Learning objectives

Слайд 2

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Слайд 3

“Hand in, pass out”
Match the words to the pictures
Make up short text

“Hand in, pass out” Match the words to the pictures Make up
Make a poster

Watch the video
Names of professions

Methods of learning activities




Слайд 4

“Hand in, pass out”

Teacher gives students key words, have them respond on

“Hand in, pass out” Teacher gives students key words, have them respond
notebook paper anonymously. Students then hand their papers in. Teacher immediately, randomly gives them back to students for grading. Students get practice grading others work, but shouldn't know who is who. Teacher then takes informal poll about how many questions students answered correctly.

Key words. Guess the professions
1. Education. Students. Books.
2. Medicine. Injection. Hospital
3. Uniform. Thief. Rules.
4. Food. Knife. Kitchen
5. Airplane. Sky. Cabin.
6. Letter. Post. Bicycle.
7. Microphone. Scene. Public.

• answer the questions
• guess the name of the professions

Слайд 5


(W, f ) Pre-listening
Answer the questions
-Who do you want to be,

Listening (W, f ) Pre-listening Answer the questions -Who do you want
when you grow up?
-What do you think? What kind of profession is the most well paid?
-What is the most dangerous profession?
-What kind of profession do your parents own?
Thanks to these questions pupils will improve their thinking skills and they will learn how to make sentences using their vocabulary
• answer the questions
• work with the vocabulary

(W, f ) While – listening
Learners watch the video about professions.
• watch the video
• understand the meaning

(G) Post –listening
Gives each student a card they should make sentences by their professions in one minute. Then in line to read their sentences. Other students listen to guess the professions. Who guesses right takes the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner
• names of professions
• use the vocabulary make sentences

Слайд 6


(W, f) “Famous people”
There will be pictures of famous people and

Speaking (W, f) “Famous people” There will be pictures of famous people
information about them shown on screen for students. Are they familiar to you? Let’s play attention and describe their professions
• describe the professions

Make a poster “Who do you want to be, when you grow up?”
Learners work in groups to make a poster showing what they have learned in a recent class topic. They will need to have a sound knowledge of the topic before beginning the task. They should provide a range of posters. Allow enough time for the learners to discuss and plan their poster, using the planning sheet to bring together the information they need. Give the learners the opportunity to complete their poster and present it to the rest of the class.
Using this worksheet, discuss the types of things they will
need to include in their poster.
• work as a team
• take on a role
• select relevant information
• show awareness of audience

Слайд 7

Differentiation by tasks and resources

Middle level students
Look at the words in the

Differentiation by tasks and resources Middle level students Look at the words
list below and right them under the correct picture
• guess the professions
• list below under the correct picture

High level students
Find the explanations of what each person does in that profession or make up short text about these professions
find the explanations
choose the profession
make up short topic

Low level students
Match the words to the pictures
guess the professions
match the words

Слайд 8



Слайд 9

Two Roses and a Thorn
Name two things that you liked about a

Two Roses and a Thorn Name two things that you liked about
chapter, lesson, etc. and one thing you have a question about.


“Thumbs up, middle, or down”
Ask the class if they understand a concept. If they (think) they get it, thumbs up. If they are not sure, thumbs middle, if they don't get it,
thumbs down.
Teacher assesses learners orally. Very good! Good job! Well done!
Formative assessment Teacher gives students different comments: Good job! You are improving! Well done! Super!
Google Forms
“ Comments/questions/suggestions about the lesson?" Students who normally would not participate in class will participate virtually.
Quick nod
Teacher asks students if they understand, and they nod yes or no

Assessment-based criteria

Имя файла: Learning-objectives.pptx
Количество просмотров: 65
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