fashion 20s A role in costume, imitating the style of the
will hold accessories. Among them are the gorgeous and varied, and most importantly become available, hats and hair ornaments, also strong small clutches and bracelets, lavishly decorating hands.

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Sensual fashion 20s

Sensual fashion 20s

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Evening Dress

Evening Dress

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Coco Chanel (19 August 1883 10 January 1971) - French fashion designer,

Coco Chanel (19 August 1883 10 January 1971) - French fashion designer,
founder of the fashion house Chanel, which is influenced by women's fashion of the twentieth century. It is thanks to Coco in female clothes appeared fitted jacket and all your favorite little black dress. In 1910, in Paris, Coco Chanel opened her first shop. In it, she was selling ladies' hats. Famous perfume «Chanel № 5" appeared in 1921. She wore such famous actress Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn.

Coco Chanel

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Classic suit from Coco Chanel

In this situation, by Coco Chanel's fashions, at

Classic suit from Coco Chanel In this situation, by Coco Chanel's fashions,
first glance, simple and artless, quickly conquered the souls of thousands of women, not only in France but throughout the world.
Invented by her combination - cardigan with a straight skirt - became the quintessence of classical style - though in the 1920s was considered highly avant-garde. It is this combination became the basis for the suit from Chanel: cardigan, sewn into the hem weighted chain blouse to match the lining of the jacket and simple in silhouette skirt. Chanel's favorite colors - gray, navy and beige - for the first time and are used for day and for evening wear.

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Another creation Coco

This little black dress that has outlived its creator and

Another creation Coco This little black dress that has outlived its creator
will live for many years, along with its other discoveries - jersey trousers, pumps and jewelry.

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Little dress is not by chance was black Chanel lost lover. But

Little dress is not by chance was black Chanel lost lover. But
all that she invented, instantly became fashionable. Therefore, half of the world got dressed in mourning.
Many designers like Chanel herself afterwards, a lot of experimenting with long sleeves, neck shape, long skirts, trim

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Swimwear "crazy twenties"

Swimwear "crazy Twenties" was a kind of challenge to

Swimwear "crazy twenties" Swimwear "crazy Twenties" was a kind of challenge to
society. In women, there swimwear, baring arms and legs. Tissue from which sewed swimsuits were still far from perfect. But, unlike beachwear beginning of the century, when a woman approached the water, dressed from head to toe, fashion decade after the war, despite the heavy wool and stretch cotton jersey, gave women the opportunity to experience the beauty of relaxing on the water.
In the 1920s and became known there were many Mediterranean beaches, in Italy, on the island - popular now. Bathing cubicles and separate beaches gradually gone. Swim all steel and in front of everyone.
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