
Слайд 2

Пояснения для учителя
Игра проводится по командам. Лучше, если команд будет 3 или

Пояснения для учителя Игра проводится по командам. Лучше, если команд будет 3
Команды по очереди выполняют задания и щелкают мышкой – проверяют ответ.
Введение в урок.
Слайды 3-5. Дети узнают, что деревня Санта Клауса находится на северном полюсе. Они выполняют задание «Найдите северный полюс на карте и щелкните на него» .
Этап 1 – соотнесите дома в деревне Санта Клауса и их названия. 
Слайд 7. Этот слайд является главным меню, из которого будут выполняться задания второго этапа игры. Но сначала надо правильно расставить названия домов в деревне.
Даем 2 минуты, чтобы команды могли подумать и соотнести домики на картинке и их названия.
К доске выходит представитель команды 1 и говорит, например: “Number 1 is Santa’s House”. Он щелкает мышкой по табличке “Santa’s House”. Если название встает рядом с нужным номером, даем одно очко.
Переход хода. К доске выходит следующая команда.
Когда все таблички встали на свои места, щелкаем “Click when finished”. 
Этап 2 – посетите дома в деревне Санта Клауса, узнайте, что в них находится, и выполните задания.
Теперь дети будут изучать каждый дом. Чтобы «попасть» в дом, нужно щелкнуть НА ЕГО НОМЕР НА СЛАЙДЕ 7, и программа покажет задания. После изучения каждого дома программа возвращается на главное меню (слайд 7). 
Есть два вида заданий: «Ответь на вопрос» и «Щелкни на запрашиваемое место, чтобы двигаться дальше». Команды выполняют задания по очереди. После каждого задания – переход хода.
Выполняя задания «Ответь на вопрос», команда устно отвечает. Потом нажимаем на “Show the answer”, и программа показывает правильный ответ. Если ответ верен – присуждаем 1 очко.
Внизу слайда появляется задание типа «Найди запрашиваемое место на картинке и щелкни на него». Если команда ответила правильно – присуждаем 1 очко.
Заключительный этап. В конце игры нажимаем кнопку “End of the game”. Подсчитываем очки и объявляем победителя.

Слайд 3

Santa's Village

Santa's Village

Слайд 4

Where does Santa live?

Click on the North Pole to see Santa’s house


Where does Santa live? Click on the North Pole to see Santa’s
lives on the North Pole.

the answer

Слайд 5

Click on the Chimney to explore Santa’s village

Click on the Chimney to explore Santa’s village

Слайд 6

End of
the game











Match the houses and their names.
Click on the

End of the game 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9
names to check your answers.

Name a house and click on its number to learn about it.


Reindeer Barn

Post office

Mrs. Claus’s Kitchen




Santa’s house

Click when finished


Elves’ house

Слайд 7

What is the youngest reindeer drinking?

He is drinking water or milk.


What is the youngest reindeer drinking? He is drinking water or milk.

Click on the sleigh to see how many reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh.

Слайд 8

How many reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh?

Nine reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh.

the answer


How many reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh? Nine reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh. Show
on Rudolph’s red nose to learn more about reindeer and elves.

Слайд 9

Are elves and reindeer real friends?

Elves and reindeer are real friends.


Are elves and reindeer real friends? Elves and reindeer are real friends.

Click on the rabbit to see how elves feed reindeer.

Слайд 10

Who feeds the reindeer?

Elves feed the reindeer.

the answer

Click on the bells

Who feeds the reindeer? Elves feed the reindeer. Show the answer Click
on the reindeer’s neck to see how reindeer play.

Слайд 11

What game are two small reindeer playing?

They are playing snowballs.

the answer


What game are two small reindeer playing? They are playing snowballs. Show
on the Christmas tree to see how reindeer rest.

Слайд 12

The reindeer is resting in front of the …… .

The reindeer is

The reindeer is resting in front of the …… . The reindeer
resting in front of the fireplace.

the answer

to the village

Слайд 13

Who makes presents for children?

Santa Claus and elves make presents.

the answer


Who makes presents for children? Santa Claus and elves make presents. Show

to the village

Слайд 14

Who works at Santa’s workshop?

Elves work at Santa’s workshop.

the answer

Click on

Who works at Santa’s workshop? Elves work at Santa’s workshop. Show the
the number of days before Christmas.

Слайд 15

What is the girl-elf making?

She is making a teddy bear.

the answer


What is the girl-elf making? She is making a teddy bear. Show
on the oldest elf’s ear.

Слайд 16

What is the elf making?

He is making a train.

the answer

Click on

What is the elf making? He is making a train. Show the
the smallest red wheel to see what Santa is making.

Слайд 17

What is Santa making?

Santa is making a horse.

the answer

Click on the

What is Santa making? Santa is making a horse. Show the answer
elf in a blue jacket to see what more Santa is making.

Слайд 18

What is Santa

He is making
a clown.

the answer

Click on the

What is Santa making? He is making a clown. Show the answer
ball on the clown’s hat.

Слайд 19

What is Santa making?

He is making
a train.

the answer

to the

What is Santa making? He is making a train. Show the answer Back to the village

Слайд 20

What is there in this house?

There are a lot of presents.


What is there in this house? There are a lot of presents.

to the village

Слайд 21

Where is Santa sitting?

Santa is sitting in an armchair.

the answer

Click on

Where is Santa sitting? Santa is sitting in an armchair. Show the
the clock to learn more about Santa’s home

Слайд 22

What is Santa putting on?

Santa is putting on his boots.

the answer


What is Santa putting on? Santa is putting on his boots. Show

to the village

Слайд 23

What is there in the big bags?

There are letters from children in

What is there in the big bags? There are letters from children
the bags.

the answer

Click on the ink-bottle to see who helps Santa read the letters.

Слайд 24

Who helps Santa read the letters?

Mrs. Claus and elves help Santa.


Who helps Santa read the letters? Mrs. Claus and elves help Santa.

Click on the mail bag to see how Santa’s office has changed today

Слайд 25

Santa can work on the …… .

Santa can work on the computer.


Santa can work on the …… . Santa can work on the

the answer

Click on the web camera to see Santa making a list.

Слайд 26

What kind of list is Santa making?

Santa is making his list of

What kind of list is Santa making? Santa is making his list
good and bad children.

the answer

to the village

Слайд 27

In this house Santa gets information about the …… .

In this house

In this house Santa gets information about the …… . In this
Santa gets information about the weather.

the answer

Click on the sun to see what the weather will be like on Christmas day.

Слайд 28

What is the weather like?

It is snowing.

the answer

to the village

What is the weather like? It is snowing. Show the answer Back to the village

Слайд 29

Who helps Mrs. Claus at the kitchen?

Click on the Mrs. Claus’s glasses

Who helps Mrs. Claus at the kitchen? Click on the Mrs. Claus’s
to see what she is cooking.

Elves help Mrs. Claus

the answer

Слайд 30

What does Mrs. Claus cook?

She cooks Christmas biscuits.

the answer

to the

What does Mrs. Claus cook? She cooks Christmas biscuits. Show the answer Back to the village

Слайд 31

Who lives in this house?

Click on the biggest chimney to see a

Who lives in this house? Click on the biggest chimney to see
cutie elf in front of her house.

Elves live here.

the answer

Слайд 32

Click on the fir-tree to watch elves at home

Click on the fir-tree to watch elves at home

Слайд 33

Click on the red ribbon to see elves in love

Click on the red ribbon to see elves in love

Слайд 34

Click on the window to see some more elves at home

Click on the window to see some more elves at home

Слайд 35

to the village

Back to the village

Слайд 36

When will the elves have their
sledding practice?

They will have sledding practice

When will the elves have their sledding practice? They will have sledding
on Thursday at 4 o’clock.

the answer

Click on Santa’s picture to see what more elves like to do.

Слайд 37

What are the elves doing?

They are dancing.

the answer

Click on the elf’s

What are the elves doing? They are dancing. Show the answer Click
green hair to see how elves play.

Слайд 38

What are two elves on the right doing?

They are skiing.

the answer


What are two elves on the right doing? They are skiing. Show
on the jumping elf’s nose to see what more elves like to do.

Слайд 39

What are the elves doing?

They are singing a song.

the answer


What are the elves doing? They are singing a song. Show the
the village
Имя файла: Village.pptx
Количество просмотров: 71
Количество скачиваний: 0