What is Public Relation


Слайд 2

Publicity is just one of many tactics used by public relations practitioners.

Publicity is just one of many tactics used by public relations practitioners.

Public relations also build corporate and product identities, a process known as branding.

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The Fall of Advertisement and the rise of PR.

Al and Laura

The Fall of Advertisement and the rise of PR. Al and Laura
Ries, authors of this book, argument that is was PR – not advertisement - that launched brands: Starbucks, Palm, the Body Shop, Walmart, Red Bull, etc.

Слайд 4

Public - any group of people who share common interest or values

Public - any group of people who share common interest or values
in a particular situation.
When a public has a relationship with your organization, the public is called a stakeholder.

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Comprehensive definition of public relations

Public relations is a management function.
Public relations

Comprehensive definition of public relations Public relations is a management function. Public
involves to way communication.
Public relations is a planned activity.
Public relations is a research - based social science.
Public relations is socially responsible.

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Marrying Theory and Practice

Heuristic – using educated guesses based upon trial and

Marrying Theory and Practice Heuristic – using educated guesses based upon trial
error to reach a satisfaction solution.
Theoretical – decisions rest on tried and tested models verified through social science research.
Axioms – self-evident or universally recognized truths, than the natural sciences.

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Four models of practitioners

1. expert prescribe (as an authority on both public

Four models of practitioners 1. expert prescribe (as an authority on both
relations problems and solutions).
2. communication technician (hired primarily for writing and editing skills)
3. communication facilitator (who serves as a liaison, interpreter and mediator between the organization and its publics)
4. problem – solving process facilitator (who collaborates with other managers by helping them define and solve problems)

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The Public Relations Process

Public relations is conducted within the framework of

The Public Relations Process Public relations is conducted within the framework of
a four- step process.
Remember: This is public relations, the profession of a thousand definitions.

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The Traditional Four-Step Model of the Public Relations Process

ROPE: Research Objectives Programming

The Traditional Four-Step Model of the Public Relations Process ROPE: Research Objectives
RACE: Research Action Communication Evaluation
ДОБАВИТЬ фигуру 1.1 из книги

Слайд 10

Public Relations Process

Research- the Discovery phase
Planning- the Strategy phase
Communication- the Execution phase

Public Relations Process Research- the Discovery phase Planning- the Strategy phase Communication-
the phase of Measurement

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The Dynamic Model of the PR process


The Dynamic Model of the PR process ДОБАВИТЬ ФИГУРУ 1.2

Слайд 12

The role of values in public relations

Key component: values
Values are defined as

The role of values in public relations Key component: values Values are
the fundamental beliefs and standards that drive behavior and decision making.

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Values-Driven Public Relations

How can organization try to ensure that their actions

Values-Driven Public Relations How can organization try to ensure that their actions
match their words?
We advocate an approach we call values-driving public relations.
???? Алма

Слайд 14

PR is the values-driven management of relationships between an organization and the

PR is the values-driven management of relationships between an organization and the
public that can affect its success.
Values incorporated: planning and communication
If that sounds easy, it isn’t.

Слайд 15

Whose values should you follow ?

An organization must: Identify and Consider

Whose values should you follow ? An organization must: Identify and Consider
its own values.
Sometimes it is hard to decide which values to follow.
Conflict between organization and social values, organization must make a difficult choice.
Имя файла: What-is-Public-Relation.pptx
Количество просмотров: 184
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