Diatom method

Слайд 2

Achnanthes laevis (Oest.)

Cymbella mesiana Cholnoky

Diatoms are unicellar algae with golden-brown photosynthetic pigments.

Achnanthes laevis (Oest.) Cymbella mesiana Cholnoky Diatoms are unicellar algae with golden-brown
Their cell wall is silicified to form a frustule, comprising two valves, one overlapping the other like the lid of a box.
Diatoms are the dominant marine primary producers and play a particularly important role in the carbon, silica and nutrient budgets of the modern ocean.

Слайд 3

Diatoms distribution

Diatoms are autotrophic and form the basis of food chains in

Diatoms distribution Diatoms are autotrophic and form the basis of food chains
many aquatic ecosystems. Different species occupy benthic and planktonic niches in ponds, lakes, rivers, salt marshes, lagoons, seas and oceanic waters, while some thrive in the soil, in ice, or attached to trees and rocks.






Слайд 4

Reconstructable parameters

Physical factors:
Mixing properties
Ice cover duration
Chemical factors:
Organic carbon
Biological factors:

Reconstructable parameters Physical factors: Temperature Luminance Mixing properties Ice cover duration Chemical

Слайд 5

The formation of diatom-rich deposits

The formation of diatom-rich deposits

Слайд 6

Salinity Reconstructions from Continental Lakes

Figure: Lake-level record from the Willandra Lakes, Murray
Basin, southwestern

Salinity Reconstructions from Continental Lakes Figure: Lake-level record from the Willandra Lakes,
New South Wales. Modified from Bowler JM (1998) Willandra Lakes revisited: Environmental framework for human occupation.

Слайд 7


Armstrong H., Brasier M. Microfossils. – John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Elias S.

References Armstrong H., Brasier M. Microfossils. – John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Encyclopedia of Quaternary science. – Elsevier, 2006.
Л. Б. Назарова. Биологические индикаторы в палеоэкологических исследованиях, Казанский ун-т, 2013.
Имя файла: Diatom-method.pptx
Количество просмотров: 50
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