Grammar in Use

Слайд 3

Past Tenses

+ V ing

Mary planted some flowers yesterday.
Mary was planting flowers yesterday

Past Tenses + V ing Mary planted some flowers yesterday. Mary was
at 10 o'clock.
Mary had planted flowers before Jack phoned her.
Mary had been planting flowers for 2 hours before her mum called her.

Слайд 4

What tense would you use?

Мы ходили на экскурсию в краеведческий музей в

What tense would you use? Мы ходили на экскурсию в краеведческий музей
прошлом месяце.
Питер упаковывал свой чемодан, когда кто-то постучал в дверь.
Мы вышли из квартиры с чемоданами до того, как прибыло такси.
Я надела пальто, взяла сумку и вышла из дома.
Джейн готовила торт в течение 2 часов перед тем, как встретить гостей.

Слайд 5

Compound nouns

A compound noun normally has two parts. They can be written

Compound nouns A compound noun normally has two parts. They can be
one word: policeman, boyfriend, football, goalkeeper, mankind, toothpaste
two word joined with a hyphen: passer-by, take-off, looking-glass, x-ray, grown-ups
two separate words: washing machine, vacuum cleaner, post office, bus stop, credit card

Слайд 6

Intonation in compound nouns

GREENhouse – green HOUSE
теплица, парник – зелёный дом (цвет)

Intonation in compound nouns GREENhouse – green HOUSE теплица, парник – зелёный
– black BOARD
школьная доска – чёрная доска (цвет)
DARKroom – dark ROOM
комната для проявки фото – тёмная комната
ENGlish teacher – English TEACHer
учитель английского – учитель-англичанин

Слайд 7

Dependent prepositions (Appendix 1)

to be on foot – пешком
by car – на автомобиле

Dependent prepositions (Appendix 1) to be on foot – пешком by car
in – прибывать в
on holiday – на каникулах, в отпуске
on board – на борту

Слайд 8

Phrasal verbs


get off

get in
(train, bus, plane – arrive)

get by
(to live, manage)


Phrasal verbs get get off (leave) get in (train, bus, plane –
(move from
place to place)

get on (with)
(have a good relationship)

Слайд 9

Ex. 7 p. 87

I haven't had much money since I lost my

Ex. 7 p. 87 I haven't had much money since I lost
job, but I'm ______________.
I must ____________ now or I'll miss my bus.
Does Tom __________well with his sister?
It's easy for tourists to ____________ the city by train, bus or tram.
What time does your flight _________?

getting by

get off

get on

get around

get in

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