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- Complex Object
Слайд 2Complex Object
1. I know that he is a good expert.
I know
Complex Object
1. I know that he is a good expert.
I know

him to be a good expert.
2. We believe that they launched a new project.
We believe them to have launched a new project.
3. They expect that we will help them.
They expect us to help them.
2. We believe that they launched a new project.
We believe them to have launched a new project.
3. They expect that we will help them.
They expect us to help them.
Слайд 3Complex Object
Complex Object

Слайд 4Complex Object
to see
to watch
to notice to V
to hear
to feel
e.g. I heard
Complex Object
to see
to watch
to notice to V
to hear
to feel
e.g. I heard

her do the job well.
We saw them set the equipment.
to make to V
to let
e.g. Let me introduce you our experts.
They made him send the project once more.
We saw them set the equipment.
to make to V
to let
e.g. Let me introduce you our experts.
They made him send the project once more.
Слайд 5Complex Object
Complex Object

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