- 2. One day an acorn fell from a tree and landed – ‘PLOP!’ – on Chicken Licken’s
- 3. On the way Chicken Licken saw Henny Penny. “The sky is falling down! I am on
- 4. On the way they saw Cocky Locky. “The sky is falling down! We are on our
- 5. On the way they saw Ducky Lucky and Drakey Lakey. “The sky is falling down! We
- 6. Off they all went along the road. “The sky is falling down! We are on our
- 7. At the farm they all met Turkey Lurkey. “I’ll come with you,” said Turkey Lurkey. And
- 8. “Where are you all going together?” “You’re going the wrong way!” said Foxy Loxy. “Let me
- 9. …Foxy Loxy’s family lair! And that was the end of Chicken Licken and all his friends.
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