Name the main characters

Слайд 3

Name the main characters





Name the main characters 1 2 3 4

Слайд 5

Answer the questions

1 Who is Van Helsing?
2 With whom does he fight?

Answer the questions 1 Who is Van Helsing? 2 With whom does
Does he fight alone? If no-name his friends.
4What is Dracua`s aim?
5 Who is Frankenstein?

Слайд 6

Translate from Russian into English. To whom the phrases belong to?

1— Твоё сердце не бьётся. —

Translate from Russian into English. To whom the phrases belong to? 1—
Может, его просто нужно снова разжечь?
2 А у нас есть план? Пусть не такой, какой у Веллингтона при Ватерлоо, но все же.
3— Значит ты, великий Ван Хельсинг? — А ты — чокнутый психопат! — У каждого свои проблемы…
4 Человек, что душою чист и что молится даже во сне, может зверем стать, когда сам аконит зацветет при полной луне... Когда ночью сменится этот день — воспарит он в поисках крови, как всадник на резвом коне.
5 — Это хоть человек? — Целых семь человек! Точнее, их части...

Слайд 7

Translate from English into Russian

1 I have some things that'll put

Translate from English into Russian 1 I have some things that'll put
the bit back in your mouth. 
2 - This is my latest invention. It's gas-propelled. Capable of catapulting arrows in rapid tremendous velocity. Just pull the trigger and hold on. 
3 I must go and find out who our new visitor is. You will have to make a little aperitif out of him. We are much too close to success to be interrupted now.
4 He has a bad gimp in his right leg and three copper teeth.
5 How do you know he has copper teeth? Because he's standing right behind you. Move! 

Слайд 8

Fill the gaps with appropriate words

1.A pity your moment of triumph is

Fill the gaps with appropriate words 1.A pity your moment of triumph
being spoiled over a little thing like ______ robbery.
2 Wanted" posters? We are not pleased. Do you think I like being the most _______ man in Europe?
3 Do you have any family, Mr. Van Helsing? Not sure. I hope to find out someday. That's what ____ ___ _____.

Слайд 9

Fill the gaps with appropriate words

1.A pity your moment of triumph is

Fill the gaps with appropriate words 1.A pity your moment of triumph
being spoiled over a little thing like grave robbery.
2 Wanted" posters? We are not pleased. Do you think I like being the most wanted man in Europe?
3 Do you have any family, Mr. Van Helsing? Not sure. I hope to find out someday. That's what keeps me going.

Слайд 10

Describe the moment from the movie 



Describe the moment from the movie 1 2

Слайд 12

What bride died first, second? Who survived?




What bride died first, second? Who survived? 1 2 3

Слайд 13

Make the sentences

1) The _ If _ do _get kill _ chance

Make the sentences 1) The _ If _ do _get kill _
_ you _ to_ it...- you_ do _ they_ 'll worse _ to _ because
2) Moon_ only _ the shed _ first _full _werewolves _before _ The_ consumed_ has_ curse _before _them_ completely_

Слайд 14

Make the sentences

If you get the chance to kill one, do it...

Make the sentences If you get the chance to kill one, do
- because they'll do worse to you.
Werewolves only shed before the first full moon. Before the curse has completely consumed them.

Слайд 15

Complete phrases

Complete phrases
Имя файла: Name-the-main-characters.pptx
Количество просмотров: 40
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