Слайд 5Complete the following pieces of advice. You may use the adverbs more

than once.
Do homework
Do test
Слайд 6
What should you do to be good at something?

Слайд 7Which subjects are Susan and John good at?

Слайд 9
1. In ICT Susan Parker works hard. - True
2. In History she

listens well. - False
3. In Science Susan Parker does experiments correctly. - False
4. In ICT John Smith works well. - True
5. In History he does projects correctly. - False
6. In Maths John Smith tries hard. - True
7. In Science he presents projects carefully.- False
Слайд 10Who is the best pupil in your class?
I think….

Слайд 11Plan:
Who is the best pupil?
What is he (she) interested in?
What are

his (her) achievements?
Where did he (she) take part in?
What did he (she) do to get good results?
What are his (her) ambitions?
Слайд 12Words of wisdom
Solomon’s proverbs
Match the proverbs and their equivalents.
Being lazy will

make you poor, but hard work will make you rich.
Hard work will give you power, being lazy will make you a slave.
If you are lazy, you will never get what you are after, but if you work hard, you will get a fortune.
Рука прилежных будет господствовать, а ленивая будет под данью.
Ленивый не жарит своей дичи; а имущество человека прилежного многоценно.
Ленивая рука делает бедным, а рука прилежных обогащает.
Слайд 14How did you work at the lesson?
Work hard
Work well
Work attentively
Behave emotionally
Work fast

Follow instruction carefully
Practice much
Organize work properly