- 2. Want fast, accurate, robust NLP
- 3. Strickland Committee Nobel who awards advanced advanced SRL: Who did what to whom? Committee awards Nobel
- 4. Nobel advanced optics Strickland Strickland who who advanced awards Committee SRL: Who did what to whom?
- 5. who advanced optics awards Nobel Committee Strickland to SRL: Who did what to whom? root nsubj
- 6. who advanced awards Committee Nobel Strickland who to optics agent predicate theme beneficiary Strickland advanced Nobel
- 7. 10 years of PropBank SRL Year F1 23% error reduction! ? [Punyakanok et al.] [Toutanova et
- 8. 10 years of PropBank SRL Year F1 [Punyakanok et al.] [Toutanova et al.] [Tackström et al.]
- 9. Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention Multi-task learning, single-pass inference Part-of-speech tagging Labeled dependency parsing Predicate detection Semantic role spans
- 10. [Vaswani et al. 2017]
- 11. Self-attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Layer p Q K V [Vaswani et al. 2017]
- 12. Self-attention Layer p Q K V [Vaswani et al. 2017] committee awards Strickland advanced optics who
- 13. Self-attention Layer p Q K V optics advanced who Strickland awards committee Nobel [Vaswani et al.
- 14. optics advanced who Strickland awards committee Nobel Self-attention Layer p Q K V A [Vaswani et
- 15. Self-attention Layer p Q K V [Vaswani et al. 2017] committee awards Strickland advanced optics who
- 16. Self-attention Layer p Q K V [Vaswani et al. 2017] committee awards Strickland advanced optics who
- 17. Self-attention Layer p Q K V M [Vaswani et al. 2017] committee awards Strickland advanced optics
- 18. Self-attention Layer p Q K V M [Vaswani et al. 2017] committee awards Strickland advanced optics
- 19. Multi-head self-attention Layer p Q K V M M1 MH [Vaswani et al. 2017] committee awards
- 20. Multi-head self-attention Layer p Q K V MH M1 [Vaswani et al. 2017] committee awards Strickland
- 21. Multi-head self-attention Layer p Q K V MH M1 Layer p+1 committee awards Strickland advanced optics
- 22. Multi-head self-attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel [Vaswani et al. 2017] p+1
- 23. Multi-head self-attention + feed forward Multi-head self-attention + feed forward Multi-head self-attention Layer 1 Layer p
- 24. [Vaswani et al. 2017]
- 25. How to incorporate syntax? Multi-task learning [Caruana 1993; Collobert et al. 2011]: Overfits to training domain
- 26. Syntactically-informed self-attention Layer p Q K V biaffine parser biaffine parser biaffine parser biaffine parser biaffine
- 27. Syntactically-informed self-attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel
- 28. Syntactically-informed self-attention Multi-head self-attention + feed forward Syntactically-informed self-attention Layer 1 Layer p Multi-head self-attention +
- 30. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention Layer 1 Layer r NNP NN VBZ/PRED NNP WP VBN/PRED NN committee awards
- 31. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention Layer 1 Syntactically-informed self-attention Layer p Layer r committee awards Strickland advanced optics
- 32. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel
- 33. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel args predicates Bilinear
- 34. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel args predicates Bilinear
- 35. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args predicates Bilinear
- 36. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args predicates Bilinear
- 37. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args predicates Bilinear
- 38. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args predicates Bilinear
- 39. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args predicates Bilinear
- 40. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args predicates Bilinear
- 41. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args predicates Bilinear pos preds
- 42. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args predicates Bilinear
- 43. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args preds Bilinear
- 44. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args preds Bilinear
- 45. LISA: Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention committee awards Strickland advanced optics who Nobel B-ARG0 args preds Bilinear
- 47. Experimental results
- 48. Experimental results: CoNLL-2005 +2.49 F1 +3.86 F1 +0.9 F1 +2.15 F1 ? 94.9 UAS 96.3 UAS
- 49. Experimental results: CoNLL-2005 +3.23 F1 +2.46 F1 96.5 UAS!
- 50. Experimental results: Validation
- 51. Experimental results: Analysis
- 52. Experimental results: Analysis boundary mistakes
- 53. Summary LISA: Multi-task learning + multi-head self attention trained to attend to syntactic parents Achieves state-of-the-art
- 54. Experimental results: CoNLL-2005 Gold predicates; GloVe embeddings WSJ Test (in-domain): Brown Test (out-of-domain):
- 55. Experimental results: CoNLL-2012 Predicted predicates
- 56. Experimental results: Analysis
- 57. Experimental results: Analysis
- 59. Скачать презентацию