Слайд 2

PSH 921

Main technical characteristics:

Caliber ………………………...9x19 mm, 9 mm NEO
Length of

PSH 921 Main technical characteristics: Caliber ………………………...9x19 mm, 9 mm NEO Length
the pistol .................163 mm
Width of the pistol ……….........26 mm
Length of the barrel ………......133 mm
Speed of the bullet ……………410 – 560 m/s
Muzzle energy ………………...670 – 740 J
Weight of the pistol ……………730 g
Magazine capacity …………….10 – 15 rounds

Слайд 3

In the utter rear position, the breech is damped by the mass

In the utter rear position, the breech is damped by the mass
of the spring-loaded barrel. Barrel length is 80% of the total length of the pistol. The weight of the moving parts is 80% of the pistol’s weight.

The pistol is made to shoot down enemy manpower at ranges up to 50 m without individual protection and up to 30 m in individual protection class 4.
Automaticity of pistol based on the using of recoil with a short movement of the barrel parallel to its axis.

Слайд 4

The trigger mechanism is located in the breech.
To produce a quick

The trigger mechanism is located in the breech. To produce a quick
and accurate first shot, it is possible to cock the trigger with the cock button located under the trigger guard.
The sending of the next cartridge to the chamber is carried out along the axis of the barrel.
Removing the spent cartridge occurs when the breech moves forward.
When the cartridges are used up in the magazine, last one remains on the delivery line.
Имя файла: SHRKarms.pptx
Количество просмотров: 38
Количество скачиваний: 0