Слайд 2


Enumeration is a rhetorical device used for listing the details

WHAT IS ENUMERATION? Enumeration is a rhetorical device used for listing the
or a process of mentioning words or phrases step by step. In fact, it is a type of amplification or division in which a subject is further distributed into components or parts.

Слайд 3


“Stay, Harry,” said Hallward, looking at this

OSCAR WILDE “THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY” “Stay, Harry,” said Hallward, looking
picture. “And now, Dorian, get up on the platform, and don’t move about too much, or listen to what Lord Henry says. He has a very bad influence over all his friends.”

Слайд 4

Words! How terrible they were! How clear, and bright, and dangerous!

Words! How terrible they were! How clear, and bright, and dangerous!

Слайд 5

No, you don’t feel it now. Some day, when you are old

No, you don’t feel it now. Some day, when you are old
and wrinkled and ugly, when thought has left lines on your forehead, you will feel it, you will feel it terribly.
It is of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or spring-time, or the reflection in dark waters of that silver moon.
But what the gods give you, they quickly take away. You have only a few years in which to live really, perfectly, and fully.

Слайд 6

And now he stood looking at his own beauty. Yes, there would

And now he stood looking at his own beauty. Yes, there would
be a day when his face would be wrinkled, his eyes dull and colourless, the body broken and deformed.

Слайд 7

One should sympathize with the colour, the beauty, the joy of life.

One should sympathize with the colour, the beauty, the joy of life.
The less said about life’s sores, the better.
Имя файла: Enumeration.pptx
Количество просмотров: 56
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