Gene Exchange/Gene Mapping Techniques in Bacteria Transformation


Слайд 2

Reading List

Microbial genetics. S.R.Maloy, J.E. Cronan & Freifelder
Genetics – a molecular

Reading List Microbial genetics. S.R.Maloy, J.E. Cronan & Freifelder Genetics – a molecular approach. T.A. Brown
approach. T.A. Brown

Слайд 3

Bacterial Transformation – uptake of DNA

This technique was used to first demonstrate

Bacterial Transformation – uptake of DNA This technique was used to first
that DNA
was the genetic material and not protein.
Griffith in 1928, demonstrated the ‘transformation
Avery, Macleod & McCarty (1944) later demonstrated
‘transformation’ material was nucleic acid.
Work was done with S. pneumoniae, 2 forms:
normal or ‘S’ form (smooth shiny colonies), when injected into mice, it kills them
mutant or ‘R’ form (rough colonies), it does NOT kill mice when injected into them.

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Griffith’s Experiment

Griffith’s Experiment

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Begins with the uptake of DNA chromosomal fragments from the surrounding media

Transformation Begins with the uptake of DNA chromosomal fragments from the surrounding
into cells competent for uptake of DNA.
The donor DNA then undergoes a physical exchange (recombination) and is incorporated into the host cell (e.g. as can be demonstrated by new antibiotic resistance).
Most bacteria are proficient at recombination but very few are competent for uptake of DNA naturally.
Even those that are naturally competent, only a small fraction are competent, but this can be enhanced by culturing under certain conditions.

Слайд 6

Natural competence

This results from changes in the bacterial cell wall at a

Natural competence This results from changes in the bacterial cell wall at
particular stage in the cell cycle (late log phase) and lasts just for a few minutes.
Receptors (between 4-80) on the cell wall are activated by a competence factor.
Competence factors are produced by a limited number of cells, but these then convert the rest of the culture to be competent by expressing 8 to 10 key proteins.
Competent specific proteins are expressed, e.g. autolysin.
Autolysin activates a DNA binding protein and nuclease in the cell wall.

Слайд 7

Natural competence

Natural competence

Слайд 8

Transformation cont.

Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) released by bacteria (e.g. during starvation) bind

Transformation cont. Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) released by bacteria (e.g. during starvation) bind
to the ‘competent’ cell surface.
The dsDNA is nicked and one strand is degraded.
The remaining DNA strand then binds to a protein and enters the cell.
The ssDNA if homologous can then recombine into the host genome.

Слайд 9



Слайд 10

Competence ‘for uptake of DNA’

Relatively few bacteria are naturally competent,
best examples are

Competence ‘for uptake of DNA’ Relatively few bacteria are naturally competent, best
Bacillus subtilus, Streptomyces pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.
However a wide range of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells can be made competent.

Слайд 11

Genetic Mapping by Transformation

a+ b+



Transformation of an
a-b- recipient

If a+b+ are

Genetic Mapping by Transformation a+ b+ b+ a+ Transformation of an a-b-
closely linked (physically close), will see a+b+, a+b- and a-b+.
If not closely linked will only see a+b- or a-b+

DNA released & degraded

Слайд 12

Bacterial conjugation

Is based on cell to cell contact due to sex-pili encoded

Bacterial conjugation Is based on cell to cell contact due to sex-pili
the F (fertility) plasmid.
Occurs by crossing an F- (female) strain with
an HFr (High Frequency of recombination) due to an F plasmid integrated into the donor chromosome.
2. an F’ (F-prime) strain.

Слайд 14

(from Genetics
by Brown)

(from Genetics by Brown)

Слайд 16

Integration of F into the chromosome produces an Hfr of defined position

Hfrs contain

Integration of F into the chromosome produces an Hfr of defined position
the integrated F factor at a defined position in the bacterial chromosome.
Hfrs behave like a big F factor and transfer the chromosome from the point at which the F factor is integrated.
E. coli chromosome is mapped in minutes, these minutes are the time taken to transfer part of the chromosome. The whole chromosome can theoretically be transferred in 100 minutes.
This allows gene mapping experiments.

Слайд 17

E. coli chromosome, each arrow denotes a specific Hfr, with point and

E. coli chromosome, each arrow denotes a specific Hfr, with point and
direction of chromosome transfer


(from Microbial Genetics Maloy et al.)

Слайд 18

Genetic Mapping by Conjugation

1. Can the position of a gene by

Genetic Mapping by Conjugation 1. Can the position of a gene by
crossing an Hfr x F- and asking if gene is transferred by specific Hfrs

Hfr A

Hfr B


Hfr StrS

F- StrR



Add Hfr to F- at 1:10 leave for 60 mins at 370C.
Plate on minimal media + streptomycin.
Only Hfr B x F- will yield cells (transconjugants) that will grow on minimal media containing streptomycin, pheA maps between the origin of transfer of Hfr A and Hfr B.

Слайд 19

Genetic Mapping by Conjugation

2. Time of transfer – interrupted mating (vortex

Genetic Mapping by Conjugation 2. Time of transfer – interrupted mating (vortex
by jigsaw motor)

Hfr A


Hfr StrS

F- StrR







Order of transfer into F-




15 min

25 min

35 min

Слайд 20

Genetic Mapping by Conjugation

2. Time of transfer – interrupted mating (vortex

Genetic Mapping by Conjugation 2. Time of transfer – interrupted mating (vortex
by jigsaw motor) Mating as described previous but now plate on minimal media + streptomycin + phenyalanine OR cysteine OR threonine

Number of selected StrR




Time of mating interruption

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