
Слайд 2

Technology Transfer
What is technology transfer?
Different Definitions, Approaches and Models
Doha Declaration –

Technology Transfer What is technology transfer? Different Definitions, Approaches and Models Doha
Article 37.- Trade and Transfer of Technology
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) - Article 66.2 “Least-Developed Country Members”
“The technology transfer is the process of applying research results in practical use”
The Massachusetts’s Institute of Technology : “ Technology transfer is the movement of knowledge and discoveries to the general public”
AUTM (The Association of University Technology Managers) – very broad definition of technology transfer as the movement of ideas, tools, and people among institutions of higher learning, the commercial sector and the public.
Transfer of technology refers broadly to a series of processes enabling and facilitating flows of skills, knowledge, ideas, know-how and technology among different stakeholders such as university and research institutions, international organizations, IGOs, NGOs, private sector entities and individuals.  Transfer of technology, which is often considered to include the absorption of new technologies, is sometimes also considered to involve the transfer of concrete knowledge for the manufacture of products, the application of a process or for the rendering of a service granting the improvement of domestic as well as the international competitiveness in the economic market.

Слайд 3

Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer – almost always contains transfer of “know – how”,

Technology Transfer Technology Transfer – almost always contains transfer of “know –
thus closely related to Knowledge Transfer
What can be transferred?
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.
IP is divided into two categories: 
Industrial property:
inventions (patents)
industrial designs, and
geographic indications of source;
Copyright: mostly related to software, but also drawings, manuals, scientific works.
Tangible research property: unpatented biological research materials
Intangible property: trade secrets, know how.

Слайд 4

Technology Transfer

How knowledge / technology transfer can be done?
Working relations
Formally –

Technology Transfer How knowledge / technology transfer can be done? Informally Discussions
License Agreements
Development Collaboration Agreements
Research Services Agreements
Sponsored Research Agreements
Material Transfer Agreement
Consultancy Agreements
Confidentiality Agreements

Слайд 5

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing
A license is a consent by the

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing A license is a consent by the
owner (Licensor) to the use of IP by other party (Licensee) in exchange for money or some other value (cross – license).
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 772/2004 – “Technology transfer agreements concern the licensing of technology. Such agreements will usually improve economic efficiency and be pro-competitive as they can reduce duplication of research and development, strengthen the incentive for the initial research and development, spur incremental innovation, facilitate diffusion and generate product market competition”

Слайд 6

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing
Legal Framework
Contract – gives freedom of regulating

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing Legal Framework Contract – gives freedom of
relations between contractual parties – but can not be contrary to the Constitution and applicable laws
International IP Treaties and Standards (TRIPS)
National IP Laws
Competition Law
Specific Laws – relevant for the particular area of negotiation
Health Regulations
Environmental Law
Nuclear Law, etc.

Слайд 7

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing
Nuclear Law Definition
The body of special legal

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing Nuclear Law Definition The body of special
norms created to regulate the conduct of legal or natural persons engaged in activities related to fissionable materials, ionizing radiation and exposure to natural sources of radiation – IAEA Handbook on Nuclear Law.
Special legal norms
Risk–benefit approach
Relate to the conduct of individuals and legal persons (commercial, academic, scientific and governmental entities), as well as
Use of fissionable material or ionizing radiation, justify special regime.
License in nuclear context is often understood as permission - license to build power plant and/or license to operate.
IP licensing agreement has always as a subject matter IP – registered on non registered.

Слайд 8

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing

Licensing parties in the nuclear industry should

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing Licensing parties in the nuclear industry should
be in compliance with:
Regulations, security and liability surrounding the use of nuclear energy, nuclear waste and its proper disposal.

Слайд 9

Innovation Trends in Nuclear Power Generation

Source: François Lévêque, Ecole des mines de

Innovation Trends in Nuclear Power Generation Source: François Lévêque, Ecole des mines de Paris

Слайд 10

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing

USPTO Regulation
706.03(b) Barred by Atomic Energy Act

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing USPTO Regulation 706.03(b) Barred by Atomic Energy
[R-2] - 700 Examination of Applications
706.03(b) Barred by Atomic Energy Act [R-2]
A limitation on what can be patented is imposed by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. Section 151(a) (42 U.S.C. 2181(a)>)< thereof reads in part as follows:
No patent shall hereafter be granted for any invention or discovery which is useful solely in the utilization of special nuclear material or atomic energy in an atomic weapon.

Слайд 11

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing

IP licensing only occurs when one of

I. Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing ” IP licensing only occurs when one
the parties owns valuable intangible assets know as Intellectual Property (IP).
IP ownership gives a legal right to the owner of IP to exclude or prevent others from using that IP for commercial purposes.
Intellectual Property (registered or non registered) is the subject matter of the licensing agreement.
Different kinds of IP Licenses
Pure IP License
Product or Technology License
Standard License

Слайд 12

I. IP Licensing

Technology Licensing often occurs as a consequence or in

I. IP Licensing Technology Licensing often occurs as a consequence or in
the context of other relationships (research or business) in which other agreements are very important. In that case licensing agreement is interrelated to these other agreements.
Joint Venture Agreement
Merger of Businesses
Research Collaboration Agreement
Sponsored Research Agreement
Material Transfer Agreement
Research Service Agreement ( IP ownership of the developed research results may be assigned in advance)

Слайд 13

I. IP Licensing and Technology Transfer

Licensing Agreements
Most frequently used mean

I. IP Licensing and Technology Transfer Licensing Agreements Most frequently used mean
for technology transfer, in particular in university-industry relations,
Advantage - gives variety of options for business relations with different partners by using the same portfolio of IP,
“Win – win “ solutions,
Possibility for licensing partners to share the risk through royalty rates;
Potentially provides significant return on investment and incentives for creativity and innovation;
Very important business tool for new “collaborative innovation” or “open innovation”.

Слайд 14

II. Key Terms of a Licensing Agreement

II. Key Terms of a Licensing Agreement

Слайд 15

The key terms of a licensing agreement - are the vital elements

The key terms of a licensing agreement - are the vital elements
in the structure of the licensing agreement.

Слайд 16

I. Subject Matter: What is licensed?
II. Scope: What can you do with

I. Subject Matter: What is licensed? II. Scope: What can you do
III. Financial: What value is it?
IV. Upgrades and maintenance: What will happen with it in the future?

Key Terms The Four Clusters

Слайд 17

Key Terms are Inter - Related with Business Objectives of the Negotiating

Key Terms are Inter - Related with Business Objectives of the Negotiating
What do you want to achieve with the licensing agreement will influence your options related to key terms!
What is essential for you?

Key Terms and Business Objectives

Слайд 18

What must you gain in order for this agreement to be

What must you gain in order for this agreement to be worthwhile?
What is the best result that can be obtained?
What outcome do you want to avoid?
From a business perspective, is the best result a license to IP rights only (“pure IP license”) or a broader set of related agreements (“business partnership”)?
In what specific ways will this license make money for your business?

Key Terms and Business Objectives What is the business reason for the license?

Слайд 19

Chapter III: Cluster 1
The Subject Matter

Chapter III: Cluster 1 The Subject Matter

Слайд 20

It can be registered IP:
Patent – formula for medical treatment;
Copyright –

It can be registered IP: Patent – formula for medical treatment; Copyright
Trademark – “coca – cola”, franchising – “McDonalds”
Industrial design – car design;
Important subject matter of a technology transfer agreement is trade secret and know - how – non registered IP.

Subject Matter: What is Licensed?

Слайд 21

(Software, Schematics, Documentation)

Trade Secrets



Patent 1 (Turbine)
Patent 2
(Integration System)

Patent 3 (Thin Film)


Copyright (Software, Schematics, Documentation) Trade Secrets Know-how Trademark Ind. design Patent 1
Matter of the Imaginative “Smart Turbine” Licensing Agreement

Слайд 22

(Technical Documentation)




Patent 1 (Turbine)
Patent 2
(Integration System)

Patent 3 (Thin Film)

II. What the

Copyright (Technical Documentation) Know-how Trademark Ind. design Patent 1 (Turbine) Patent 2
Licensor Want to License OUT

7. Claim

5. Claim

6. Claim

7. Claim

5. Claim

6. Claim

7. Claim

5. Claim

6. Claim

Слайд 23

(Software, Schematics, Documentation)

Trade Secrets
Patent 2
(Integration System)

Patent 3 (Thin Film)

I. What the

Copyright (Software, Schematics, Documentation) Trade Secrets Know-how Patent 2 (Integration System) Patent
Licensee Wants to License IN

Слайд 24

The Subject Matter What are You Licensing? Define and Include Relevant Documentation

Patent No.

The Subject Matter What are You Licensing? Define and Include Relevant Documentation
The trademark ___
A protocol
All rights necessarily infringed by the X Standard
The X technology

Formula (to be completed….?)
The Product
The Licensed Material
As set forth in Appendix A…

Слайд 25

Common Problems

Who owns the IP?
Unfinished development
Patents not issued
Multiple parties
Pending claims

Common Problems Who owns the IP? Unfinished development Patents not issued Multiple

MOUs or Letters of Intent
Best efforts, good faith

Слайд 26

How Can You Clarify the Subject Matter?

Confidentiality agreements
Prototype agreements

How Can You Clarify the Subject Matter? Confidentiality agreements Prototype agreements Feasibility
Interim agreements (addressing cost)
Consultations with lawyers, experts
Study of documentation, databases
Study competing products

Слайд 27

Chapter III: Cluster 2
The Scope of the Rights

Chapter III: Cluster 2 The Scope of the Rights

Слайд 28

Scope of Rights

What and how broad rights your business model require?

Scope of Rights What and how broad rights your business model require?
have made, use, sell, import, transfer, make improvements?
Copy, display, modify, make derivative works, distribute, transfer?
Conduct research and product development?

Слайд 29

Scope of Rights

Very important element in a licensing agreement, as it

Scope of Rights Very important element in a licensing agreement, as it
gives both parties various options to negotiate and to adjust to their own business interest – “win-win”.
Options manly relates to:
Exclusivity of the rights
Field of use of IP and technology

Слайд 30

Scope: Exclusive rights?

A necessary risk (for Licensor)?
What arguments can Licensee

Scope: Exclusive rights? A necessary risk (for Licensor)? What arguments can Licensee
make for obtaining exclusivity of the rights?
What arguments can Licensor make against?
Possible means of protection against a lazy, dishonest, or ineffective licensee:
Minimum Royalties
Time Limitation of Exclusivity
Ineffeciciency as a Trigger for Contract Termination

Слайд 31

Common Problems in Cluster 2

Scope too broad
Scope too vague

Common Problems in Cluster 2 Scope too broad Scope too vague Scope
too restricted (e.g. no right to sell)
Exclusivity granted without protections
Unclear how sublicenses are administered
Grant backs that prevent the licensee from creating advantage

Слайд 32

Chapter III: Cluster 3
Financial Terms in Licensing Agreements

Chapter III: Cluster 3 Financial Terms in Licensing Agreements

Слайд 33

Value: Total value of the licensed IP in context of the other

Value: Total value of the licensed IP in context of the other
key terms; and
Form of payment: How the payments will be made.

Cluster 3: Financial Terms in License Agreements

Слайд 34

What is IP Valuation?


Valuation: The process of identifying and measuring financial benefit

What is IP Valuation? Benefit Risk Valuation: The process of identifying and
and risk from an asset.
The value of IP depends on the context !!

Слайд 35

When is IP Valuation Used?

Litigation – Lost Profit
Strategies and Transactions – Benefit

When is IP Valuation Used? Litigation – Lost Profit Strategies and Transactions
and Risk
Merger and Acquisition
IP Audit
Financial Reporting
Investment Transactions
IP Commercialization/Licensing

Слайд 36

When is IP Valuation Used in the Context of Licensing Negotiation?


When is IP Valuation Used in the Context of Licensing Negotiation? Sell
or License?
What is the Right Price?
Royalty Rate?
In context of other key terms
Subject of the license
Scope of the rights granted
Exclusive – Non Exclusive
Other financial arrangements

Слайд 37

« Background  »








Value of the Same IP is Variable

The value of

« Background » Commercialization P P 1 10 30 50 Value of
the same IP imbedded in the research results will change in the process of IP commercialization depending on the context – maturity of the technology, investment, identified partners, business model for commercialization...


Research Result

Слайд 38

The Three Classic Methods

value over time discounted for
time value of money
Market Comparables

The Three Classic Methods Income value over time discounted for risk time
to Recreate

Слайд 39

The Income Method
Projection of the future net income (“net cash flow”) that

The Income Method Projection of the future net income (“net cash flow”)
the IP asset can be expected to generate over a certain period of time (usually the economic lifetime of the asset), taking into account the time, value of the money and the risk that the income will not be realized.
Different approaches – “Discounted Cash Flow” - determination of the Net Present Value of the IP asset.

Слайд 40

How DCF Calculation Works

How DCF Calculation Works

Слайд 41

Market Method

Advantage-simple, if there are appropriate data
IP market is not developed

Market Method Advantage-simple, if there are appropriate data Difficulties IP market is
to find pertinent data (contracts are confidential usually)
Sectarian databases might have useful information-variations and complexity of each case have to be taken into consideration
Geographical and market differences
Other terms in contract have to be taken into account

Слайд 42

Cost Method

Replacement (creation) cost of R&D plus the cost of IP protection;

Cost Method Replacement (creation) cost of R&D plus the cost of IP

Advantages: useful to estimate a competitor’s invent-around costs and understand licensor’s perspective;
lost time
difficult to determine
cost of creation is not always representative of the value of the protected technology.

Слайд 43

Lump sum
Initial fee or licensing fee
Installment payments

Formes of Payment

Royalties Lump sum Initial fee or licensing fee Installment payments Combinations Formes of Payment

Слайд 44

What is a Royalty?

A form of payment in which Licensee pays value

What is a Royalty? A form of payment in which Licensee pays
to Licensor over a negotiated period of time, in return for Licensor’s consent to use IP.
Royalties are based on volume (per unit) or a percentage revenues of products using the IP.

Слайд 45

Why Royalties are Used
A way of distributing payment of value to Licensor

Why Royalties are Used A way of distributing payment of value to
so as to:
Permit sharing of benefit,
Share risk that the technology will not succeed (because of technology defect or market failure),
Avoid immediate high cost to Licensee,
Ensure mutual motivation to make technology succeed.

Слайд 46

Minimum Royalties - Important for licensor in exclusive licenses as security in

Minimum Royalties - Important for licensor in exclusive licenses as security in
case of failure of licensee to exploit the technology
Capped Royalties
Ramping (Increasing) Royalties
Declining Royalites
Premium for high performance (bonus)
Advances against royalties (where licensor needs up front cash to fund operations)

Royalty Variations

Слайд 47

Comparable Royalties

Dan McGavock, IPC Group, Chicago, Illinois (based on survey)

Comparable Royalties Dan McGavock, IPC Group, Chicago, Illinois (based on survey)

Слайд 48

Chapter III: Cluster 4
Development of the Technology

Chapter III: Cluster 4 Development of the Technology

Слайд 49

Improvements by Licensor and Licensee
Joint Improvements
New products
New patents
Service and support

Improvements by Licensor and Licensee Joint Improvements New products New patents Service
CHANGING! BUT CONTRACTS are fixed in time.

Future Developments

Слайд 50

EC Competition Law - lists a number of restrictions which do not

EC Competition Law - lists a number of restrictions which do not
benefit from the safe harbour (not automatically exempted), and require individual assessment on the basis of the TT Guidelines as to whether they merit exemption because their pro-competitive effects outweigh their restrictive effects.
Exklusive grant-back obligations (either through a licence or assignment) in respect of a licensee’s own ‘severable’ improvements to (or his own new applications of) the licensed technology (a severable improvement means ‘an improvement that can be exploited without infringing the licensed technology’);
In case of non-competitors: restrictions on the licensee’s ability to exploit his own technology or on the parties’ ability to carry out R&D.
Platform strategy often involves grant backs: e.g. Linux /Open Source.

Future Developments: Grant Backs by Licensee

Слайд 51

Grant Backs: Contractual „grant backs“ are frequently used by licensor requesting the

Grant Backs: Contractual „grant backs“ are frequently used by licensor requesting the
potential licensee to agree to „grant back“ to the licensor rights to the improvement patents developed by the licensee, that related to the original patent as partial consideration of license rights.
Exclusive grant backs often challenged by competition law.
Grant backs can also be negotiated as mutual obligation – cross licensing of the improvements. More balansed solution.

Future Developments: Grant Backs by Licensee

Слайд 52

Licensing Negotiation

Licensing Negotiation

Слайд 53

In technology licensing, the most important indicators of success are bargaining leverage

In technology licensing, the most important indicators of success are bargaining leverage and preparation
and preparation

Слайд 54

How to Prepare?

Define the team
Define business objectives
Assess bargaining power
Fix time frame
Gather documents


How to Prepare? Define the team Define business objectives Assess bargaining power
the Term Sheet
Chose negotiating strategy
Select any preliminary agreements
Evaluate the other party
Meet with the Team

Слайд 55

The Advantage Continuum

The negotiator has the difficult task of constantly assessing the

The Advantage Continuum The negotiator has the difficult task of constantly assessing
way the key terms affect the business objectives of the license
The goal of the negotiator is to stay as much as possible on the right side of this continuum with respect to each key term

Слайд 56

Fall-back Positions and Compromise

You may decide to accept a compromise with

Fall-back Positions and Compromise You may decide to accept a compromise with
respect to a certain key term, that is, take a position that is not advantageous (a negative number in the above continuum), but that is acceptable in the context of positions taken on other key terms
The objective is to reach “Win-Win” solution!!
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