Thermal processes of processing of petroleum raw materials. Production of carbon black and petroleum bitumen


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Thermal processes of processing of petroleum raw materials

The thermal process is a

Thermal processes of processing of petroleum raw materials The thermal process is
set of cracking and compaction reactions carried out thermally, that is, without the use of catalysts.

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Thermal processes of processing of petroleum raw materials

Thermal cracking is the high—temperature

Thermal processes of processing of petroleum raw materials Thermal cracking is the
processing of hydrocarbons in order to obtain products with a lower molecular weight

Coking is the process of processing liquid or solid fuel by heating without air access.

Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of organic and many inorganic compounds.

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Production of carbon black and petroleum bitumen

technical carbon is a highly dispersed

Production of carbon black and petroleum bitumen technical carbon is a highly
amorphous carbon product.

Petroleum bitumen — liquid, semi-solid or solid petroleum products consisting of asphaltenes, resins and oils.

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Production of technical carbon

The furnace process is a method that allows to

Production of technical carbon The furnace process is a method that allows
obtain high—quality soot by blowing petroleum oil into a high-temperature gas for their partial combustion.

The acetylene process is a method in which soot is formed by thermal decomposition of acetylene gas.

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Production of technical carbon

The channel process is a method in which partially

Production of technical carbon The channel process is a method in which
burned fuel is in contact with a steel chute cooled by water.

The lamp process is a method of obtaining a product by collecting soot from vapors formed during the burning of vegetable oils or coniferous wood.

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Production of petroleum bitumen

Oxygen oxidation is a method in which various oil

Production of petroleum bitumen Oxygen oxidation is a method in which various
residues are oxidized by air at a temperature of 180 – 300 ° C.

The method of concentration of oil residues by distilling them in vacuum, at which residual bitumen is obtained.

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Technological design of the process

Oil refining is the process of producing

Technological design of the process Oil refining is the process of producing
petroleum products, primarily various types of fuels and raw materials for subsequent chemical processing from oil.

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Primary processing processes

Primary refining processes are the physical separation of oil into

Primary processing processes Primary refining processes are the physical separation of oil into fractions.

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Primary processing processes

Atmospheric distillation is a distillation process carried out at atmospheric

Primary processing processes Atmospheric distillation is a distillation process carried out at

Vacuum distillation is the process of distilling fractions suitable for processing from fuel oil.

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Secondary processing processes

Secondary processing processes — chemical modification of hydrocarbon molecules that

Secondary processing processes Secondary processing processes — chemical modification of hydrocarbon molecules that make up oil.
make up oil.

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Secondary processing processes

Catalytic reforming — catalytic aromatization of petroleum products.

Isomerization is the

Secondary processing processes Catalytic reforming — catalytic aromatization of petroleum products. Isomerization
production of high—octane components of commercial gasoline from low-octane fractions of oil by structural modification of the carbon skeleton.

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Secondary processing processes

Hydrotreating is the process of chemical transformation of substances under

Secondary processing processes Hydrotreating is the process of chemical transformation of substances
the influence of hydrogen at high pressure and temperature.

Alkylation is the introduction of alkyl into the molecule of an organic compound.

Имя файла: Thermal-processes-of-processing-of-petroleum-raw-materials.-Production-of-carbon-black-and-petroleum-bitumen.pptx
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