W.Shakespear Life and creative work


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William Shakespeare (26 April 1564-23 April 1616)
was an English poet , playwright

William Shakespeare (26 April 1564-23 April 1616) was an English poet ,
and dramatist.
His surviving works include at least 38 plays,154
sonnets, and a variety of other poems.
He is called England’s national poet and the “Bard
of Avon”. His works have been translated into
every major living language.


Shakespeare’s Birthplace

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W. Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon
and at the age of

W. Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon and at the age
18 he married Anne Hathaway, with whom
he had three children : Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith.
Anne Hathaway was born in Shottery, a small village just to the west of Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Hathaway was 26 years of age when she married but Shakespeare was only 18.The age difference between William and Anne was typical of couples of their time.

W. Shakespeare’s wife

Anne’s native house

W. Shakespeare
(18 years old)

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The most of their married life, he lived in London, writing and

The most of their married life, he lived in London, writing and
performing his plays, while Anne stayed in Stratford.
When Shakespeare retired from the theatre in 1613,he chose to live in Stratford, not in London.

The First Edition

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SUSANNA HALL (1582 – 1648 ),was the eldest child of William Shakespeare

SUSANNA HALL (1582 – 1648 ),was the eldest child of William Shakespeare
and Anne Hathaway.
She was born merely/только/ six months after her parents’ marriage.
Along with her brother Hamnet and younger sister Judith, she was raised in Stratford – upon – Avon . Like most women in seventeenth century in England ,Susanna and her sister Judith never received any education and did not learn to read and write.

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AUGUST 11,1596

Shakespeare’s son Hamnet died, and was
buried, while his father was on

AUGUST 11,1596 Shakespeare’s son Hamnet died, and was buried, while his father
tour in
The cause of death is unknown ,
although PLAGUE/чума/ and FAMINE
/голод/ were rife/распространенный/
at that time in the Stratford aria.
Hamnet was 11 years old .
He was the only son of W. Shakespeare .


There were no more male children in William
Shakespeare’s line.

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Judith Quiney was the second daughter of W. Shakespeare and the twin

Judith Quiney was the second daughter of W. Shakespeare and the twin
of Hamnet.
She was married in 1616 to Thomas Quiney, a vintner of Stratford - upon – Avon, in Holy Trinity Church.
The couple settled in Stratford .
Thomas left the town some years
before his death, but Judith lived in
Stratford until she died.
Judith and Thomas had 3 children:
Shakespeare, Richard and Thomas.
Shakespeare died as an infant/младенец/
in 1617;
Richard and Thomas died in 1639, 19 and
21 years old. By the time of her death in
1662, Judith had outlived /пережить/all
of her children by seven years.

Holy Trinity Church

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Susanna and Dr. John Hall were married on 5 June 1607. She

Susanna and Dr. John Hall were married on 5 June 1607. She
was 24 years old. They had only one child, a girl Elizabeth.
She was born in 1608.
Dr. Hall died suddenly in 1635 and was buried close to Shakespeare at Holy Trinity Church.
Susanna died in 1649, at the good age of sixty – six.
Her daughter and Shakespeare’s granddaughter
Elizabeth Hall was well educated.

Elizabeth and her first husband

Her first husband was the wealthy
barrister/адвокат/ Thomas Nash, son of
Shakespeare ‘s good friend ,Anthony
Nash .They lived in Abington Manor
in New Place
where Nash died
in 1645.

New Place

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Four years later Elizabeth married her second husband, John Barnard, who was

Four years later Elizabeth married her second husband, John Barnard, who was
knighted /возведён в рыцарское достоинство/
in 1661 by Charles II.
Elizabeth had no children and was Shakespeare’s last descendant /потомок/. She died in 1670, when she was 62 birthday.

New Place

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"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players:

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely
have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts..."

It is not known exactly when Shakespeare
began to write but several of his plays were on
the London stage by 1592.
In 1599, a partnership of company members
built their own theatre on the south bank of
the Thames, which they called the GLOBE.

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The years 1594-1599 were great for Shakespeare. He produced a stream of

The years 1594-1599 were great for Shakespeare. He produced a stream of
plays of the highest quality.
Finally in 1599, he became part owner in the playhouse in London, the Globe.
The original Globe Theatre was build in 1599 by the
playing company. It was destroyed by fire on June
29,1613. The Globe Theatre was rebuilt by
June 1614 and closed in 1642.

First Globe Theatre

Modern Globe Theatre

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A modern reconstruction of the original Globe named
“Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre “

A modern reconstruction of the original Globe named “Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre “
or the “New Globe Theatre”
opened in 1997.



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Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1590 and 1612. He

Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1590 and 1612. He
is one of the few playwrights of the time considered to have excelled in both tragedy and comedy.
1.Julius Caesar 10.Twelfth Night
2.Macbeth 11.All ends well
3.Othello that ends well
4.King Lear 12.A Midsummer 5.Hamlet Night’s dream
6.Henry V 13.The Two Gentle-
7.Richard III men of Verona
8.Romeo and Juliet
9.Much Ado about nothing

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Shakespeare’s Will

In May 1602 Shakespeare bought a cottage opposite his great

Shakespeare’s Will In May 1602 Shakespeare bought a cottage opposite his great
house in New Place, and lived there.
He died aged 52 on 23 April 1616. Shakespeare was buried in the chapel of the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon. His illness was unknown but Stratford’s vicar wrote that W. Shakespeare died from a feavour.
Shakespeare’s funeral monument ,on the church wall nearest his grave has a bust of him posed in the act of writing .
Shakespeare wrote his own epitaph.

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“Good friends, for Jesus’ sake forbear
To dig the dust enclosed here:
Blessed be

“Good friends, for Jesus’ sake forbear To dig the dust enclosed here:
the man that spares these stones,
And curst be he that moves my bones.”

« Друг, ради Господа,
не рой останков,
взятых сей землей. Не тронувший -блажен в веках и проклят -
тронувший мой прах.»

The Stone Slab over Shakespeare's Tomb

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Scenes from Sakespeare's Comedies and Tragedies.


Scenes from Sakespeare's Comedies and Tragedies. Adelaide

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Romeo and Juliet

Sonnet 138

Romeo and Juliet Sonnet 138

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Falstaff Cordelia
Имя файла: W.Shakespear-Life-and-creative-work.pptx
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