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The USA is the most developed country

The History of discovering


Content The USA is the most developed country The History of discovering Modern inventions Americans


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The USA is the most developed country

To begin speaking about the

The USA is the most developed country To begin speaking about the
United States, I can’t but mention, that there are a lot of English speaking countries in the world. One of them and the most developed country is the United States of America.

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The USA is the most developed country

Many years ago it was called:

The USA is the most developed country Many years ago it was
«The new world» a lot of people arrived there to find a new life. It seemed them, that the land, the nature and the life there was easier than on other continents.

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The History of discovering

Many years ago in 1492 a great traveller Cristopher

The History of discovering Many years ago in 1492 a great traveller
Columbus discovered America. Many settlers faced to a lot of dificulties during the first years living there among wild nature, wild animals and strange people. There were 13 colonies in America in the 17 th centure. That’s why there are 13 stripes on the American national flag.

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Columbus landed in the new land.

Columbus landed in the new land.

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Modern inventions

The United States is a young country. Americans like new ideas.

Modern inventions The United States is a young country. Americans like new
They built the first skyscrapers. They put the first man on the moon. But Americans love old things too. Americans like to be modern. They like exiting modern cities, new houses and new cars. Americans scientists and technologist make a lot of inventions in all branches of science and industry to make peoples life better richer and more comfortable.

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The people of the United States are in fact people from many

Americans The people of the United States are in fact people from
different countries. These people brought to their new home their traditions. Only Americans celebrate. Thanks giving and Memorial Day.
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