Слайд 2What does an eco-entrepreneur do?

Слайд 3
Is dirty water a business opportunity?

Слайд 4Michael Pritchard: How to make filthy water drinkable

Слайд 5Agenda
Diary of an eco-entrepreneur.
Can you identify the eco-entrepreneurs?
Company Examples.
Eco-design workshop

Слайд 13eco-schools.org.uk
Thank you for your interest in the Eco-Schools Programme. By following the

programme, your school will become a more stimulating place in which to learn and you will reduce the environmental impact of the whole school on the community.
Once registered your school will be part of an international group of schools working towards education for sustainable development and a better quality of life for local and global communities.
To get a glimpse of what it is like to be an Eco-School please click here or on this icon alternatively click here. We hope that you enjoy the process of change and discovery Eco-Schools engenders and, once again, welcome to Eco-Schools.
Слайд 16Where are the eco-entrepreneurs?

Слайд 18The challenges of eco-entrepreneurship