Emotions. Behavior and acts


Слайд 2

That’s why you take it out on the wall!
Выплеснуть ярость


That’s why you take it out on the wall! Выплеснуть ярость Emotions

Слайд 3

You tend to rub someone up the wrong way
Раздражать, «гладить против шерсти»

You tend to rub someone up the wrong way Раздражать, «гладить против шерсти»

Слайд 4

He likes it. He gets off on it. The weirder the crime,

He likes it. He gets off on it. The weirder the crime,
the more he gets off.
Кайфовать с чего-либо

Слайд 5

He put the wind up everybody, we hated him.
Нагонять страх

He put the wind up everybody, we hated him. Нагонять страх

Слайд 6

To come out of one’s shell
Становиться дружелюбным, социабельным

Behavior and acts

To come out of one’s shell Становиться дружелюбным, социабельным Behavior and acts

Слайд 7

To be a shoulder to cry on
Быть жилеткой

To be a shoulder to cry on Быть жилеткой

Слайд 8

To wrap somebody up
Одевать потеплее

To wrap somebody up Одевать потеплее

Слайд 9

He decked her out in enough explosives to take down a house

He decked her out in enough explosives to take down a house Нарядить

Слайд 10

He’s alcoholic, he recently walked out on his wife
Бросать (в беде)

He’s alcoholic, he recently walked out on his wife Бросать (в беде)

Слайд 11

I don’t suppose you’d serve time for this, but let’s avoid court

I don’t suppose you’d serve time for this, but let’s avoid court case. Отбывать наказание
Отбывать наказание

Слайд 12

I’m sure he’d make a decent job of your boiler
Не справляться

I’m sure he’d make a decent job of your boiler Не справляться с заданием
с заданием

Слайд 13

Hiya, buddy. How long, eight years since I last clapped eyes on

Hiya, buddy. How long, eight years since I last clapped eyes on you Видеться, встречаться
Видеться, встречаться

Слайд 14

Grab a pew

Grab a pew Присаживайтесь

Слайд 15

-Do you need anything?
- We are all sorted here, thanks
Ничего не

-Do you need anything? - We are all sorted here, thanks Ничего не нужно, спасибо
нужно, спасибо

Слайд 16

-Do you want me to buzz you in?

-Do you want me to buzz you in? Впускать

Слайд 17

-What for?
-For wading in
За то, что ввязался

-What for? -For wading in За то, что ввязался

Слайд 18

-Learning Serbian took me a couple of hours
-Hmm.. You’re slipping
Теряешь сноровку, хватку

-Learning Serbian took me a couple of hours -Hmm.. You’re slipping Теряешь сноровку, хватку

Слайд 19

-I think I’ll just drop by
Забежать куда-либо

-I think I’ll just drop by Забежать куда-либо

Слайд 20

-Oh, for God’s sake, make up your mind!

-Oh, for God’s sake, make up your mind! Определиться

Слайд 21

-It looks fishy
Чет падазрительна

People & Things + description

-It looks fishy Чет падазрительна People & Things + description

Слайд 22

-He was up to his eyes in some kind of troubles
Быть по

-He was up to his eyes in some kind of troubles Быть по уши в чем-либо
уши в чем-либо

Слайд 23

-She was popular, she was going places
Быть популярным

-She was popular, she was going places Быть популярным

Слайд 24

-You sat there and watched me beaten to a pulp
До полусмерти

-You sat there and watched me beaten to a pulp До полусмерти

Слайд 25

Glove compartment

Glove compartment Бардачок

Слайд 26

-Well, isn’t it a prime spot?
Элитный район

-Well, isn’t it a prime spot? Элитный район

Слайд 27

-Police are out of their depth
Быть некомпетентным

-Police are out of their depth Быть некомпетентным

Слайд 28

-You are more sitting-down type

-You are more sitting-down type Домосед

Слайд 29

Заклятый враг

Arch-enemy Заклятый враг

Слайд 30

-Over that distance with that kind of weapon, that is a crack

-Over that distance with that kind of weapon, that is a crack
shot you are looking for
Меткий стрелок, снайпер

Слайд 31

-Oi! What the hell do you think you’re doing? This gallery is

-Oi! What the hell do you think you’re doing? This gallery is
a listed public building
Памятник архитектуры

Слайд 32

-Looks like he had back-to-back meetings with the sales man

-Looks like he had back-to-back meetings with the sales man Бесперерывный

Слайд 33

-What if one of them was light-fingered? Нечист на руку

-What if one of them was light-fingered? Нечист на руку

Слайд 34

-Blimey! That was quick!
God blind me!


-Blimey! That was quick! = God blind me! Expressions

Слайд 35

-A small “thank you” wouldn’t go amiss
Быть уместным

-A small “thank you” wouldn’t go amiss Быть уместным

Слайд 36

-What about these suicides, Sherlock? I thought that’s right up your street

-What about these suicides, Sherlock? I thought that’s right up your street По твоей части
твоей части

Слайд 37

-Haven’t the faintest (idea)
Ни малейшего представления

-Haven’t the faintest (idea) Ни малейшего представления

Слайд 38

Shot in the dark
Пальцем в небо

Shot in the dark Пальцем в небо

Слайд 39

-It was a long shot, anyway
Мало шансов на успех

-It was a long shot, anyway Мало шансов на успех
Имя файла: Emotions.-Behavior-and-acts.pptx
Количество просмотров: 47
Количество скачиваний: 0