Слайд 4Its first name was
It is the oldest part
of London
It is

a business and
commercial centre
Слайд 6The tower of London
It was a fortress
It was a prison
It was a

Слайд 7The tower of London
Now it is a Museum
of arms

and armour
Слайд 8The Tower of London
A lot of people were executed there

Слайд 9The Tower of London
As long as there are

ravens at the
Tower Britain will continue to exist
Слайд 10The tower of London
Do you believe in ghosts???

Слайд 11The tower of London
The Ceremony of the Keys
Sentry: Who comes there?
Chief Warder: The

S: Whose keys?
CW: Queen Elizabeth's keys. (identifying the keys as being those of the current British monarch)
S: Pass Queen Elizabeth's Keys. All's well.
Слайд 13St.Paul’s Cathedral
He knew that he
would redesigned
St.Paul’s Cathedral
before The Great
He was given

the titule of knight
Only his third project was accepted by the Government
Слайд 15St. Paul’s Cathedral
What is inside?
There are three galleries:
a stone gallery,

gold gallery and
a whispering gallery
Слайд 18The Monument
Also Known as
The Monument
to the Great Fire
Was designed by Christopher

Wren and Robert Hooke
Слайд 19The Monument
The height is 61.57 m. Its height
marks its distance from the

site in
Pudding Lane of the shop of Thomas
Farynor, the king's baker, where the
Great Fire began.
Слайд 20The Monument
Nowadays 360 degree panoramic
camera was installed on top of the
Monument. Updated

every minute
And running 24 hours a day, it
provides a record of weather,building
and ground activity in the City.