Basic Information about Oil and Gas


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What is Petroleum?
How is oil formed?
What is Oil used for?
Oil Composition
Oil Properties

Outline What is Petroleum? How is oil formed? What is Oil used

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What is Petroleum?

Petroleum: a complex mixture of naturally occurring hydrocarbon compounds found

What is Petroleum? Petroleum: a complex mixture of naturally occurring hydrocarbon compounds
in rock.
Petroleum Latin word (“Petra” means rocks, “oleum” means oil)
Solid, gas or liquid
Petroleum generally refers to liquid crude oil
Crude Oil: A general term for unrefined petroleum or liquid petroleum.

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How is Oil formed?

Oil was formed from the remains of animals and

How is Oil formed? Oil was formed from the remains of animals
plants that lived millions of years ago in a marine (water) environment.
 Over the years, the remains were covered by layers of mud. 
Heat and pressure from these layers helped the remains turn into what we today call crude oil.

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How is Oil formed?

How is Oil formed?

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What is Oil used for?

90% of all transportation fuels
Artificial Heart

What is Oil used for? 90% of all transportation fuels Lipstick Aspirin Artificial Heart Shampoo

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Oil Composition

Hydrocarbons – 98%
Aromatic HCs
Non-hydrocarbon components < 1%
sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen and heavy

Oil Composition Hydrocarbons – 98% Alkanes Cycloalkanes Aromatic HCs Non-hydrocarbon components sulphur,
metals (Vanadium, Nickel, Copper, Zinc and Iron)
but their influence on the product quality can be considerable

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Hydrocarbon Chemistry

Arrangement of the carbon molecules
Open Chain
Number of Bonds between carbon

Hydrocarbon Chemistry Classification: Arrangement of the carbon molecules Open Chain Cyclic Number
Saturated (Alkanes)
Unsaturated (Alkenes, Alkynes)

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Under Standard Conditions (Temperature 298K and Pressure 1 atm)
C1 – C4

Alkanes Under Standard Conditions (Temperature 298K and Pressure 1 atm) C1 –
are gases
C5 – C17 are liquids
>C17 are solids

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At reservoir - Long chain of HCs may exist in solution
At tubing

Alkanes At reservoir - Long chain of HCs may exist in solution
and surface facilities - Long chain of HCs may solidify
The detailed laboratory analysis of the crude oil composition is required
Cyclic HCs are common in crude oil

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Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Arenes)

Carbon atoms are connected by alternating double and single bonds

Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Arenes) Carbon atoms are connected by alternating double and single bonds Benzene

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Non-Hydrocarbon Components of Petroleum Fluids

Typically < 1%
Significant Impact on Product Quality and

Non-Hydrocarbon Components of Petroleum Fluids Typically Significant Impact on Product Quality and Processing Requirement
Processing Requirement

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Sulphur - 0,2 % to 6% (average 0,65 %)
Highly Corrosive and Toxic

Sulphur - 0,2 % to 6% (average 0,65 %) Highly Corrosive and
Free Sulphur, Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), and other carbon compounds with Suphur.
Natural Gases – H2S

Non-Hydrocarbon Components of Petroleum Fluids

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Nitrogen <0,2%, high as 2%
Reduces Caloric Value
Oxygen can produce corrosive compounds
Carbon Dioxide

Nitrogen Reduces Caloric Value Oxygen can produce corrosive compounds Carbon Dioxide +
+ Water = Carbonic Acid
Metals: Vanadium, Nickel, Copper, Zinc and Iron.

Non-Hydrocarbon Components of Petroleum Fluids

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Oil Properties

Crude oil properties can vary widely depending on where the oil

Oil Properties Crude oil properties can vary widely depending on where the
is found and under what conditions it was formed
The properties of oil include its density, called the API gravity (named after the American Petroleum Institute)

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Specific Gravity of a Liquid

The specific gravity of a liquid is the

Specific Gravity of a Liquid The specific gravity of a liquid is
ratio of its density to that of water

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API gravity

the lower its density, the higher its API gravity

API gravity the lower its density, the higher its API gravity

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Light and Heavy Oil

Crude oil can be classified as either light or

Light and Heavy Oil Crude oil can be classified as either light
heavy depending on its API gravity (or density).
Heavy: 10–20° API gravity- quality of oil less
Light: above 25° API gravity- quality higher

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Sour and Sweet Oil

Crude oil can also be classified as either sour

Sour and Sweet Oil Crude oil can also be classified as either
or sweet, depending on the amount of sulphur it contains.
Oil with a high sulphur content (0.5% and above, by weight) is considered sour.
Sweet crude oil, on the other hand, has low amounts of these sulphur compounds.

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Onshore and Offshore field

Onshore field: fields on dry land (Tengiz Oil Field)

Onshore and Offshore field Onshore field: fields on dry land (Tengiz Oil
field: fields in the middle of sea (Kashagan Field)

Offshore drilling

Onshore drilling

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The life of an oil or gas field can sub-divided into the

The life of an oil or gas field can sub-divided into the
following phases:

Oil and Gas Field Phases

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Exploration is a process of finding regions which there might be oil

Exploration Exploration is a process of finding regions which there might be
by analyzing available information.
Exploration is almost like a detective work which requires looking for clues, careful observation, taking notes of different information and evaluation of survey data.
This is the job of petroleum geoscientists who are experts on rocks.
Petroleum geoscientists begin looking for places where there might be oil.
They look for signs that might indicate the presence of oil.

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Geoscientists should create the picture of underground, and figure out how everything

Exploration Geoscientists should create the picture of underground, and figure out how
is organized underground.
They use special tools in order to see the rocks underground.
Most commonly they use seismic technology

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Seismic Technology

The working principle of seismic is based on shock waves created

Seismic Technology The working principle of seismic is based on shock waves
by an explosion or sound generator.
These waves travel beneath the surface of the Earth and reflected back by the various rock layers.
The reflections travel at different speed depending upon on the type of rock layers through which they pass.
So geophysicists interpret the readings for signs of rocks which might contain oil or gas.

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Seismic Technology

Seismic Technology

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Exploration Well

The only way to be absolute sure that there is oil

Exploration Well The only way to be absolute sure that there is
in the underground is simply to drill a well.
Drilling is expensive, the cost of drilling one well can be anything from 1 million to 35 million
the cost depends on several factors:
location of the field (onshore or offshore)
the size of the field, the amount of information which is available
the type of rocks underground
So if hydrocarbons are not found there is no return on the investment.
Therefore there is a large risk involved

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Appraisal Phase

If the results of exploration look promising, then the company enters

Appraisal Phase If the results of exploration look promising, then the company
the Appraisal phase of the life of the field.
During this phase, more seismic waves may be shot and more wells will be drilled to obtain precise picture of the size, shape and producibility of the accumulation.

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Field Development Plan

If the prospect considered to be economically attractive a Field

Field Development Plan If the prospect considered to be economically attractive a
Development Plan will be prepared and submitted for approval to the government.

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When the approval for development is received then the company will commence

Development When the approval for development is received then the company will
drilling Development wells and building production facilities according to the Development Plan.

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The production phase commences with the first commercial quantities of hydrocarbons ("first

Production The production phase commences with the first commercial quantities of hydrocarbons
oil") flowing through the wellhead.
This marks the turning point from a cash flow point of view, since from now on cash is generated and can be used to pay back the prior investments, or may be made available for new projects.
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