Dialogs [i:] teacher, teach, read [i] strict, uniform, think [p] pupil, problem, copybook [e] pen, pencil, ready [w] workbook, week, well [ǣ] have, has, exam [s] subject, test, school

Слайд 2

Make up tag-questions and answer them

Pupils must be at school at 8.30,

Make up tag-questions and answer them Pupils must be at school at
Children mustn’t smoke and take drugs, ……….?
You should help your classmates, ……………..?
Pupils shouldn’t think that Russian is more important than Maths, …………….?
You must do your homework every day, ……….?
Pupils should be polite, ……………………?
English words can not be easily learnt, ………….?
Teachers should be strict, ……………………?

Слайд 3


Pupils must be at school at 8.30, mustn’t they?
Children mustn’t smoke

Check Pupils must be at school at 8.30, mustn’t they? Children mustn’t
and take drugs, must they?
You should help your classmates, shouldn’t they?
Pupils shouldn’t think that Russian is more important than Maths, should they?
You must do your homework every day, mustn’t you?
Pupils should be polite, shouldn’t they?
English words can not be easily learnt, can’t they?
Teachers should be strict, shouldn’t they?

Слайд 4

Read and act out
SB Ex. 41 p. 70

Read and act out SB Ex. 41 p. 70

Слайд 5

Make up your own dialogs

What should I wear?
Do you think I should……..?

Make up your own dialogs What should I wear? Do you think
should I do?
You shouldn’t be…….
It doesn’t matter.
You should be on time.
Имя файла: Dialogs-[i:]-teacher,-teach,-read-[i]-strict,-uniform,-think-[p]-pupil,-problem,-copybook-[e]-pen,-pencil,-ready-[w]-workbook,-week,-well-[ǣ]-have,-has,-exam-[s]-subject,-test,-school.pptx
Количество просмотров: 697
Количество скачиваний: 1